Part 1 (2/2)

The following extracts show the extent and reality of the revival:--

”There has been,” writes the superintendent, ”an extensive revival in this circuit. On Friday, the Rev. Mr. V---- preached at this place. A prayer-meeting was held after the sermon, when several began to cry aloud for mercy--one professed to have obtained pardon. We have held prayer-meetings nearly every night, and a very gracious influence has rested upon us. We had, on one occasion, no less than twelve penitents crying to G.o.d for the pardon of their sins, amongst whom are some of the most thoughtless in the neighborhood. So many of our teachers and scholars were under conviction, that we did not think it proper to have school in the morning, but held a prayer-meeting, at which the presence of G.o.d was eminently felt, and several cried aloud. Nearly every female teacher or scholar, in our Sunday-school, is convinced or converted, and some of the males also. Glory to G.o.d!”

On another occasion he writes,--”Our revival still continues, though we have not had any crying aloud for mercy lately, but every time we meet in cla.s.s we have some new members. The numbers, small and great, who had begun to meet in cla.s.s, amounted to nearly one-third of our general congregation--their ages vary from eight years old to above sixty. Mrs.

R.'s, our sweet singer, was a delightful conversion. She had long been seeking the Lord sorrowing. One morning she went into a neighbor's house, to inform them that a young woman had found peace: while in the house she was herself constrained to cry for mercy. One of the leaders was called in to pray with her, and, after a severe struggle, she found peace. The next Sunday I asked her (for she was singing delightfully) whether it was not sweeter to sing as she did, than before? She laid her hand on her breast, and with uplifted eyes, said, 'Yes, it is indeed, for I have often been condemned while singing words in which my heart did not join, but now I can sing with all my heart.'”

One of the teachers, writing to a friend, says, ”You will rejoice to hear that the work of G.o.d is steadily progressing in this part of his vineyard. Many are found crying, in bitterness of soul, 'What must I do to be saved;' while others are enabled to adopt the language of inspiration, and exclaim, 'O Lord, I WILL praise thee; for though thou wert angry with me, thine auger is turned away, and thou comfortest me.'

You will have heard that many members of Mr. T.'s family have been truly converted. Sunday-school teaching is now a delightful employment; most of our children are feeling the power of religion; and many of them, perhaps one-third, meet in cla.s.s. Four out of seven, whom I teach, are, I trust, adopted into the family of G.o.d, and two others evince a desire to 'flee from the wrath to come.' I think I may venture to say there is not a family in the vicinity of our chapel, but has some one or more praying persons belonging to it.”

It is exceedingly gratifying to know that the great majority of those who were converted belong to the school, continue steadfast, and are now pious and useful members of the Methodist Church.



There is a something connected with early a.s.sociations which is almost indescribable. Every one has felt it, but few, very few, have been able to excel in a description of it! Who has not felt, as he gazes upon the cottage,--the home of his childhood,--his youthful days flash with all the vividness of reality before his mind; and as he stands and muses on the bygone years, numbered with those before the flood, he is almost spell-bound to the spot! All his childish pastimes and youthful pleasures pa.s.s in review before his mental vision; while the little trials with which his cup was mixed, are not without their influence in mingling a melancholy with the pleasing reminiscences of the past. Much has been said on this principle of a.s.sociation, and truly much remains unsaid on the subject. Scarcely is there a green sod, or a purling brook, a shady forest-tree, or a smiling flower, an enchanting and fairy landscape, or a barren and desolate heath; scarcely an object in nature, or a work of art, which does not awaken some gratefully pleasing, yet painful recollections of the past!

It is to this principle I attribute much of the good which results from Sabbath-schools. Often has the pious teacher to return from his onerous duties in the school, and retiring to his closet, to mourn on account of the fruitlessness of his efforts; and Satan never fails, at such seasons, to fill his mind with discouraging thoughts, which weigh down his spirits, and lead him almost to decide on retiring from the work. To such, let the precept and promise of G.o.d's word,--”Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days,”--be a source of never-failing encouragement. How frequently, in after life, has it been found, that the instruction of the Sabbath-school, though it may have lain dormant for a time, has not been annihilated; but, through some circ.u.mstance, or by some object, it has been resuscitated in the memory, and it germinates, blossoms, fructifies, and brings forth glorious fruit, which has cheered the hearts and upheld the hands of many thousands of the most self-denying and arduous laborers in G.o.d's vineyard.

