Part 54 (1/2)
Nodding, Armie started kicking and punching harder making the most of the remaining minutes. Off to the side, he saw Yvette chatting with Harper, Muggles sprawled on his back beside her feet.
”I knew you'd be at the rec center,” Vanity said.
”Yvette's here, too. Did you want to talk to her?” ”Did I call her cell?”
”No. You called mine.”
”There you go. Must be you I want to talk to, huh?”
Wondering what she wanted, he went over to stand by the reception desk. ”So what's up?”
”I agree, Cannon. Let's get right to the point.”
Had he been rude? ”I didn't mean-”
”Now that the s.c.r.o.t.e is gone-”
”s.c.r.o.t.e?” Cannon asked.
”Yeah, you know, short for s.c.r.o.t.u.m, aka Heath.”
He laughed outright. ”I know what it means, and yeah, Heath is as gone as a man can be and still draw breath.”
”Exactly. So anyway, since I don't need to keep tabs on his sorry b.u.t.t here in Cali-”
”I never meant to saddle you with that.”
”It was my pleasure. Now, are you going to let me tell this or not?”
”I am,” he promised. ”Go ahead.”
”I was thinking I'd visit,” she blurted.
Worried about her reception? h.e.l.l, as Yvette's best friend, he wanted to meet her. Thanks to their phone conversations, he felt as though he already knew her. ”You're always welcome.” As he looked out the big front window, a flash of long blond hair caught Cannon's attention.
”Yeah? Anytime at all?”
”Absolutely.” With a phone to her ear, the blonde paid a cabbie, then threw something in the big trash can out front of the rec center.
Probably another woman signing up for the women's self-defense They'd start right after Armie finished his fight. The promo was out, and already Denver and Stack had offered to lend a hand, which probably accounted for how women had rapidly filled the cla.s.s roster.
Lost in thought, Cannon said, ”Sure.” Forgetting the woman on the street, he grabbed the water bottle and a towel and headed to Armie. ”When does your flight come in? We'll pick you up.”
”No need.” She cleared her throat. ”I'm here.”
”Well, behind you, actually.”
That was when he realized how quiet the gym had gotten, everyone staring toward the door.
The blonde.
He turned, and sure enough, there she stood. A Barbie look-alike, Yvette had said. He wasn't that familiar with Barbie, but yeah, he saw it.
Wearing a short denim skirt and a white halter, her blond hair hanging to her a.s.s, her long legs tanned and shapely, she put away her phone while taking in the rec center.
The fact that every man there ogled her didn't seem to faze her.
When Yvette squealed, Cannon's first thought was another threat. Then he saw her das.h.i.+ng over to Vanity, saw Vanity do her own girl squeal and run to meet her halfway.
They did a few circles, still making that high-pitched female sound of excitement. Muggles danced around them barking in maniacal delight, though he doubted the dog knew what the fuss was all about.
Cannon smiled and knew it. Then he looked around and saw every other dude smiling, too.
Beside him, still huffing, Armie asked, ”Friend of Yvette's, huh?”
”Vanity. She's from California.”
”She's ready to start a stampede.”
Yeah, true enough. The fighters were all edging closer, ready to claim introductions.
He glanced at Armie. ”Not you, though, huh?”
Before replying, Armie finished off the water bottle. ”She's a little too much fluff for my tastes.”
Though he knew it wasn't what Armie meant, he said, ”No tats or piercing?”
”Cotton candy all the way.” He clapped Cannon on the back. ”You'd better go head off the”
Agreeing, Cannon approached with his hand out. ”Vanity?”
”Oh, pfft.” She pushed his hand aside and gave him a hearty hug. ”Oh, my,” she said, her hands going over his back and down toward his a.s.s. ”Yvette, you're right. Very studly.”
He freed himself with a laugh. ”Why didn't you tell us you were coming?”
Yvette winced. ”Well...” She looked at Vanity, then back to him. ”I knew.”
Sheepish? What was she up to? If Vanity was here just to help her pack, they could both forget it. Somehow he'd convince Yvette to stay.
Hands on his hips, resistance mounting, he said, ”Well, what?”
Rolling her eyes, Yvette took his hand. ”It's better discussed in private.” And she dragged him off with a lot of fanfare.
Uncaring that everyone watched.
Cannon wasn't sure what to make of that.