Part 34 (1/2)
Tyco drew his sword and advanced towards Eve. ”I've wanted to do this for some time. Let's see what you've got you filthy cat.”
Max raised his swords. ”I'm not going to sit idly by while you hurt my friends.”
Tyco stopped. ”You would actually draw against me to protect that thing.”
”You and anyone else who would try to harm her.”
”Very well, Max. I'll teach you one final lesson.”
Tyco charged while Max readied himself for the attack. A blur flew by Max, barreling into Tyco and knocking him onto his back. Eve stood at Tyco's feet, her tail flicking fiercely back and forth.
”It is I who have something to teach you.” Eve extended her claws and waited for Tyco to stand.
Max saw a glint of fear in Tyco's eyes as he regained his footing. ”You see, Max, they are born predators.”
Max paused to take in the creature before him. Her red, cropped hair was a mess, her ears were laid flat and her waving tail made approaching from behind a risky prospect.
Tyco is right, she is a wild beast, always has been. It's the reason why we had such crazy adventures. But, what's wrong with that?
The memory of Eve crouched on his chest, purring, in Mrs.'s storeroom flashed in Max's mind.
Yes, she's wild, but there's so much more.
A big grin formed on Max's face.
”You know very little about Eve, Tyco. She is a good and loving friend to me and many others. You are right; however, about how she was born a wild beast designed to protect herself and others. I'm glad I'm the one she's chosen to protect. Good luck, Tyco. You're going to need it.”
Eve launched herself at Tyco and the two became entangled. From the right, Alexandra and Callie rushed Lord Avram throwing him into a panic.
Captain Leander moved to intercept Callie and Alexandra. Lysander and Max tried to resume the charge themselves only to have Captains Thanos and Agamemnon block them. Melody ran to take her position on the path with Ca.s.sia hot on her heels and Effie, Lalita and Anemone engaging the remaining guards. At that point, Max lost sight of the surrounding battle as the mighty form of Captain Thanos filled his view.
Thanos advanced with slow, strong swings of his sword. Max met Thanos's forceful blows accurately, but each one left him stunned for the briefest of moments. He recovered only in enough time to block the next one. This continued for several minutes until a final blow knocked Max to the ground. A crooked smile appeared on Thanos's face.
Lysander stepped over Max. ”I think this one's a little big for you, Max. Let me play with him while you go help the others.”
Thanos and Lysander took a powerful swing at each other, their swords meeting in a deafening clang. Max rolled left to get out of the way and found Captain Agamemnon lying on the ground. He was either unconscious or dead, but, at this moment, Max didn't care which.
Max's training with Tyco had not prepared him for the surrounding chaos of an-all out fight. To his left, Melody struggled to block the path leading down to the plateau with her barrier. Behind Melody, Effie fought to keep a pair of guards from reaching her. To his front right, Callie still engaged Captain Leander while Alexandra searched for a way past them.
He could hear the rest of the battle raging on behind him and hoped Eve still stood among those fighting. Knowing he couldn't take the time to check on her, he dodged around Lysander and Thanos to make his way towards Lord Avram. He had a brief glimpse of him standing at the edge of the plateau. He gripped the head of the lacarnian girl with one hand and held the Lifestone with the other. Before he could contemplate what Lord Avram was trying to do, two guards stepped in front of him, raising their weapons to attack.
A loud scream from behind the guards froze everyone. Other screams from around the plateau joined the first, Eve's among them. To his right, Callie fell to her knees in agony.
Max shook off the shock, and stabbed at the guard to his left, striking him below his chest plate. The movement brought the second guard back to the fight. He took a swing that Max blocked with one sword while pulling his other out of the first guard. The guard swung again. This time Max dodged around to his side, striking the back of the guard's leg. As the guard fell, Max spun, taking a step towards Lord Avram before a painful impact to his back knocked him to the ground. From where he fell he saw Spook scurry across the ground towards Lord Avram.
A hard kick sent Max rolling onto his back. Above him stood Tyco, breathing heavily and wavering a bit. Claw marks gouged his armor and the left side of his face. Blood flowed from where his ear and eye had once been. With both hands wrapped around the hilt, Tyco raised his sword above his head.
A yell of pain rose from Lord Avram. ”You accursed rodent!”
Tyco hesitated. ”Lord Avram!”
Tyco's body jerked then stiffened. He hung there, sword high above his head, for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he went limp, the sword falling from his grip. Max used the last of his strength to deflect it inches from his face. Tyco's body was tugged from behind and fell, leaving Eve standing in clear view. She retracted her b.l.o.o.d.y, broken claws then stumbled forward, dropping to her knees beside Max. Struggling to talk, she lay her head down gently on his chest.
”Hi, Maxy.”
Max lifted his head. Eve had several cuts, bruises and a small tuft of hair missing, but otherwise seemed okay. He lowered his head.
”Just once, Eve, would you let me save you?”
Lysander's voice rang out. ”Drop your weapons and stay where you are!”
Max tried to move. ”What's going on?”
Struggling, Eve pushed herself to a seated position. ”Lysander has a knife to Lord Avram's throat”
Melody arrived at Eve's side. ”You two are a mess.” Melody checked Eve's cuts. ”Nothing serious. Eve, help me sit Max up.”
Together Eve and Melody pulled Max upright. He cringed in pain.
”My back.”
Melody checked his back and gasped. ”This needs immediate attention. Alexandra!”
”In my pack there are some salves. Do what you can with those. I cannot use any of my strength to help. Callie, untie the girl and use the rope on Lord Avram.”
Melody ran to retrieve Alexandra's pack. Max tapped Eve on the shoulder.
”Can you spin me around so I can see what is happening?”
Once Eve had him turned the right direction, Max could see Lysander standing behind Lord Avram with a knife next to his throat. In front of them, Callie untied the lacarnian girl and used the rope to bind Lord Avram so tightly that he could barely breathe. Max saw fear in his eyes as he spoke between constricted breaths.
”This is pointless. My Protectors will not let you leave here alive.”
Alexandra approached Lord Avram. ”They will not be your Protectors for much longer.”
Melody returned with a jar of salve. Tearing the back of Max's s.h.i.+rt, she smeared the cool gel over his wound.
”I'll do what I can, Max, but, as I've said before, healing is not my strong point.”
Max felt Melody's hand on his back and the pain slowly lessoned.