Part 4 (1/2)
5. Put themselves under the guidance of spiritual teachers, and conduct themselves conformably to the rules laid down by them.
Secondly, with regard to their temporal conduct, and better mode of living, they are bound
1. To conform to the custom of the country, in diet, dress, and language: consequently to abstain from feeding on cattle which have died of distempers; not to go about in such unseemly dresses; and to discontinue the use of their own particular language.
2. Not to appear any more in large cloaks; which are chiefly useful to hide things that have been stolen.
3. No Gypsey, except he be a gold-washer, shall keep a horse.
4. Also the gold-washers must refrain from all kinds of bartering at the annual fairs.
5. The magistrates of every place must be very attentive that no Gypsey waste his time in idleness; but at those seasons, when they have no employment, either for themselves or any landholder, to recommend them to some other person, with whom they shall be compelled to work for hire.
6. They are to be kept particularly to agriculture; therefore
7. It is to be observed, where possible, that every territorial Lord, who takes any Gypsies under his jurisdiction, do allot them a certain piece of ground to cultivate.
8. Whoever is remiss in his husbandry, shall be liable to corporal punishment.
9. They shall be permitted to amuse themselves with music, or other things, only when there is no field work for them to do.
Such were the regulations adopted by the Emperor Joseph II. for the purpose of civilizing, and rendering good and profitable subjects, upwards of eighty thousand of miserable wretches, ignorant of G.o.d and of virtue.
The Gypsies in Great Britain.
The traits of character and the habits of the Gypsies on the Continent of Europe, exhibited in this work, are sufficient for an examination, in what degree these people correspond with those under the same denomination in England.
The earliest account which the writer of this section has been able to collect from British History, was printed in the year 1612; when a quarto work, by S. R. was published, to detect and expose the art of juggling and legerdemain; in which is the following description of the Gypsies.
”This kind of people, about a hundred years ago, beganne to gather an head, as the first heere, about the southerne parts. And this as I am informed, and can gather, was their beginning: Certain Egyptians banished their country, (belike not for their good conditions,) arrived heere in England, who for quaint tricks and devices, not known heere, at that time, among us, were esteemed, and had in great admiration; insomuch, that many of our English _Loyterers_ joined with them, and in time learned their craftie cosening.
”The speach which they used, was the right Egyptian language, with whom our Englishmen conversing, at least learned their language. These people continuing about the country, and practising their cosening art, purchased themselves great credit among the country people, and got much by palmistry, and telling of fortunes; insomuch, they pitifully cosened poor country girls, both of money, silver spoons, and the best of their apparelle, or any goods they could make.”
From this author, it is collected, they had a leader of the name of _Giles Hather_, who was termed their King; and a woman of the name of _Calot_, was called Queen. ”These riding through the country on horseback, and in strange attire, had a prettie traine after them.”
After mentioning some of the laws pa.s.sed against them, this writer adds: ”But what numbers were executed on these statutes you would wonder; yet, notwithstanding, all would not prevaile, but they wandered as before uppe and downe, and meeting once in a yeare at a place appointed; sometimes at the Peake's Hole in Derbys.h.i.+re, and other whiles by Ketbroak at Blackheath.”
About the same time, Spellman's Portrait of the Gypsey Fraternity seems to have been taken, ad vivum, and is as follows:
”Egyptiani, Erronum, Impostorumque genus nequissimum, in Continente ortum; sed ad Britannos nostras et Europam reliquam pervolans, nigredine deformes, excocti sole, immundi veste, et usu rerum omnium faedi, &c.;”
which may be thus translated, ”Egyptians, the worst kind of wanderers and impostors, springing up on the Continent, but yet rapidly spreading themselves through Britain, and other parts of Europe, disfigured by their swarthiness; sun-burnt; filthy in their clothing, and indecent in all their customs, &c.”
According to the first of these statements, the arrival of Gypsies in England might be about the year 1512; or ten years at least before the Statute of the 22d of Henry VIII; in the 10th chapter of which, they are described to be, ”_An outlandish people_, _calling themselves Egyptians_, _using no crafte_, _nor feat of merchandise_; _who have come into this realm_, _and gone from s.h.i.+ne to s.h.i.+re_, _and place to place in great company_; _and used great_, _subtle_, _and crafty means_, _to deceive the people_, _bearing them in hand_, _that they by palmistry could tell men's and yeomen's fortunes_; _and so_, _many times by crafte and subtlety have deceived the people of their money_; _and also have committed many heinous felonies and robberies_.” Wherefore they are directed to avoid the realm, and not to return under pain of imprisonment, and forfeiture of their good and chattels; and upon their trials for any felonies which they may have committed, they shall not be ent.i.tled to a Jury _de medietate linguae_.