Part 34 (1/2)
”Nugget!” ejaculated the co his eyes for the first time on the burden which Mr Stackpole carried ”Bless et of that size!”
”That's just e've done,” answered Obed
”When did you find it?”
”Well, we took it froht We found it in the afternoon, but calculated we'd better take possession when there wasn't so many lookin' on I say, Mr Coree with ht, froet in the cabin”
”You ran very little risk No one could have found out that you had it in your possession,” remarked the commissioner
”That's where you arerobbed of it only an hour after we brought it home”
”Bless my soul! How did that happen?”
”A pesky thief sneaked in, and carried it off, as he thought”
”How could he think he carried it off when he did not?”
Upon this Obed explained the trick to which he had resorted, and the cohed heartily
”Do you know the man--the thief, I mean?” he asked
”Yes, it is, a man that has been prowlin' round the ca, but watchin' for a chance to appropriate the property of some lucky miner I'd like to see the fellow's face when he opens the handkerchief this , and finds the rock”
”It appears you have lost a handkerchief, at any rate,” said the commissioner, with a smile
”He's welcoht it away froo, and now I can afford to buy another”
By this tiet had been carried into the office and exposed to view
”It is a splendid specily ”It is certainly the largest that has ever been found in this camp”
”Has any been found before?” asked Harry
”Yes; sixtwenty-two pounds and some ounces”
”Is he here now?”
”Yes, and without a shi+lling”
”Didn't his nugget benefit him any then?” asked Harry
”It became a curse to him He obtained some thousands of dollars for it, and all went in threeand gas He did not have ood practical ot a chance to work a claim on shares for another man, who had just co I hope you will make better use of your money Are these boys your partners?”
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