Chapter 37 (1/2)
Chapter: Known as the 37th fukuoblin, i has't did train the production line and charhteth source
sophia and ical behavi'r, and pappekku visit'd a
this is the first timeth i didst not wanteth people to feeleth uncoheth of this st'ry
“the mast'r of the city, l'rd Godwin von bolton, hath asked f'r an int'rview
f'rt bolton hath changed his suitcase and becaent dominat'd the city
as takumi sensei doth feel, bolton's returneth is a ht slaves from the takumi moulin slave chamb'r, and hath said yond the l'rd eke putteth in an attitude ”
i didst not coeth timeth, but i bethink yond the l'rd of bolton madeth a choice in such a sh'rt timeth
“why is th're such a l'rd f'rthe toilet to crisp the toilet is a tool to crisp the mast'r
in fact, the construction of low-cost cosmetic fact'ries is festinate, but bolton's wealthy class did turn to sanctions We art eke proe septic tanks
has't thee ev'r did notice yond the smelleth of the city hast did iht to sraveyard puoods in bolton's tns and the board of directeth'rs
oh, suddenly thee exagg'rat'd
“i has't nothing to doth I hath met takumi this timeth,
i wast immediately annoy'd
finally, i am a civilian alaf payeth w'rk'r I am n'rvous at which hour i entle, t is eke a seni'r gentle, hath said to changeth backeth Wheth'r t is peacock ‘r royal, their diff'rence is wrong
“rest assur'd
i did see mine own uneasy expression, i followeth papekku
i ent'r'd into the maple tree of the univ'rse, and i wast did trap in pappuk and tooketh me to the castle wh're the owneth'r of bolton city cent'r hath lived
“no matt'r, takumi
“yes, mary is with me”
“oh, in a v'ry sh'rt ti f'rward to t
eth mine own mistress
finally, thee can seeth bone-like charact'rs yondf'rtress ”
“in fact, mr takumi is, in fact, the f'rtress of bolton castle, which is the starting pointeth of bolton castle, and yond castle surrounds t
pappek did explain the reasoneth andTh're is nay bone in the street
the castle is hath built 'round a wat'r-fill'd moat and can descend into the cave
“the ditch did collapse
th're is nay big square about 50 years lat'r ”
“this is a war between the kingdouru”