14 A ship sets sail (1/2)
[I have been informed that lady had been cannon declared a lesbian. I'm not a hundred percent sure if that's true or not but due to the fact I'm not sure who to ship them with they're going out with eachother.]
it was the day we were going to go to a party.I put on my usual clothes which was yoga pants and a hoodie. I'm still being conservative even with the new smokin body. When I changed I hadn't gotten rid of my old scars, even though they suck I can't get rid of them. I'm keeping them as reminders I want to be the best me that I have always longed to be. I probably won't think about riding myself of them until then.
Dante:”hey babe why don't we get you some party clothes?”
(It's not wrong of me to show her off a little right?)
lily:”huh ah umm it's fine I don't mind don't worry I'm ok”
*she stumbled on her words a bit she's still worried about the debts he's racked up with lady. He has paid about a quarter of it off after they had started seeing each other. She's not aware of this though.*
Dante ended up convincing her into letting him buy her a dress. She did try to find the nicest thing that wasn't to expensive. She ended up picking out a red dress with black accents. They were his favorite colors after all.it complimented her figure nicely she looked classy yet alluring. The dress was full length but the way it had been cut reveled her legs whenever she sat down,nothing inappropriate about just the legs but still it mad him go dam when he saw her in it.
*I whistled at her as she came out of the dressing room*
lily:(I feel strangely confident maybe I should dress feminine more often.)
Dante{I payed for her dress and we left. Later that night we went to one of the shady areas of the city for karaoke.}
(I wish the girls had picked somewhere less shady...)
*I kept close to lily my reputation and the fact that I was fully armed would ward off most just by being near her*