Part 13 (1/2)

The Road To Her K. E. Payne 48130K 2022-07-22

”I see,” I said, not really knowing what else to say.

”I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Elise put her trainers onto the floor and wiggled her feet into them. ”I've been thinking about you all afternoon.”

”Thinking about me?” A pulse travelled through me.

”Yuh-huh.” Elise reached out and slowly took my hand in hers, holding it and rubbing her thumb on my palm. No one had held my hand as tenderly as that since Grace. My skin tingled and my head now reeled at Elise's touch, so I lowered my eyes and stared at the floor, afraid to look at her face.

”I came to see you in your room, too,” she said, gently squeezing my hand.

”I know, Bella said,” I said feebly, still staring at my feet. ”Sorry, I wasn't really up for having company.”

”I was worried about you,” she said.

”Were you?” I lifted my head and our eyes met.

”Mm-hmm,” Elise nodded. ”I can do worried sometimes, you know.”

It was as though someone was sitting on my chest, squeezing the air out of me, as she carried on holding my hand and looking at me the way she was.

”I'm sorry again that I messed up our scenes this morning,” I finally said.

”Forget about it,” Elise replied. ”I just want to know you're okay now. That's all I'm bothered about.” She studied me carefully, still holding my hand. Suddenly Bella's words to me about talking to Elise came flooding into my head. Perhaps Bella was right. This might be the perfect time to talk to Elise after all.

I leant against my car, my breathing coming faster. ”You know, once, you told me I was a lot like Jasmine?” I started, my pulse thudding.


”I think perhaps I'm more like her than you realise.”

”You're studying graphic design at Harewood University?” Elise dramatically clutched her chest. ”You kept that quiet!”

”No,” I said. ”Not graphic design.”

”That's a serious face,” Elise said, dipping her head to catch my eye. ”Was my joke that bad?”

”Jasmine and I have something in common,” I persisted, and I felt my face flus.h.i.+ng.

”Which is?” Elise said, making a winding motion with her hand.

”We both share the same tastes,” I said slowly. ”Like the same things.”

”Cappuccinos with far too much sugar in them, you mean?” Elise held up her hands. ”Sorry, another lame joke.”

”No.” I looked at her. ”Not cappuccinos.”

”Then...?” Elise prompted.

”We both like girls,” I said simply. ”I thought you needed to know, that's all.”

”Okay,” she said simply.

”Are you all right with that?” I asked.

”G.o.d, yes.” Elise took my hand again. ”Totally.”


”Completely sure,” Elise said. ”I'm glad you told me.”

”You are?” I said hopefully.

Elise nodded.

”And you don't feel differently towards me?” I asked feebly. ”For being gay, I mean?”

”You really need me to answer that?” Elise raised her eyebrows. ”You know I like you, Holly. I like you a lot, so that's a ridiculous thing to even be thinking, let alone saying to me.”

She liked me a lot?

”Nothing's changed,” Elise said gently. ”Why would it?”

I looked up and saw that she was still looking at me, intense blue eyes locked onto mine.

Nothing's changed. Nothing.

”Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked, her voice sounding curious.

I shook my head. ”No, not at the moment.” I paused. ”But an ex is sniffing around again.” I looked at Elise, trying to gauge her reaction.

”Is that what's been stressing you out?” Elise asked.

”Mm,” I said. ”Amongst other things.”

”It seems a small thing to be so stressed about.” She shrugged. ”Exes come and go all the time. It's no biggie.”

”Maybe in your world, but not in mine,” I said, making her laugh.

”Were you in love?” Elise suddenly asked.

”Yes,” I said, taken aback by her forthright question. ”Very much.”

”That's sweet,” Elise said, smiling at me.

”It was.” I laughed. ”Until she dumped me.”
