Chapter 303: The Legends of the Black Earth City and their entry into the Black Earth City (1/2)

The Black Earth City is a city beyond Yan Mo's expectations.

He thought he would see a castle or an ancient city pool, but in fact he saw a closed giant city like the end of the world film.

There is no patrol guard on the wall, but there is a high-rise monitoring tower in four directions in the city. There is also a spire like building in the center of the city which is much higher than the four monitoring towers.

The reason is that it is a huge city, because its walls are much higher and thicker than the Jiu Yuan. It may not have the Jiu Yuan city walls, which stretch to a large area, but its compactness and firmness are absolutely not below it, and its wall material is very peculiar, the whole wall was as black, matte, like covering the whole walls.

”It's a hard city to attack.” Yuan Zhan, standing on a sled, looking out at the Black Earth City.

This is the nearest heights to The Black Earth City and the foothold of The Obscuri Tribesmen before entering The Black Earth City.

The snowstorm has ended and the snow had buried all the roads, but on the road you can see wild animals that are good at running in the snow pulling sledges.

The warriors and their Tribesmen, who came from the lower cities and tribes to partic.i.p.ate in the selection, converged like black ants on the road in front of the East City of The Black Earth City in a broken black line.

There's no need for sledges to go down and for the people to clear their own path. The Black Earth City has cleared the only way into the East Side.

Yan Mo got down from the sled, moved his body, walked up to the sled-pulling beast, and gently touches its back.

The gentle beast turned and arched into his hand.

Yan Mo smiled and took out the fresh gra.s.s to feed it.

Although sledges and beasts are not the specialty of The Weise Tribe, the sledges made by The Weise Tribe and the beasts they have trained are best used by the common sense ofmost nearby tribes.

The two sledges and beasts used by Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo now were traded with captive Weise and The Weise Tribesmen.

Compared with the Jiu Yuan, which has a bit of rough sled and no suitable animal pulling sled, the Weise Tribe is obviously better, and Yan Mo intends to bring both sleds and beasts back to the Jiu Yuan.

Especially long-billed animals, this kind of animal is a bit like wild donkeys, but the temperament is like mules, hard-working and only grazing, in the summer they can be pulling carts, in the winter pulling sledges, but also carrying people and goods, is simply the best labor animal.

To this end, Yan Mo specifically exchanged with The Great Obscuri Clan to ensure that the eight beasts that pulled their sledges were exactly four males and four females, and were all young.

”Mo?” Yuan Zhan walked up to him.

Yan Mo touched the beast with one hand and pointed an empty finger at the Black Earth City. ”What do you think the Black Earth City looks like?”

”Good?” Yuan Zhan looked again.

With The Obscuri Tribesmen, Ding Ning, who was unloading the sleigh for the beast, looked up and said, ”Like a basin?”

”No, like an urn, with a small belly.” Yuan Zhan affirmed.

”For the first time I saw someone make the city look like this. The lighting in this city must not be very good.” Yan Mo couldn't figure it out.

Zi Ming, who helped him, peeped at Ding Ning and coughed. ”It is said that the Black Earth City was not built by their slaves and warriors, but by G.o.d's blood vessel artifact”

”Artifact?” Yan Mo is here for the first time to hear the word.

”Yes, G.o.d's weapons and implements. Mo DRen, haven't you heard of it? Zi Ming was surprised.

”Witch Mo certainly heard of it. But maybe we have different views on both sides. Can you tell us about the legend of the Black Earth City?” Ding Ning grabbed the conversation.

Zi Ming stammered in an instant, ”When, of course, the legend is known to all the tribes affiliated to the Black Earth City and the lower cities.”

Elder Hao laughed as he listened. The kid didn't know what he had eaten wrong these days. When he sees these Jiu Yuan Peoples, he couldn't speak.

”Witch Mo, let me tell you about it.” Elder Hao took this break to spread the legend about The Black Earth City and the Wu Shang family that ruled her.

Dda, who likes to listen to stories, and Ding Fei surrounded him, and Jiu Feng jumped curiously onto Dda's head.

”Legend has it that in the vicinity of the Black Water River, the dark waters we saw two days ago, and many tribes lived a long time ago. Everyone lived on the river, but one day the G.o.d of the Black Water River became angry and took all the tribes into the river and ate them. Only one woman survived.”

”What a pity.” Ding Fei, the most compa.s.sionate, lamented.

Elder Hao nodded and continued, ”The woman had nothing to eat, so she had to pick up a black stone washed ash.o.r.e by the flood.”

”Legend has it that the black stone was actually the blood dripping from the battle between the G.o.d of Earth and the G.o.d of Wind.” Zi Ming stammered to add.

The G.o.d of the Earth, ha? Yan Mo aimed at Yuan Zhan with a smile.

Yuan Zhan rubbed the dust without comment.

”Ou!” Dda disagreed.

Ding Fei somehow understood and helped Dda translate: ”Why didn't she catch fish in the river? Gra.s.s and fruit are all right. Why eat stones?”

”It was winter, and the river was so rough that she could neither fish nor find water.” Zhi Zhen, one of the warriors selected by The Great Obscuri, interrupted.

Elder Hao laughed. “It's a legend. Maybe the woman didn't have any food at that time. In short, she ate a lot of black stones, that is, the blood of the earth G.o.d. Seven days later, she gave birth to a child born with great strength. ”




Even Bing said, ”A woman can't give birth to a child in seven days unless she is a witch.”

Yan Mo scanned the group of troubling children who listened to stories and said, ”Shut up. Whoever interrupts next I will kick their b.u.t.ts!”

Ding Ning put a hand over his brother's mouth.

Ding Fei covered Dda, who then raised his hand to cover Jiu Feng and was pecked by Jiu Feng.

Elder Hao ha ha, laughed, then continued, ”This son inherited the G.o.d of the Earth, G.o.d's blood was not only powerful, but also able to turn himself into a huge rock man. This rock man is the ancestor of Kings of Wu Shang.”

”What about the artifact? Where are the artifacts?” Yuan Zhan asked.

The troubling children squint at him together, Mo DRen. He interrupted please spanks his a.s.s!

”I'm just going to say that. Because the rock-man was so powerful that the tribes living near the Black Water River could not beat him, he gradually accepted the tribes and became their Chief. The rock-man married his mother and gave birth to a boy and a girl only those two children. The boy had only a lot of strength, but the girl could become a rock-man just like her father. For this reason, the rock-man's mother did not like her second son, but only her daughter. She wanted the rock-man to pa.s.s chief's position to their daughter, but their other son did not want to.

Yuan Zhan, ”There's still no mention of artifacts.”