Chapter 2 (1/2)

When I enter through the school gates, there is a hill.

Well, I don’t really understand, but there’s a hill leading up to the buildings.

It’s probably so that the slope of the hill would make the buildings more prominent. Also, from this school gate onwards, including the small hill in front of it, everything is private property. Isn’t it too big?

After a five minute climb through the sakura trees lining the side of the road, at last I arrive at the buildings.

Their sheer size is nothing to laugh at. I mean, people could get lost here. In fact, that should be something expected.

After getting checked-in, scholars.h.i.+p students head towards Gymnasium 1.

By the way, there are three gymnasiums. Looking at the pamphlet, the school campus includes a baseball field, two soccer fields, three gymnasiums, an indoor swimming pool, six tennis courts, and something like a track field. It seems quite difficult to memorize such a complete campus.

The entrance ceremony, which was delayed, now begins.

After some good words from the Board Chairman, the freshman representative gives his speech, and the ceremony ends with a welcome speech from the student body president.

I had thought the board chairman’s speech would be lengthy, but it was surprisingly upfront. In summary: the school harbors many talented individuals. For those who bear dreams, to realize them, for those who do not, to find one; and for academics, for club activities, for love, for anything, leave nothing undone, and make use of every opportunity and resource — was what I understood. Although I had prepared myself for the inevitable sleepiness which accompanies long speeches, I was pleasantly betrayed by feelings of antic.i.p.ation due to his good words.

After that was the freshman representative’s greetings. Well, there was nothing special about it so I have nothing to say.

If I’m forced to say something, he was a guy with who had the same surname as the chairman. Those were the so called Kichiku thing, no mistake. He had that sort of face. I’m probably being prejudiced…

The student body president was an earth-shattering beauty.

She had bright brown hair and two large eyes, but what attracted my eyes more than anything were her two ferocious b.r.e.a.s.t.s. At any rate, they bounced up and down with a *yusa yusa* when she walked on the stage. What the heck did she eat to get them so big. Her shoulders must be extremely stiff, so I don’t know if I’d want them myself. I’m curious as to how she was raised.

Afterwards, all the new students head to homeroom. It seem our guardians will be explaining something.

It appears that I am in cla.s.s 3. The cla.s.s with no one refres.h.i.+ng, cla.s.s 3 (Reference to episode 35). Nevermind, I said some needless things.

Entering the cla.s.sroom. I see our seating chart posted on the blackboard.

My side is next to the wall separating the room from the hallway, three seats back. I had hoped for a window seat if at all possible. Well, seating order is based on enrollment order, so there is no helping it.

I hope we switch seats soon and I get placed in a window seat.

Sitting next to my seat is an energetic girl with short hair.

I notice her smiling and waving her hand at me out of the corner of my eye. She’s cute, I guess?

I smile back in return and sit down. If possible it’s best to be on good terms with your neighbor. If you can’t get on good terms, well, you can cry yourself to sleep. Easy.

Sitting in my seat, I look around at my surroundings and notice something strange.

This cla.s.s, somehow, has a ton of beautiful women and handsome men.

There are still normal-looking kids of course, but, all the 10/10 from our grade, no, from the entire school, are in this cla.s.s.

There’s a well-rounded girl in the cla.s.s who has large b.r.e.a.s.t.s which give off a gently impression. Because she’s wearing clothes, I can’t really tell their size, but I’d give it a solid F.

There’s a cute girl with a short stature whose cat-like eyes give off a strong impression.

My neighbor’s are the same. The one with the short hair and large eyes. The one whose smile was like the sun.

Then there’s this guy who looks really cool with, but has a s.a.d.i.s.tic face. Wait, isn’t he the freshman representative!?

There’s a guy with sun-tanned, cocoa skin who’s part of the cool group. I feel like he does outdoor sports like soccer, but I can’t say for sure.

Although his head is shaved, the phrase, “A warrior surrounded by a silent atmosphere” suits him. In all likelihood, he’s in the baseball club.

And then, Brown-hair-piercing. No matter how I look at him, he resembles a delinquent, and he also has that ill-tempered look in his eye that’s like a dangerous blade.

By the way, those are all the beauties, and Ikemens, who stand out from the crowd. If I include the above average students, the list I gave you just now would multiply many times, since nearly all of the students in this cla.s.s of 40 are above average.

Already, I feel a sense of danger from this cla.s.s.

The cla.s.s members sit down at their seats whenever they feel like it. Everyone is seated by the time the lecturer in charge stands behind his podium.

This, is good. It’s normal. It’s super normal. This normalness should be continued! The teacher seems to be a big fan of normalness, at least.

“Uh… My name is Yamanaka s.h.i.+kanosuke. Everyone, congratulations on your matriculation. Let’s work together for our first year.”

Correction. His name is definitely not normal. Though, his voice definitely feels normal.

“Although my name is Yamanaka s.h.i.+kanosuke, I’m not a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. I also hope that I will never experience such misfortune, so I hope you all will look after me.”

(Note: His name has the character for “Deer” in it.

According to Estelion in the comments, ‘The whole 8 sufferings and 7 hards.h.i.+ps thing, and the whole m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t thing refers to the fact that he shares the same name with a Sengoku samurai with the same name. The guy in question,


is quite famous for praying to the moon for ‘8 sufferings and 7 hards.h.i.+ps’ and in popular culture there are tongue-in-cheek jokes about him being a ma.s.sive m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t. In fact, a female version of him in Oda n.o.buna no Yabou is exactly a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t, so…’)

“Someone was messing with you if you got that kind of name. Well, there are also idiots who would give themselves names like that.”

“Let’s leave that trivial nonsense behind us. I’m going to start explaining your schedule now.”

Explaining the schedule…what a splendid change in topic.

Orientation was just a confirmation of your scholastic test results…so there was really no need for any explanation.

“Alright… Let’s do some introductions. Please keep it simple so we can hurry up and finish.”

I suck at self introductions.

What should I tell them? My name and hobby should be fine right?

Or would it be better if I said something funny to get them to laugh?

“Yes thank you. Alright, person in front of him stand up.”

Ah. It’s my turn.

I hate my seat number right now. I didn’t have any time to gather my thoughts.

I stand up and walk to the front of the room, whereupon the room suddenly gets noisy. The guys especially are directing pa.s.sionate gazes at me.

Certainly, I did over do the self improvement and became high-spec, but like h.e.l.l I’m going to let you guys capture me.

“I’m Katagiri Sora. My hobby is cooking. Nice to meet you all.”

I do a light bow and end my self-introduction. However, despite being to complete my self-introduction with no slip-ups…

“Alright, then it’s time to ask Katagiri-san questions.”

Wut? Hey, this Deer! There was no such time until just now!