Part 14 (1/2)
Just beg.
f.u.c.k me! Hard! Fast! Gentle! Slow! Oh she didn't know how she wanted him. She just wanted him.
Deep in thought, she crashed right into a solid backpack. He didn't so much as flinch when she hit him yet his entire body was tense and alert.
Alarm raged through her. ”What is it?” she asked as she came to stand beside him.
”Something is out there. Someone.”
She followed his gaze as he surveyed an area to their right. There was nothing but dense green foliage and dark trees.
”Where?” she whispered.
He said nothing. Instead he c.o.c.ked his head slightly, as if he'd heard something. His nostrils flared. His eyes narrowed.
Kinley swallowed, bit back the panic threading through her like a deadly snake.
Suddenly a whispering whipped past her ears, and then Blackie cursed.
”Run!” he hissed. She was about to do just that when he dropped to his knees.
”Go!” he managed to say before his eyes rolled white and he fell into a limp ma.s.s on the ground.
Oh my G.o.d! What happened?
”Blackie!” she cried out, suddenly more concerned about him than her own safety. Terror ripped through her when he didn't move.
Before she could blink, they were there. Surrounding her. Women...or make that teenage girls. Maybe around eighteen or nineteen. About ten of them. Blondes, all of them. They wore bone necklaces, straw skirts and no tops, revealing variously sized b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And they had very sharp-looking spears. All of them aimed at her.
Oh not good!
”What have we here?” The tallest blonde chuckled as she looked down at motionless Blackie, then back at Kinley.
”A female being collared and led by a male? Highly illegal. I'm quite glad we were able to fill him with Pa.s.sion Poison and come to your rescue.”
”Pa.s.sion Poison?” Kinley gasped. She did not like the sound of that.
”Oh he'll be out until we require his services. We're on our male hunt and he looks to be our perfect first. Don't you agree, women-to-be?”
The young women shouted, ”Yes!” in a united voice.
Kinley blinked as shock rolled through her in one dark wave.
Their first? Women-to-be?
Oh my G.o.d, what in the world was going on here?
”Who are you, female? To which hub do you belong?”
Hub? What the h.e.l.l was a hub?
”Is the male from Brothel Town?” another asked with excitement.
”He belongs to me,” Kinley said quickly, not liking the inquisitive way these women were bending over Blackie's figure and undoing his breechclout.
They all looked at her, shock splashed on their faces.
”You? He is your male? And you let him demean you in this way?” The tall blonde-whom Kinley surmised to be the leader-looked her up and down, her focus lingering on the collar, leash, chains and other BDSM paraphernalia latched onto Kinley's body.
”Yes...I was...fantasizing. I ordered him to place all these items on me.”
”Well, I'm afraid he no longer belongs to you. We captured him, he is ours. Those are the rules when commoners venture into Yellow Hair Territory. We thank you for bringing us tonight's dinner.”
Tonight's dinner? Kinley's tummy heaved. Cannibals? Oh my G.o.d!
What kind of twisted, freaked-out, Alice in Wonderland fantasy was she dreaming? She was dreaming? Right?
One of the Yellow Hairs who'd been bending over Blackie lifted his loincloth, revealing his engorged c.o.c.k. Obviously he'd been fantasizing about Kinley while he led her around by a leash. Gasps and cries of delight reverberated as the blondes huddled around Blackie to get a closer look at his c.o.c.k.
”He's so big!” one of the girls cried out with glee, her small fingers not able to circle the width of his shaft.
”He will supply much sacred drink for us. The elders will be pleased at our catch,” another giggled.
Elders. Okay, they must be older women with common sense.
”I need to speak to your elders,” Kinley instructed, trying hard to squash the nasty tremors slithering through her at having so many women ogling her man.
Correct that. He wasn't her man. She had to pretend he was or he would be their dinner tonight. Hope roared through her. Maybe she could talk her way out of this crazy situation yet.
”Outsiders are not allowed to speak to the elders. That is strictly forbidden,” the leader said, shaking her head.
Kinley's gut clenched and desperation snapped through her like a live wire. She had to do something.
The leader nodded to one of the nearest women. ”Proceed to place on the traditional c.o.c.k ring.”
f.u.c.k you!
”Well I'm sorry. I must insist,” Kinley replied. ”He is my male and I will not let you have him!”
They ignored her and one of the women removed something from a bag she carried. Yup, definitely a c.o.c.k ring from the looks of it.
Maybe a little show of force would get their attention. Kinley grabbed a spear from the nearest blonde who was busy touching Blackie's and brandished the spear at their leader. The Yellow Hairs stiffened, all their attention focused back on the leader who lifted her brows in surprise at Kinley's outburst.
Spears came up again, aimed at Kinley.
Oh s.h.i.+t!