Part 8 (1/2)

”Ah!” he said, turning again to the driver, ”you think you drove either Mr. Herapath or a gentleman of his appearance this morning. You did not know Mr. Herapath by sight, then?”

”No, sir. I've only just come into this part--came for the first time yesterday. But I'm as certain----”

”Just tell us all about it,” said Mr. Tertius, interrupting him. ”Tell us in your own way. Everything, you know.”

”Ain't so much to tell, sir,” responded the driver. ”All the same, soon's I'd seen this piece in the paper just now I said to myself, 'I'd best go round to Portman Square and tell what I do know,' I says. And it's like this, sir--I come on this part yesterday--last night it was.

My taxi belongs to a man as keeps half a dozen, and he put me on to night work, this end of Oxford Street. Well, it 'ud be just about a quarter to two this morning when a tall, well-built gentleman comes out of Orchard Street and made for my cab. I jumps down and opens the door for him. 'You know St. Mary Abbot's Church, Kensington?' he says as he got in. 'Drive me down there and pull up at the gate.' So, of course, I ran him down, and there he got out, give me five bob, and off he went.

That's it, sir.”

”And when he got out, which way did he go?” asked Mr. Tertius.

”West, sir--along the High Street, past the Town Hall,” promptly answered the driver. ”And there he crossed the road. I see him cross, because I stopped there a minute or two after he'd got out, tinkering at my engine.”

”Can you tell us what this gentleman was like in appearance?” asked Mr.


”Well, sir, not so much as regards his face,” answered the driver. ”I didn't look at him, not particular, in that way--besides, he was wearing one of them overcoats with a big fur collar to it, and he'd the collar turned high up about his neck and cheeks, and his hat--one of them slouched, soft hats, like so many gentlemen wears nowadays sir--was well pulled down. But from what bit I see of him, sir, I should say he was a fresh-coloured gentleman.”

”Tall and well built, you say?” observed Mr. Tertius.

”Yes, sir--fine-made gentleman--pretty near six feet, I should have called him,” replied the driver. ”Little bit inclined to stoutness, like.”

Mr. Tertius turned to Peggie.

”I believe you have some recent photographs of Mr. Herapath,” he said.

”You might fetch them and let me see if our friend here can recognize them. You didn't notice anything else about your fare?” he went on, after Peggie had left the room. ”Anything that excited your attention, eh?”

The driver, after examining the pattern of the carpet for one minute and studying the ceiling for another, slowly shook his head. But he then suddenly started into something like activity.

”Yes, there was, sir, now I come to think of it!” he exclaimed. ”I hadn't thought of it until now, but now you mention it, there was. I noticed he'd a particularly handsome diamond ring on his left hand--an extra fine one, too, it was.”

”Ah!” said Mr. Tertius. ”A very fine diamond ring on his left hand? Now, how did you come to see that?”

”He rested that hand on the side of the door as he was getting in, sir, and I noticed how it flashed,” answered the driver. ”There was a lamp right against us, you see, sir.”

”I see,” said Mr. Tertius. ”He wasn't wearing gloves, then?”

”He hadn't a glove on that hand, sir. He was carrying some papers in it--a sort of little roll of papers.”

”Ah!” murmured Mr. Tertius. ”A diamond ring--and a little roll of papers.” He got up from his chair and put a hand in his pocket. ”Now, my friend,” he went on, c.h.i.n.king some coins as he withdrew it, ”you haven't told this to any one else, I suppose?”

”No, sir,” answered the driver. ”Came straight here, sir.”

”There's a couple of sovereigns for your trouble,” said Mr. Tertius, ”and there'll be more for you if you do what I tell you to do. At present--that is, until I give you leave--don't say a word of this to a soul. Not even to the police--yet. In fact, not a word to them until I say you may. Keep your mouth shut until I tell you to open it--I shall know where to find you. If you want me, keep an eye open for me in the square outside, or in the street. When the young lady comes back with the photographs, don't mention the ring to her. This is a very queer business, and I don't want too much said just yet. Do as I tell you, and I'll see you're all right. Understand?”

The driver pocketed his sovereigns, and touched his forehead with a knowing look.

”All right, sir,” he said. ”I understand. Depend on me, sir--I shan't say a word without your leave.”