James, the eldest of the three lads mentioned, was a youth of considerable promise. He had one of the most retentive memories I have ever met with. Having reached the age of seventeen, his parents placed him with a Methodist in a neighboring town, as an apprentice. For twelve months after his removal, he stood aloof from all connection with the Church and people of G.o.d; after which period, as he remarks in a letter to his brother, ”at the request of the superintendent of C---- school, I became a teacher in that school, and for four years remained as such.”

James continued as a teacher in the school for about twelve-months previous to his becoming a member of society; at the expiration of which time, he was induced, by the persuasions and invitations of his fellow-teachers, to meet in cla.s.s. From this period he became a steady and devoted follower of the Lamb, and was at all times anxious to do what lay in his power to further the cause of the Redeemer. From his first connection with Sabbath-schools, when about five years old, he had conceived a love for them; and as he grew up his love and attachment to them increased, and his delight now was to devote all his energies to their promotion. As he more than once remarked to me, he conceived he was greatly indebted to Sunday-schools for the benefits he had received from them, and he determined, so far as in him lay, to discharge the debt of grat.i.tude he owed.

His qualifications as a teacher were of no mean order. To an earnest desire for the salvation of his young charge, he added a large store of Scriptural and general knowledge, all of which was brought to bear upon the edification of his cla.s.s. He was firm and resolute with his children, and at the same time kind and affectionate; so that I may safely a.s.sert that there were few, if any, more efficient teachers in the school than James. And the secret of the matter was this;--his heart was in the work; he delighted in it, and many of his happiest hours were those spent on the form with his cla.s.s. The responsibility which he justly conceived attached itself to the Sabbath-school teacher, was shown by his attention to any of his own cla.s.s who were sick; and not a few interesting records has he given of Sunday-school children, who, dying in the Lord, have left a bright evidence behind them that they are gone to glory.

Who can count the number of those who, through the instrumentality of Sunday-schools, are now before the throne of G.o.d, joining with angels, and archangels, and the spirits of the just made perfect, in singing, ”Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever.” Truly, there is no individual who verifies the truth of the Psalmist's declaration,--”He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him,”--more frequently than does the pious Sunday-school teacher. Methinks I see him enter the paradise of G.o.d, met and surrounded by those who sat in his cla.s.s, who listened to his teaching, and who were directed by him to ”the Lamb of G.o.d who taketh away the sins of the world.” Joyful indeed will such meetings be. O may such bliss be ours!

After serving five years as an apprentice, James removed to London. There are many persons who imagine, that to settle in London is the very acme of happiness; how little do such persons know of the reality! It is true, that in the religious sphere there are many advantages possessed by the resident of the metropolis. He has the teaching and counsel of ministers eminent for their piety, usefulness, and talent; he is brought into connection with some of the holiest and best men of the day; and, if his time be not altogether absorbed in the world, he has constantly numerous means of grace within his reach, so that he can frequently and delightfully join the great congregation, mingling his voice with theirs, swelling the anthems of praise and the solemn accents of prayer, as they rise like incense to the skies. But there is, on the other hand, much more allurement and temptation; there is everything around to draw away the attention from heavenly objects. Those with whom you have to a.s.sociate, and who constantly surround you, are men of the world; men whose whole _delight_ is in _forgetfulness_ of G.o.d!--men, in many instances, whose whole energies are directed to ridicule, blaspheme, and overthrow the pious and devoted Christian; so that, being thus surrounded, the temptations of our great enemy are powerful, and often more fatal.

