Chapter 31 (1/2)
Chapter: 31st Alcheuild conf'rence cubiculo We satteth with three guild opposite each oth'r
the guildmast'r suddenly hath asked ive irama's nameth”
“hans is a did fix foe, suilduild
taku of the d class deburu nameth?
“should i sayeth yond?”
i doth not wanteth to expose too uild hadst a leak of privacy, nothing liketh yond I bethink t needeth to beest done well at the guild's job, which is from chinese h'rbalof thy ability to did beat those folk?
t is easy to knoweth if ‘t be true t is a sw'rd ‘r a sw'rd, but i bethink t is chary is h'r in ‘rd'r to feeleth the residuals of h'rsepow'r yond maketh people wond'rful Hans wast not the only one who is't hath taken t, i wast surpris'd
“i wast surpris'd I bethink this is most wondrous
but coequal if ‘t be true t's charm and dobble? this is not the reasoneth wherefore these people art charm ”
yond hat i didst at yond timeth
at which hour the debris hitteth, i secretly did remove the charcoal from the boxeth Upp'r corse is coat'd with charcoal T just burns with a diaments art harmful to me if ‘t be true i hitteth a fist with a fist Diahness is almost the same as crystal hardness, so t can not withstandeth charm attacks
“ Is takmi county an alchemist?
“wait a minute, hans!
“we cov'r'd the surface of the corse with a hard s
“well, if ‘t be true t's self-sufficient, t's a valorous lodging ”
“but tuoba county is regist'r'd as a wizard
i did realize what i hath said to hans
i a a leath'r bodkin Aye, thee behold liketh a warri'r ‘r a prosecut'r
i has't nev'r hath used a cane The st'ry yond sofia toldeth lat'r is not mandat'ry, but the op'ration and controleth of the h'rsepow'r is easy I very much wanteth to knoweth
“i anon knoweth yond the wizard can not seeth mine own compliment extern ”
“well, art those sist'rs too?”
barak did see sofia and mary
then sofia reain at which hour the lady did copy t
“ valorous slaves ‘r criminal slaves If ‘t be true thee consid'r thy sist'r's arts, war slaves and oth'r sist'rs eke seemeth valorous ”
“you knohat t e, thee shall seeth a daw liketh deb'ruis
the abilities of tuoba county art not known, but those gents art already rank'd d grade
“if thee doth this, people who is't keepeth walking shall keepeth decreasing”
i a, but bef're 3 people ranketh d, shall thee not pri'ritize mine own requesteth?
improveth, improveth and ranketh the arts of three people ”
“a draie sophia and maria