Part 9 (1/2)
”Sure!” answered Selwood. ”As I say, I've been handling these keys every day since I came to Mr. Herapath.”
”When did you handle them last?”
”Yesterday afternoon: not so very long before Mr. Herapath went down to the House. That was in Portman Square. He gave them to me to get some papers out of the safe there.”
”Was that Safe Deposit key there at that time?”
”They were all there--all six. I'm certain of it,” a.s.serted Selwood.
”This is the key of this safe,” he went on, selecting one.
”Open the safe, then,” said Barthorpe. ”Another safe at the Alpha, eh?”
he continued, musingly. ”I never knew he had a safe there. Did you ever know him to use it?”
”I've been to it myself,” answered Selwood. ”I took some doc.u.ments there and deposited them, two days ago. There's not very much in this safe,”
he went on, throwing open the door. ”It's not long since I tidied it out--at his request. So far as I know, there are no private papers of any note there. He never made much use of this safe--in my presence, at any rate.”
”Well, we'll see what there is, anyhow,” remarked Barthorpe. He began to examine the contents of the safe methodically, taking the various papers and doc.u.ments out one by one and laying them in order on a small table which Selwood wheeled up to his side. Within twenty minutes he had gone through everything, and he began to put the papers back.
”No will there,” he murmured. ”We'll go on to Portman Square now, Mr.
Selwood. After all, it's much more likely that he'd keep his will in the safe at his own house--if he made one. But I don't believe he ever made a will.”
Mr. Tertius and Peggie Wynne were still in the study when Barthorpe and Selwood drove up to the house. The driver of the taxi-cab had just gone away, and Mr. Tertius was discussing his information with Peggie.
Hearing Barthorpe's voice in the hall he gave her a warning glance.
”Quick!” he said hurriedly. ”Attend to what I say! Not a word to your cousin about the man who has just left us. At present I don't want Mr.
Barthorpe Herapath to know what he told us. Be careful, my dear--not a word! I'll tell you why later on--but at present, silence--strict silence!”
Barthorpe Herapath came bustling into the room, followed by Selwood, who, as it seemed to Peggie, looked utterly unwilling for whatever task might lay before him. At sight of Mr. Tertius, Barthorpe came to a sudden halt and frowned.
”I don't want to discuss matters further, Mr. Tertius,” he said coldly.
”I thought I had given you a hint already. My cousin and I have private matters to attend to, and I shall be obliged if you'll withdraw. You've got private rooms of your own in this house, I believe--at any rate, until things are settled--and it will be best if you keep to them.”
Mr. Tertius, who had listened to this unmoved, turned to Peggie.
”Do you wish me to go away?” he asked quietly.
Barthorpe turned on him with an angry scowl.
”It's not a question of what Miss Wynne wishes, but of what I order;” he burst out. ”If you've any sense of fitness, you'll know that until my uncle's will is found and his wishes ascertained I'm master here, Mr.
Tertius, and----”
”You're not my master, Barthorpe,” exclaimed Peggie, with a sudden flash of spirit. ”I know what my uncle's wishes were as regards Mr. Tertius, and I intend to respect them. I've always been mistress of this house since my uncle brought me to it, and I intend to be until I find I've no right to be. Mr. Tertius, you'll please to stop where you are!”
”I intend to,” said Mr. Tertius, calmly. ”I never had any other intention. Mr. Barthorpe Herapath, I believe, will hardly use force to compel me to leave the room.”
Barthorpe bit his lips as he glanced from one to the other.
”Oh!” he said. ”So that's how things are? Very good, Mr. Tertius. No, I shan't use physical force. But mind I don't use a little moral force--a slight modic.u.m of that would be enough for you, I'm thinking!”