Many a promising young man within the range of my own limited acquaintance, has, through coming to London, made ”s.h.i.+pwreck of faith, and of a good conscience;” and to any into whose hands this little work may find its way, let me earnestly and faithfully say, ”Flee the very appearance of evil;” parley not one moment with temptation; but when tempted, fly at once to the cross, lay hold there, nor let that hold be loosened, till the enemy is vanquished, and your soul filled with perfect peace. Be particular what companions you have; ”a man is known by the company he keeps.” And let me warn you to be careful how you comply with the invitations of unG.o.dly a.s.sociates, in attending places of amus.e.m.e.nt and scenes of gayety. The wise man says, ”My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” Many and specious are the arguments which will be adduced to gain your consent; but take the precaution to ask yourself, honestly, and as in the sight of G.o.d, Can I get any good there?

May I not get harm? Can I ask G.o.d's blessings upon it? Should I like to die while there? If these questions can be answered satisfactorily, then give your consent; but beware, even under those circ.u.mstances, how you choose for your companions those who know not G.o.d!

It was at the end of March, 18--, that James left his native country. On his arrival in London, he was at once provided with employment at a large establishment. Here he had much to contend with, being surrounded by, and brought into immediate contact with, a great number of men, many of whom were not only devoid of religion themselves, but ridiculed and sneered at those who made the least profession of respect for the commandments of G.o.d. Being known as a ”Methodist,” and refusing to work on the Sabbath, when ordered to do so, or leave his situation, he came in for a considerable portion of their obloquy and contempt.

There are few persons more social in their character than the subject of our narrative. To such, how beneficial and salutary is the influence arising from that friends.h.i.+p and communion so well provided for among the Wesleyans, and of which he soon availed himself. For want of this, many suffer; and, surrounded by the temptations and seductive influences of the giddy and polluted votaries of pleasure, they look back to the empty enjoyments of the world--they eat, drink, and are merry, while to-morrow they die. Providentially for James, there was one person in the establishment in which he labored who feared G.o.d, and to whom the gospel had come with life and power; he was a cla.s.s-leader at a neighboring Wesleyan chapel. He took him to his cla.s.s, where he constantly met, until his leader was translated from the Church militant below to the Church triumphant above. It was the privilege of James to witness, in his dying hours, his firm and unshaken confidence in the Redeemer. He was ”ready to depart, and to be with Christ.”

In July, 18--, James became connected with a Sunday-school in T---- street. At this period the number of scholars was fifty, and teachers six; while the school required every a.s.sistance that he could render.

With the a.s.sistance of a devoted young man, who soon became his colleague, the school was put into order and efficiency. Here, in consequence of the want of teachers, and the close, unhealthy, cellar-like appearance of the place, the school was not very prosperous; but the society and cause were still less so. In fact, but for the vigor and vitality evinced in the Sunday-school, the chapel would have been soon given up. In September, 18--, he writes, ”I have been fifteen months in connection with this school. The future may show to me great good resulting from this school, but at present we have only enough to encourage us.” For five years he had much to contend with from the apathy of friends, or from the neglect of those who ought to have been the friends and patrons of the school; as well as from the indifference of parents to the religious welfare of their children. There have been a few pleasing indications of good; and, considering the difficulties they have to contend with, the conduct of the children was generally favorable. The few exceptions were forgotten in the sweet smiles and affectionate remembrances of others.

I will conclude this sketch of James with a remark or two of his own:--”I am,” says he, ”one of those who owe much to Sabbath-schools; to deny it, would be foolish and sinful. Many a happy hour have I spent in the Sabbath-school; many more I hope to spend. My firm belief is, that the Sabbath-school should have every Wesleyan child, whether he be rich or poor; and I cannot but deplore that false pride, evinced by many respectable religious people in the present day, which prevents their children being sent to the Sabbath-school, 'because they have learning enough through the week;' while they will let them ramble out, or play within the house instead: thus training them for Satan rather than for G.o.d!

”Sunday-schools are the militia of the Church: it is from them the most efficient youth are drafted into the service of Jehovah, to fight manfully under the Captain of their salvation, numbers of whom win the well-fought day, and receive the prize of victory.
