Part 33 (1/2)

Eve eyed Anemone closely. ”But...”

”We have little time, Evangeline, we need to get moving. Come, I already have another set of clothing for you in my backpack.”

Alexandra tugged on Eve's hand until Eve sighed and followed her. ”Fine.”

”Good. Melody, please carry the rest of the clothing I have packed for the other three. Now then, is everyone ready?”

Everyone nodded. Max watched in awe as the three lacarnian girls transformed into panthers. Eve, tail in hand, looked nervously at Max. He gave her a big smile.

”You're going to protect me like always aren't you?”

Eve returned his smile. ”You bet, Maxy.”

Letting go of her tail, she transformed like the others, stunning Max. Wow!

Her tan fur was silky smooth except for a thick, red tuft that covered her head and ran partway down her back. Her tail remained the same bushy red as before her change. Arriving at her face, he became transfixed by her eyes, the one green, the other blue.

I've always marveled at her grace and agility, but everything fits perfectly in this form. This really is Eve.

Max felt a light touch on his arm. With great effort he turned his head away from Eve to find Alexandra standing beside him, almost as transfixed as he.

”Now do you see what the lacarna are, Maxwell Laskaris? Now do you know why it was us humans that strove to learn from them?”

”She blends right in with the planet while I feel like such an outsider.”

”She is connected in a way we humans can never be, but that does not mean we should not at least try.”

Alexandra walked over to Eve and carefully climbed onto her back, making sure to lean forward towards her neck. ”Try not to sit straight up, it will put too much weight in one spot.”

The others, except Mr. Penna, followed Alexandra's example. Max looked back over his shoulder at Mr. Penna.

”Aren't you coming?”

”I am no fighter. I will stay here to help Neysa and the others. Do not worry, Maxwell. I have no doubt you will succeed.”

Max felt a wealth of confidence rise in him. He missed his father, but he felt just as proud to have Mr. Penna there. Alexandra snapped her fingers to get his attention.

”One more thing, do not, at any point, sit up while the lacarna are running.”

Lysander s.h.i.+fted on Callie, a look of terror in his eyes. ”And why not?”

A tiny laugh escaped from Alexandra, it sounded a lot like Eve's when she was up to no good. ”Because the wind will tear you right off of them”

”Exactly how fast do they go?”

Alexandra drifted off into thought for a few seconds, returning with a mischievous smile. ”You will see. Just remember to hang on tight.”

Max groaned. Now I know why she and Eve are such good friends. They're both trying to get us killed.

Alexandra tightened her arms around Eve's neck, took a deep breath then let it out. The others shared a look of uneasiness and tightened their own grips. Excitement carried in Alexandra's voice.

”Okay, here we go. 3...2...1...”

Anemone surged forward. In the first two seconds, her speed matched that of Starlight at a full run. The next second, she traveled at a speed Max could not have imagined. In the fourth second, she hit full stride. The sensation was bizarre. Max had his head turned sideways lying flat against Anemone's back. To his right rode Melody on Effie. It appeared as if they ran in place while the world flew by in a blur of colors.

Above him, the wind blew across his head in a deafening roar. Below him, the rhythmic breathing of Anemone eased the tension of the wild ride. He felt as though he floated in a dream, losing any sense of time.


Max felt Anemone begin to slow down. Unlike when she started, it took her close to a minute to come to a complete stop. Lifting his head, Max saw the cliffs of the southern mountains looming a short distance in front of them, with the start of the dead lands to their immediate left.

Taking great care, Max climbed off of Anemone. Behind him, he heard a loud thud. Turning, he saw Lysander pus.h.i.+ng himself off the ground.

”I'm walking back. I don't care how long it takes me.”

Eve circled back to them. Alexandra still sat on her, wearing a small smile. ”Just imagine if they could have hit full speed.”

Max's head still whirled from the strange experience. ”They can go faster?”

Alexandra slid off of Evangeline. ”You guys are heavy, even I slowed Evangeline down a little.”

Max tried to imagine going even faster, but failed. ”How long has it been since we left Moenia?”

Alexandra headed towards the cliffs. ”An hour and a half.”

Max and the others followed. ”But that's over...”

”One hundred and sixty miles, approximately.”

Max stopped in his tracks. ”Wow!”

Alexandra paid no attention; instead she pointed to a path leading along the mountain cliff to a plateau in front of them. ”At the back of that plateau is the cave where the Controller Stones were created.”

They followed the three foot wide path. Seventy feet along it, Alexandra pointed to another path that split off and led down into the valley below.

”I expect Avram and the Protectors to come from that direction. Lalita, go check it out.”

Lalita leapt down the path while the rest walked another sixty feet to reach the plateau. There, Alexandra gave Melody the pack that contained Eve's clothes.

”Take Evangeline in the cave so she can get dressed. You too, Effie.”

Melody looked puzzled. ”What about the rest of them?”

An unfamiliar voice came from behind Max, startling him. ”Anemone and Lalita are staying in their panther form. As for us, we do not wear clothing.”

Max spun around, stumbling back a step when he saw the two large beings that now stood in place of Callie and Ca.s.sia.