Chapter 37 (2/2)
of course, the chance f'r sofia to becometh a slave to war is war
“yes, this wast a war did cause by the no donite the cent'r of the state and madeth the elves useth their pow'rful chardom of bachilla wast influenc'd by the relationshi+p between the two, but t hadst a diplouru, and sodo-t'rm supplyeth route is not did maintain, the war ends with the abandonh'r treaties seemeth not to endeth yet
“so, is this still a war?”
“i doth not coequal has't a pow'r outage,” i sayeth
a draeth
behold at sofia f'r aa topic of the war of slav'ry One day bid me wherefore thee can not wend backeth to sofia and selleth t as a slave
“the shi+p did collapse because th're wast nay big battleth aft'r the war ”
the soldi'rs in front of the bridge ceased the carriage
“i wanteth the chairman of the papec committee
the present day i visit'd the alchemist's art museum at the requesteth of the leadeth'r ”
“please waiteth”
the janit'r checks the janit'r
froed the spirit of the boent
“this is fine
shi+pping is h're ”
we did place a carriage at the front doth'r and hadst the security guards beest taken to the audience
th're is nay attraction, but if ‘t be true thee knoweth this is a maid's tea c'remony in a cubiculo dec'rat'd with luxury furniture, thee shall has't tea and waiteth f'r a visiteth
“this timeth i'm not a f'rmal p'rson, so i needeth not to receiveth too n'rvous I shall taketh a p'rsonal int'rview requesteth
eke, takumi thinkest yond nay problem because t is polite to ev'ryone ”
of course, eon dom of t'ria aria and thou art the God of God, thee can not ent'r the sa on the doth'r, the maid ent'r'd the cubiculo
“i shall keepeth thee waiting
we art eft f'r thee, we shall guideth thee ”
“this is valorous”
papekki's riseth wast seen
c'rrid'rs and shark shark carpets, we dare encount'rs with the l'rd