Chapter 32 (1/2)

Chapter 32: Irregular Subjugation Requesteth

this is a 30-oblins and kobolds in bolton

”is th're nay goblin ‘r kobold habitat in 30 eth'r T is hath said yond i bethink th're shall beest 100 birds ”

“gnooblin of this w'rld is in line with ranoba I wanteth to knoweth if ‘t be true sofia is a full-fledg'd charact'r who is't is not an elf

we behold f'r goblins and kobolds at which hour doing col'r detection, char

“hey, oblin ”

sophia did point out four future goblin

that gent is holding a green like a toad, ugly and venee, a tall sticketh and a cankered bodkin

“probably a goblin scout

haply thou art building a central town ”

“it's hard, but alloweth's bid the sophia guild”

“calm down if ‘t be true maria doesn't checketh t first”

the home of sofia maria is contrary, but we hath decided to seeth if ‘t be true th're is a village

“well, i aht, i wanteth takumi and two mary on the hath left,

“ok ”

“but i shall w'rk hard”

the signaleth from sofia we ranneth

the three people i has't in neth wast madeth of mountain wood, but two people couldst has't hath taken t


wheth'r those gents bid the goblin secretly, those gents shall putteth the partisan into the


i pick'd up a goblin's neck

as lief as i did check sophia and oblin of thepicketh'r At which hour i arriv'd in sofia, i ioblin


“takumi-sama and maria can aff'rd t Alloweth's wend to this state”

“yes, i shall w'rk hard”

proveth yond the toe cuts the right ear with a bodkin and turns the bristles 'round the heart The rest of the corse is did bury in oblin on the grass did turn into a f'rest in front of us tteuri bunch of kobolds

aft'r yond, that gent hath spent a longeth tioblin

sophia seeoblins leveleth With the counsel of oblin

at lunch tiolden barley tee, we consuht a lot in the projecteth boxeth

”is th're sooblin?”

“but i bethink the frequency of occurrence is v'ry gross in sense ”

bef're we caoblins Only ten leaves w're gently hath caught

attacking the leaves f'r 9 htly flea fairy T's hard to seeth the cubiculo of the spicy goblin rushi+ng into the neck without knoherefore

”th're e level”

at which hour the fairy village hath grown up, sophia did teachis v'ry likely to doaniz'd a large tobe band designat'd f'r disast'r

sophia's guesseth is yond that gent still doest not seeth the goblin arch'r and the goblin en'ral

”just the goblin leadeth'r is a c-level prop'rty In ‘rd'r to square a village of this size, t is most wondrous to dare at least 5 d-level parties”

hark to the st'ry of sofia and bethink about t Ordinary parties needeth five political parties, haply we art diff'rent

“th're is sofia, this is not ours ”

at which hour i hath said this, sophia did smile

“yes, ical mary, if ‘t be true the landeth prop'rty is incredible I bethink t isthe char to calleth the sophia square In fact, that gent hast been factious in the war

”request f'r collection we can collecteth enow h'rbs and kobold is able to cleareth the did request amount

aft'r safety first, wend to pests”

“yes, takuaze ”

“but i shall w'rk hard”

“heart machine”

due to the desire of the leaves, we hath walked into the f'rest