Part 58 (1/2)
Or thus:
All glory to thy wondrous Name, Father of mercy, G.o.d of love, Thus we exalt the Lord, the Lamb, And thus we praise the heavenly Dove.
Hymn 3:34. 3d. C. M.
Now let the Father and the Son And Spirit be ador'd, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord.
Hymn 3:35.
Or thus:
Honour to thee, almighty Three, And everlasting One; All glory to the Father be, The Spirit, and the Son.
Hymn 3:36. 3d. S. M.
Ye angels round the throne And saints that dwell below, Wors.h.i.+p the Father, love the Son, And bless the Spirit too.
Hymn 3:37.
Or thus:
Give to the Father praise, Give glory to the Son, And to the Spirit of his grace Be equal honour done.
Hymn 3:38.
A song of praise to the blessed Trinity.
The 1st, as the 148th Psalm.
1 I give immortal praise To G.o.d the Father's love For all my comforts here, And better hopes above; He sent his own Eternal Son, To die for sins That man had done.
2 To G.o.d the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who bought us with his blood From everlasting woe; And now he lives, And now he reigns, And sees the fruit Of all his pains.
3 To G.o.d the Spirit's Name Immortal wors.h.i.+p give, Whose new-creating power Makes the dead sinner live: His work completes The great design And fills the soul With joy divine.
4 Almighty G.o.d, to thee Be endless honours done, The undivided Three, And the mysterious one: Where reason fails With all her powers, There faith prevails, And love adores.
Hymn 3:39.
The 2d, as the 148th Psalm.
1 To Him that chose us first Before the world began, To Him that bore the curse To save rebellious man, To Him that form'd Our hearts anew, Is endless praise And glory due.
2 The Father's love shall run Thro' our immortal songs, We bring to G.o.d the Son Hosannas on our tongues: Our lips address The Spirit's Name With equal praise, And zeal the same.