Part 36 (1/2)
Almost half an hour pa.s.sed, and the rabbit repeated its cry. Jude could rest no longer till he had put it out of its pain, so dressing himself quickly he descended, and by the light of the moon went across the green in the direction of the sound. He reached the hedge bordering the widow's garden, when he stood still. The faint click of the trap as dragged about by the writhing animal guided him now, and reaching the spot he struck the rabbit on the back of the neck with the side of his palm, and it stretched itself out dead.
He was turning away when he saw a woman looking out of the open cas.e.m.e.nt at a window on the ground floor of the adjacent cottage. ”Jude!” said a voice timidly-Sue's voice. ”It is you-is it not?”
”Yes, dear!”
”I haven't been able to sleep at all, and then I heard the rabbit, and couldn't help thinking of what it suffered, till I felt I must come down and kill it! But I am so glad you got there first... They ought not to be allowed to set these steel traps, ought they!”
Jude had reached the window, which was quite a low one, so that she was visible down to her waist. She let go the cas.e.m.e.nt-stay and put her hand upon his, her moonlit face regarding him wistfully.
”Did it keep you awake?” he said.
”No-I was awake.”
”How was that?”
”Oh, you know-now! I know you, with your religious doctrines, think that a married woman in trouble of a kind like mine commits a mortal sin in making a man the confidant of it, as I did you. I wish I hadn't, now!”
”Don't wish it, dear,” he said. ”That may have been my view; but my doctrines and I begin to part company.”
”I knew it-I knew it! And that's why I vowed I wouldn't disturb your belief. But-I am so glad to see you!-and, oh, I didn't mean to see you again, now the last tie between us, Aunt Drusilla, is dead!”
Jude seized her hand and kissed it. ”There is a stronger one left!” he said. ”I'll never care about my doctrines or my religion any more! Let them go! Let me help you, even if I do love you, and even if you...”
”Don't say it!-I know what you mean; but I can't admit so much as that. There! Guess what you like, but don't press me to answer questions!”
”I wish you were happy, whatever I may be!”
”I can't be! So few could enter into my feeling-they would say 'twas my fanciful fastidiousness, or something of that sort, and condemn me... It is none of the natural tragedies of love that's love's usual tragedy in civilized life, but a tragedy artificially manufactured for people who in a natural state would find relief in parting! ... It would have been wrong, perhaps, for me to tell my distress to you, if I had been able to tell it to anybody else. But I have n.o.body. And I must tell somebody! Jude, before I married him I had never thought out fully what marriage meant, even though I knew. It was idiotic of me-there is no excuse. I was old enough, and I thought I was very experienced. So I rushed on, when I had got into that training school, with all the c.o.c.k-sureness of the fool that I was! ... I am certain one ought to be allowed to undo what one had done so ignorantly! I daresay it happens to lots of women, only they submit, and I kick... When people of a later age look back upon the barbarous customs and superst.i.tions of the times that we have the unhappiness to live in, what will they say!”
”You are very bitter, darling Sue! How I wish-I wish-”
”You must go in now!”
In a moment of impulse she bent over the sill, and laid her face upon his hair, weeping, and then imprinting a scarcely perceptible little kiss upon the top of his head, withdrawing quickly, so that he could not put his arms round her, as otherwise he unquestionably would have done. She shut the cas.e.m.e.nt, and he returned to his cottage.
Sue's distressful confession recurred to Jude's mind all the night as being a sorrow indeed.
The morning after, when it was time for her to go, the neighbours saw her companion and herself disappearing on foot down the hill path which led into the lonely road to Alfredston. An hour pa.s.sed before he returned along the same route, and in his face there was a look of exaltation not unmixed with recklessness. An incident had occurred.
They had stood parting in the silent highway, and their tense and pa.s.sionate moods had led to bewildered inquiries of each other on how far their intimacy ought to go; till they had almost quarrelled, and she said tearfully that it was hardly proper of him as a parson in embryo to think of such a thing as kissing her even in farewell as he now wished to do. Then she had conceded that the fact of the kiss would be nothing: all would depend upon the spirit of it. If given in the spirit of a cousin and a friend she saw no objection: if in the spirit of a lover she could not permit it. ”Will you swear that it will not be in that spirit?” she had said.
No: he would not. And then they had turned from each other in estrangement, and gone their several ways, till at a distance of twenty or thirty yards both had looked round simultaneously. That look behind was fatal to the reserve hitherto more or less maintained. They had quickly run back, and met, and embracing most unpremeditatedly, kissed close and long. When they parted for good it was with flushed cheeks on her side, and a beating heart on his.
The kiss was a turning-point in Jude's career. Back again in the cottage, and left to reflection, he saw one thing: that though his kiss of that aerial being had seemed the purest moment of his faultful life, as long as he nourished this unlicensed tenderness it was glaringly inconsistent for him to pursue the idea of becoming the soldier and servant of a religion in which s.e.xual love was regarded as at its best a frailty, and at its worst d.a.m.nation. What Sue had said in warmth was really the cold truth. When to defend his affection tooth and nail, to persist with headlong force in impa.s.sioned attentions to her, was all he thought of, he was condemned ipso facto as a professor of the accepted school of morals. He was as unfit, obviously, by nature, as he had been by social position, to fill the part of a propounder of accredited dogma.
Strange that his first aspiration-towards academical proficiency-had been checked by a woman, and that his second aspiration-towards apostles.h.i.+p-had also been checked by a woman. ”Is it,” he said, ”that the women are to blame; or is it the artificial system of things, under which the normal s.e.x-impulses are turned into devilish domestic gins and springs to noose and hold back those who want to progress?”