Part 13 (1/2)
No, Jarod would not go there willingly. Not with her. He must have been captured.
”I'm glad to hear he has found his way back home,” Taylor said, choosing his words very carefully as the three males watched him.
Their faces were partially hidden by the shadows of the night, but the rest of their bodies were illuminated by the fire. Taylor did not like the way they tensed or the flare of hatred in one of the male's eyes. An eerie s.h.i.+ver slithered through him like a snake, warning him of impending danger.
”He left again,” King replied coolly. ”Escaped in the night with a pet.i.te female. A female we had eagerly wished to f.u.c.k. We would have too had he not had inside help in escaping.”
Relief poured through him. Jarod and Piper had escaped. With luck they would be safely with the Heroes by now, tucked away in a secure shelter in antic.i.p.ation of the oncoming stormy season. As if nature had tapped into his thoughts, a low rumble of thunder growled a warning far in the distance.
The Boys s.h.i.+fted uneasily at the ominous grumble.
”Why have you strayed so far from the Valley? Do you not know the storms will be upon us soon?” Taylor questioned and bit into a juicy, sweet melon.
”We would ask the same question of you,” King sneered as he grabbed some blackberries and shoved them into his mouth.
Taylor had antic.i.p.ated this question and was fully prepared. ”Have you not heard? A female and a male escaped the Breeders. I'm on my way to the area near the Acid Zone where they were last spotted.”
”And you heard this how?”
”The Breeders and I have communication. They have asked me to help track down the escaped slaves.”
Two of the males chuckled.
”They are now desperate for male a.s.sistance?” King laughed and slapped his knee.
Samson, on the other hand, frowned with a darkness Taylor did not like. ”He lies. Free females want nothing to do with males.”
”They wish nothing to do with Death Valley males,” Taylor corrected, injecting a confidence he did not truly feel although he was actually speaking the truth. ”Free males are beginning to establish connections with free females.” Yes, three females had taken up with the three Hero brothers, but he knew of no other couplings, except, of course, Jarod and Piper and Kayla and himself.
That is, if he could get away from here.
What he had said captured the two females' attention. They studied him with interest.
”They fear us Death Valley Boys?” King laughed. ”We're all well-hung. We know how to pleasure a female. This is all a female is interested in. Am I right, females?”
He turned to the two females who nodded obediently. But in their eyes hope was flaring. It brought Taylor immense satisfaction.
”A female also wishes to be treated tenderly and with respect.”
”Respect!” Dirk stood and glared at the two females who hunched beside each other in sudden fear. ”Females do not respect us! They lead us around on p.e.n.i.s leashes. They beat us. Punish us like babies. They do not wish us to be educated. They treat us as animals. We are not animals.”
”Best act like males then,” Taylor couldn't help but snap. ”Treat your female tenderly and she will accept you in ways you never dreamed.”
The three foes glared at him. Confusion twinkled in their angry eyes.
”You speak treason,” King snarled. ”Boys do not treat females tenderly. It is against the rules.”
”Rules can be changed,” Taylor said softly.
They glowered, possibly not understanding why he was behaving in this way. Defying the traditions of the Boys meant certain death.
”Rules cannot be changed by an outsider. Of which you surely are in the way you speak,” Samson said, coldness in his voice. ”You will allow both females to pleasure you right here and now as per our traditions.”
Tension rippled through Taylor as he braced himself for a fight. ”I am no longer a Boy. I am a free man and will remain free for the rest of my days.”
”Which you will not see another of if you continue this line of speaking.” Dirk stood and withdrew a knife from his scabbard.
Taylor swallowed the last piece of sweet fruit-which almost became lodged in his throat at the threat. He had expected this reaction from the brutes. Anger had been bred into them over the years. It would not take one conversation to change things. It would take years of reeducation.
Taylor stood quickly and faced his aggressor, primed and ready for a fight. Keeping himself loose and limber in case the other two males decided to jump into the fight, he kept his hands close to his body in a defensive stance.
”No fighting, Boys,” Samson interjected smoothly from his perch on a nearby stone. ”Taylor says he is a free male. Who are we to tell him different, lads? But I'm sure he will not object to the attentions of our two slaves. No male can resist such tempting females.” He nodded to the two women. ”Attend to him while we watch.”
Well at least they wouldn't kill him...yet.
”First I must relieve myself. I will return in a moment.”
Excitement slammed into him when no one objected. He moved quickly, but the instant he entered the limits of the firelight, a set of footsteps echoed behind him. His hopes plummeted. They wouldn't let him escape with ease, would they?
”No need to go any farther, male.” It was Samson and he stood very close.
Taylor untied the strings to his loincloth and proceeded to relieve himself while Samson stood nearby. Here in the darkness, outside the light of fire, Taylor would have a chance in escaping. That is, if he moved fast and took out Samson quietly and quickly.
”What you said about treating the females with tenderness. Is this true? Have you experienced this?” Samson asked softly.
Great, now the male wished to discuss a lesson in f.u.c.king?
”It is true,” Taylor answered.
”And you have experienced this? Witnessed this?” The hope in Samson's lowered voice made Taylor realize his words had made a profound impact on the young man. He just wished Samson hadn't followed him.
”It is true. Yes, with some females they will respond. Give them time.”
”How much time?” Samson prodded.
”Each female is different. It depends on their previous experiences with males.”
Taylor completed his mission and fiddled in the darkness with his loincloth strings. He really needed to make a run for it, but Samson seemed genuinely interested. If he could persuade the young male to treat females better, then perhaps other males would notice a difference in their females' behavior.
”You will demonstrate this tenderness with the two females as you f.u.c.k them. We go back to the camp. I am eager to learn.”
Taylor frowned and his gut twisted in a frustration. ”It isn't that easy, male. You need to seek their permission before you f.u.c.k them.”
”Nothing good came from the way the females treated males in captivity, correct?” Taylor prodded.
Still silence. At least the male was listening. He hoped.