Part 53 (1/2)
a week later, in the middle of the day, with suns.h.i.+ne streaming in through the open bedroom windows, Yvette went to her knees in front of Cannon. Not for the first time.
And he'd ensure it wasn't the last.
So many things he'd thought would level her-the death of Whitaker, the upcoming trial for Heath who, luckily, remained behind bars. Mindi's arrest as she'd tried to leave the state.
Her grandfather's letter-which she'd read at least a dozen times.
But she was far more resilient than he'd ever imagined. And so d.a.m.ned s.e.xy, he wasn't sure how much more he could take. With the threats behind them, she seemed determined to enjoy her newfound s.e.xuality to the fullest.
With him.
That she proved insatiable only made him love her more.
”I hope,” she said around nibbles to his hip bone, ”you're thinking of me, and only me.”
”You, and everything about you.” He tunneled his fingers into her long hair, then forced himself to only hold her head loosely, without urging her mouth where he needed it most. This was her turn to do what she wanted, how she wanted.
As long as she only wanted it with him.
With every day that pa.s.sed, she'd grown bolder in bed-and out of it. Knowing how much Yvette enjoyed s.e.x with him made him feel far more like a stud than kicking a.s.s in the SBC ever had.
”Every time,” she whispered, trailing her open hands over his thighs, her open mouth over his abs, ”I see this amazing body of yours, I want you.”
Since she said that while naked, on her knees in front of him, he couldn't drum up a reply. h.e.l.l, it was all he could do to stay standing.
She cupped his b.a.l.l.s in one hand, teased her nose over his c.o.c.k and made a purring sound of pleasure. ”It's not just your body, though.”
He'd never survive this. ”Babe...”
”Shh.” She looked up at him, her green eyes big and soft and hungry. ”I want you to know that it's you, Cannon. Not just the well-known fighter, not just the great body. It's everything about you. I hear you and I want you. I think of you and I want you. Will it ever end?”
”No.” He tightened his fingers in her silky hair, then had to lock his knees to keep from coercing her. A deep breath wouldn't help. He knew that, but tried it anyway. ”I told you we're good together.”
Her small hand held him snugly. ”Mmm,” she said by way of acknowledgment-and licked him, from the base of his shaft up to the head.
He shuddered, waiting on pins and needles-and he felt her hot mouth close over him.
He should have been lying down, he realized as he flattened one hand on the wall to brace himself. Gaze smoldering, he watched her work over him, her mouth, her hands...he even felt her nipples on his thighs.
Lost, he put his head back and fought off release. He wanted to be inside her, and he wanted her with him when he came.
For as long as he could, he enjoyed her attentions- until he knew he wouldn't last a second more.
”Enough.” Using her hair like a leash, he eased her away. ”That's enough, honey. No more.”
She sank back to sit on her heels, licked her lips and gave him a dreamy smile. ”Did I do something wrong?”
Scooping her up, Cannon dropped with her sideways on the bed. ”When we're naked and you're touching me, nothing you do is wrong, I promise.” He kissed her, slipping a hand between her legs, gratified to find her already wet and hot. ”You liked doing that to me?”
”I could eat you up,” she murmured, and proceeded to nibble on his bottom lip, his chin.
G.o.d, she was hot. ”Turnabout is fair play.” Kissing his way down her body, paying special attention to all her most sensitive places, he moved off the bed and pulled her to the edge of the mattress. ”Put your feet on my shoulders.”
For a beat of time, she breathed hard, unmoving. He wrapped both hands around her ankles, lifted her feet up and arranged her as he wanted-wide-open and waiting for him.
On a heartfelt groan, she relaxed her legs, and Cannon used his mouth to get her up to speed with him.
When she was close, she tried to twist away, but he held her still.
”No fair,” she gasped. ”You stopped me.”
”Totally different thing, honey.” He put his mouth to her again, licking, sucking, pus.h.i.+ng her.
”Next time,” she moaned, getting closer and closer, ”I won't stop either.”
Just thinking about it nearly did him in.
Her heels pressed into his shoulders, her legs stiffening, her neck arching, and she cried out, her pleasure firing him even hotter than her words had.
The second she eased he rose over her, hurriedly rolled on a condom and, keeping her legs high, sank into her.
More often than not, the s.e.x was fast and frenzied, but Yvette stayed with him every step of the way. When she came a second time, he joined her, and he wondered how it could be so incredibly perfect.
Over and over again.
The minutes ticked by, but she didn't want him to move away. He relaxed with his face against her neck, thinking of how easily he could have lost her.
And how he'd once let her walk away.
”You still give too much,” she sweetly complained while idly stroking his nape.
Not enough, by his calculation. He wanted to give her everything. s.e.xual pleasure, sure. Security, absolutely.
Also love, marriage. A lifetime.
But he'd mentioned a lifetime once already, and she'd reacted with compa.s.sion.
Not exactly the response he'd been hoping for.
Never had he declared himself to a woman. But ever since her return-or really, since she'd first left him- Yvette had kept him in knots.
She talked about the infatuation she'd had as a schoolgirl, the hero wors.h.i.+p she'd had for him as her rescuer.
Now she was a mature, independent woman and she wanted him s.e.xually, yet she kept her emotions under wraps.
It constantly chewed on his peace of mind, needing to know if she loved him. Things had progressed at a whirlwind pace-she'd lost her grandfather, moved back home, been through one crisis after another, had her life threatened from multiple sources.