15 just the gang singing at karaoke (1/2)

[I'll add music links for each character I'm not sure if they will work or not though since I've never tried to do that before.]

now I'm not saying I'm not into girlxgirl going on but trish looks exactly like my mom does. I have my mothers picture on my desk. If you need to check look at it. To me this made me uncomfortable because that uncanny look alike thing. Weather it was to make the situation less awkward or to just make a entrance lady hopped up on stage and sang first.}


{never heard that before but us was good.}

*Lily's cheering and jumping up and down making her boobs jiggle as she does*


{trish hopped up next and sang a love song.}

[I kid you not this lesbian love song took me three hours to find and it's not even in English yet but it does have English subtitles. you can ether picture it in the original format or in English when she sings it.]

”to you who I loved.”

lily :...(this songs adorable since they just came out about their relationship. But I have no idea why I feel slightly annoyed)

*forth wall break due to the fact author chans flustered*

{after trish had finished.}

Lady: ”Oof was that a hint at you wanting me to grow out my hair?”

Trish:”no it's the only gay song I knew.”

Lady:”oh alright I would have if you asked though.”

Trish:”your fine the way you are”

*they were about to kiss when Dante started singing his theme song,basically made a block before they could by doing that heavy metal part.*

lily:...(he can sing heavy metal cool)

*she awkwardly starts scream singing along. Because supportive wifefu*

{the girls aren't exactly happy with Dante interrupting their moment because they both knew it was on purpose. But they couldn't help but chuckle at Lily's screech singing along with Dante.}

Trish:”how much you wanna bet they get hitched as soon as she's legal?”