Part 33 (1/2)
”You will have, after a while Then you can't think of any cabin near by where we could get a breakfast?”
”There's Joe's'”
”Where's Joe's?”
”About a mile from here on the road to the camp”
”Are you acquainted with Joe?”
”Is your credit good with him?”
”I think he would trust me for a breakfast”
”And me? You can introducelike a friend of mine,” said the first resentfully
”Perhaps not However, you must make allowances for my natural disappointment You led me into it, you know”
”If it coet wasn't real, you had no claih to rile any man--that is, when disappoint over spilt ”
”What is it?” asked the thief with soerness
”I will tell you--after breakfast My ideas don't flow freely when I aet up, and lead the way to Joe's I have an aching void within, which needs filling up Your appetite may come too--after a walk”
Somehow this man, cool and cynical as he was, impressed his fellow adventurer, and he rose obediently, and led the way out of the cabin
”I wish I kneas your idea,” he said
”Well, I don't et”
”You haven't got it, but you et it”
”I don't see how He will be on his guard now”
”Of course he will I don't ht You ht”