Part 3 (1/2)

”Observations on the Gold-was.h.i.+ngs, in the Banat, by Counsellor Koezian.

Translated by R. E. Ruspe.

”After the several natural advantages of the _Temeswar Banat_, some of its rivers are known to yield gold dust; I could not neglect the object when I travelled in these parts.

”The gold-was.h.i.+ng in the Banat, is properly the business of the Gypsies, _Zigeuner_, and left, as it were, to this poor people, as an exclusive trade. This laid me under the necessity of applying to them for instruction.

”The river Nera, in Almash, carries gold dust; and seemed to me the fittest for my purpose; accordingly I caused some Gypsies, reputed to be skilful, to make a was.h.i.+ng, near a village called Boshowitz; and I saw with pleasure, that with much dexterity, and in a few minutes time, they cleared in the trough, the value of some groshes of gold: they showed me likewise among their gold dust, some pieces of remarkable bigness.”

It has been stated, that when Gypsies first arrived in Europe, they had leaders and chiefs to conduct their various tribes in their migrations.

Grellmann says, this was necessary, not only to facilitate their progress through different countries and quarters of the globe; but to unite their force, if necessary, and thereby enable them to make a more formidable resistance when opposed; and likewise, to carry any plan they might have formed, more regularly into effect.

We accordingly find in old books, mention made of Knights, Counts, Dukes, and Kings, among this people. Crucius cites a Duke, _Michael_; Muratorio, a Duke, _Andreas_: and Arentinus records a King, _Zindelo_: not to speak of inscriptions on monuments erected in different places to the memories of Duke, _Panuel_; Count, _Johannis_; and a Knight, _Petrus_, in the fifteenth century.

But no comment is necessary to show how improperly these appellations were applied. Though the Gypsey chiefs might be gratified with such t.i.tles; and their descendants probably esteemed them persons of rank, it was merely a ridiculous imitation of what they had seen, and perhaps admired, among civilized people. Nevertheless, the custom of having leaders and chiefs over them, prevails to this time, at least in Hungary and Transylvania; probably it may also still exist in Turkey, and other countries, where these people live together in great numbers.

Their chiefs, or waywodes, were formerly of two degrees in Hungary. Each petty tribe had its own leader, beside which, there were four superior waywodes, of their own caste, on both sides the Danube and Teisse; whose residences were at Raab, Lewentz, Szathmar, and Kaschan; and to these the smaller waywodes were accountable. But now, only one superior waywode is appointed in all Transylvania, who has authority over the gold-washers in those parts. The Gypsies, however, still continue the custom among themselves, of choosing certain persons, whom they make heads over them, and call by the exalted Sclavonian t.i.tle of waywode.

It would appear extraordinary, that any well-regulated state should allow these people a distinct establishment in the heart of the country; did not the Hungarian writers a.s.sign as a reason, that in the commotions and troubles occasioned by the Turkish wars, in former centuries, they were, by means of their waywode, more easily summoned when occasion required, and rendered useful to the community.

In Transylvania, the magistrates do interfere with regard to the person whom this or that horde hath elected chief, and impose an obligation on him; but it is only that he should be careful to prevent his subjects from absconding, when the time arrives for them to discharge their annual tribute at the Land Regent's chamber. He has no right to interfere in disputes or quarrels which the Gypsies have among themselves, or with other people, further than to give notice of them to the regular courts of the district, where they happen to be.



Political Regulations on the Continent, respecting Gypsies.

To the ignorance and superst.i.tion of the middle age, must be attributed the powerful ascendency which the Gypsies obtained over the minds of men.

In addition to the chiromantic deception, practised by the women, they followed also the profession of exorcism; and were greatly in request during the prevalence of a belief in witchcraft.

They were employed to cure bewitched cattle, and to loosen the spells of enchantment; for which they had nostrums of various kinds, consisting of roots and amulets, made of unfermented dough, marked with strong figures, and dried in the sun.

For a long time little attention was paid to them, but at last the evil became enormous, and complaints against them were so loud, that Governments were constrained to take official notice of them. Exemplary punishments were judged necessary; and, at length, the most cruel and barbarous kinds were resorted to. What a blot upon the history of those times, are the dreadful tortures of quartering alive, and breaking upon the wheel! These means being insufficient to prevent the perpetration of crimes; it was thought expedient to banish the Gypsies.

German waiters say, that King Ferdinand of Spain, who esteemed it a good work to expatriate useful and profitable subjects-Jews, and even Moorish families-could much less be guilty of an impropriety in laying hands on the mischievous progeny of Gypsies. The edict for their extermination, was published in the year 1492. But instead of pa.s.sing the boundaries, they only slunk into hiding-places, and shortly after appeared in as great numbers as before.

The Emperor Charles V. persecuted them afresh; as did Philip II. also.

Since that time they have nestled in again, and have been also threatened with another storm, but it has blown over without taking effect.

In France, Francis I. pa.s.sed an edict for their expulsion; and at the a.s.sembly of the States of Orleans, in 1561, all Governors of cities received orders to drive them away with fire and sword. Nevertheless, in process of time, they had collected again, and increased to such a degree, that, in 1612, a new order came out for their extermination.

In the year 1572, they were compelled to retire from the territories of Milan and Parma; and at a period somewhat earlier, they were chased beyond the Venetian jurisdiction. They were not allowed the privilege of remaining unmolested in Denmark, as the code of Danish law specifies: ”The Tartars, _Gypsies_, who wander about every where, doing great damage to the people, by their lies, thefts, and witchcraft, shall be taken into custody by every magistrate.”

Sweden was not more favourable, having attacked them at three different times: A very sharp order for their expulsion came out in 1662. The Diet of 1723 published a second, and that of 1727, repeated the foregoing with additional severity.

They were excluded from the Netherlands under pain of death, partly by Charles the Vth, and afterwards by the United States, in 1582. But the greatest number of sentences of exile, have been p.r.o.nounced against them in Germany. The beginning was made under Maximilian I, at the Augsburgh Diet, in 1500, where the following was drawn up, respecting those people who call themselves Gypsies, roving up and down the country.