Part 2 (1/2)
[The author of the following poem, Mr. David Richards, better known by his bardic name of Dafydd Ionawr, was born in the year 1751 at Glanmorfa, near Towyn, Merioneths.h.i.+re, and died in 1827. He was educated at Ystradmeurig Grammar School, with a view to entering the Welsh Church, but his academic career was cut short by the death of his parents, and he devoted himself to tuition. He composed two long poems, viz.: an ”Ode to the Trinity,” and an ”Ode to the Deluge,” besides a number of minor poems, and were first published in 1793. This poet is designated the Welsh Milton, by reason of the grandeur of his conceptions and the force of his expression.]
Swift-flying courser of the ambient skies!
Thy trackless bourne no mortal ken espies!
But in thy wake the swelling echoes roll While furious torrents pour from pole to pole; The thunder bellows forth its sullen roar Like seething ocean on the storm-lashed sh.o.r.e; The muttering heavens send terror through the vale, And awe-struck mountains s.h.i.+ver in the gale; An angry, sullen, overwhelming sound That shakes each craggy hollow round and round, And more astounding than the serried host Which all the world's artillery can boast;-- And fiercely rus.h.i.+ng from the lurid sky From pregnant clouds and murky canopy The deluge saturates both hill and plain-- The maddened welkin groaning with the strain: The torrents dash from upland moors along Their journey to the main, in endless throng, And restless, turbid rivers seethe and rack, Like foaming cataracts, their bounding track; A devastating flood sweeps o'er the land, Tartarean darkness swathes the sable strand!
O'er wolds and hills, o'er ocean's chafing waves The wild tornado's bl.u.s.ter wierdly raves; The white-heat bolt of every thundering roar The pitchy zenith coruscating o'er; The vast expanse of heaven pours forth its ire 'Mid swarthy fogs streaked with candescent fire!
The sombre meadows can be trod no more Nor beetling brow that over-laps the sh.o.r.e; The hailstones clattering thro' field and wood-- The rain, the lightning and the scouring flood, The dread of waters and the blazing sky Make pensive captives all humanity; Confusion reigns o'er all the seething land, From mountain peak to ocean's clammy strand; As if--it seemed--but weak are human words, The rocks of Christendom were rent to sherds: They clash, they dash, they crash, above, around, The earth-quake, dread, splits up and rasps the ground!
Tell me, my muse, my G.o.ddess from above, Of dazzling sheen, and clothed in robes of love, What this wild rage--this cataclysmic fall-- What rends the welkin, and, Who rules them all?
”'Tis G.o.d! The Blest! All elements are his Who rules the unfathonable dark abyss.
'Tis G.o.d commands! His edicts are their will!
Be silent, heavens! The heavens are hushed and still!”
These are the wail of elemental life; The fire and water wage supernal strife; The blasting fire, with scathing, angry glare, Gleamed like an asphalte furnace in the air: Around, above it swirled the water's sweep, And plunged its scorching legions in the deep!
The works of G.o.d are good and infinite, The perfect offsprings of his love and might, And wonderful, beneficient in every land-- With wisdom crowned the creatures of His hand; And truly, meekly, lowly must we bow To wors.h.i.+p Him who made all things below, For from His holy, dazzling throne above He gives the word, commanding, yet in love,-- ”Ye fogs of heaven, ye stagnant, sluggard forms That float so laggardly amid the storms!
Disperse! And hie you to yon dormant!
Your black lair lies where ocean's caverns roar!”
The fogs of heaven o'er yonder sun-tipped hill Their orcus-journey rush, and all is still.
In brilliant brightness breaks the broad expanse Of firmament! Heaven opens to our glance; And day once more out-pours its silvery sheen, A couch pearl-decked, fit for its orient queen; (aurora) The sun beams brightly over hill and dale Its glancing rays enliven every vale: Its face effulgent makes the heaven to smile Thro' dripping rain-drops yet it smiles the while, Its warmth makes loveable the teeming world, Hill, dale, where'er its royal rays are hurled; Sweet nature smiles, and sways her magic wand, And suns.h.i.+ne gleams, beams, streams upon the strand; And warbling birds, like angels from above Do hum their hymns and sing their songs of love!--
Whether to the east or west You go, wondrous through all Are the myriad clouds; Dense and grim they appear-- Black and fierce the firmament, Dark and horrid is all.
A ray of light's not seen, But light'ning white and flashy, Thunder throughout the heavens, A torrent from on high.
A thousand cascades roar Boiling with floods of hate, Rivers all powerful With great commotion rush.
The air disturb'd is seen, While the distant sea's in uproar: The heaving ocean bounds, Within its prison wild; Great thundering throughout The bottomless abyss.
Some folk, simple and bewilder'd, For shelter seek the mountains; Shortly the raging waters Drown their loftiest summits.
Where shall they go, where flee From the eternal torrent?