SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 30410K 2022-07-20

Meanwhile, seeing as how her friends were reacting, Mu Lingxi badly wanted to slap their heads and wipe those teasing smiles on their faces even just this once.

Just like before, they were being way too cooperative in the wrong timing.

Mu Lingxi already knew that no matter how hard she tries to explain the situation to her friends later, it was futile.

They already have their own conclusion about what happened and they will stick to it and believed that conclusion until the end.

Since explaining the situation will just make her look like more in denial and it will just further her friend's suspicion, then might as well change the topic altogether.

”How long does it take before the time limit for this competition will end?”

Mu Lingxi asked out of the blue to divert their attention into another topic instead.

”We are not too sure either, but I presume that before the night ends, someone from the school management will come and find us to escort us out of here.”

It was Yun Xue who answered Mu Lingxi's inquiry. Knowing that their friend was trying to change the topic, they decided not to pursue the matter anymore.

”Your friend had a deep wound across his chest. You better attend to it now before it gets infected.”

Hae Soo butted in when she noticed that the group was starting to change the topic. She purposely mentioned the matter about the wound in Mu Lingxi's body.

Hoping that the other guys will get the hint that all she was doing just a while ago was out of her goodwill and she was just helping out the other party to attend to his wound.

She doesn't want to get her actions misunderstood so she tried to explain herself in a roundabout manner.

Besides base from how they talked to each other, it was obvious that the group that arrived as well as the warlock beside her knew each other.

Since that is the case, she believed that there is no longer a need for her to personally attend to the other party's injury anymore.

”Bro Yan, are you alright??? Let me help you..'

Shen Biru immediately volunteered.

Since it was relatively dark inside the cave, Shen Biru and the rest of the group fail to notice Mu Lingxi's wound right away when they first entered the cave.

Besides their attention was caught by the sight of a lady trying to undress a man so their focus was already directed on the wrong thing the moment they took a step inside the cave.

”Shen Biru, it is fine. Just leave it to us. We will attend to Su Yan's wound instead.”

Long Fuzi stepped in as he tried to hold back Shen Biru. He was thinking of Su Yan's sake when he did that. He believed that it was the best course of action given the situation.

He believed that Su Yan will find it uncomfortable if he will be left under Shen Biru's care.

Besides, knowing Shen Biru's bold and daring personality, who knows what she was up to if she was left to do as she please?

So to prevent their friend from being taken advantage of by the other party, Long Fuzi stopped Shen Biru before she could even start anything. The rest of the group feel the same way.

Since Long Fuzi and the other guys were also present, they believed that it was better to leave the task of attending Su Yan's wound among them, the gentlemen, rather than giving this responsibility to outsiders.

Yet contrary to their expectation their friend, Su Yan seems to be against this idea.

Su Yan/ Mu Lingxi even had his arms around Hae Soo's forearm and he was holding the other party firmly. As if he was afraid that the group will separate him from the young lady.

”NOOO!!! Just let Hae Soo do it instead.”