Part 11 (1/2)
There was a step beside her, and Mrs. Grayson, the quiet, the tactful, and the observant, entered.
”Why, Sylvia,” she said, ”you are sitting in the dark!”
She touched the b.u.t.ton, turned on the electric lights, and noticed the letter lying in the girl's hand. Her glance pa.s.sed swiftly to Sylvia's face and as swiftly pa.s.sed away. She knew instinctively the writer of the letter, but she said nothing, waiting for Sylvia herself to speak.
”I have a letter from Mr. Plummer,” said Sylvia.
”What does he say?”
”Not much besides his arrival at Boise--just some foolishness of his; you know how he loves to jest.”
”Yes, I have long known that,” said Mrs. Grayson, but she noticed that Sylvia made no offer to show the letter. Hitherto the letters of ”King”
Plummer had been read by all the Graysons as a matter of course, just as one shares interesting news.
”He is a good man, and he will be a good husband,” said Mrs. Grayson.
She was for the moment ruthless with a purpose, and when she said the words, although affecting not to watch, she saw the girl flinch--ever so little, but still she flinched.
”The best man in the world,” repeated Sylvia Morgan, softly.
”And yet there are other good men,” said Mrs. Grayson, quietly. ”One good man does not exclude the existence of another.”
Sylvia looked up at her, but she failed to take her meaning. Her quiet aunt sometimes spoke in parables, and waited for events to disclose her meaning.
Mrs. Grayson and Miss Morgan were to leave for the West the next afternoon, and shortly before their departure Harley came to tell them a temporary good-bye. Sylvia and he chanced to be alone for a little while, and she genuinely lamented her departure--they had become franker friends in these later days.
”I do not see why women cannot go through a political campaign from beginning to end,” she said; ”I'm sure we can help Uncle James, and there will be, too, so many interesting things to see. It will be like a war without the wounds and death. I don't want to miss any of it.”
”I half agree with you,” said Harley, smiling, ”and I know that it would be a great deal nicer for the rest of us if you and Mrs. Grayson could go along.”
He paused, and he had a sudden bold thought.
”If anything specially interesting happens that the newspapers don't tell about, will you let me write you an account of it?” he asked. ”I should really like to tell you.”
She flushed ever so little, but she was of the free-and-open West, and Harley always gave her the impression of courteous strength--he would take no liberties.
”You can write,” she said, briefly, and then she immediately regretted her decision. It was the thought of ”King” Plummer that made her regret it, but she had too much pride to change it now.
Harley was at the train with Mr. Grayson when she and Mrs. Grayson left, and Sylvia found that he had seen to everything connected with their journey. Without making any noise, and without appearing to work much, he accomplished a good deal. She had an impulse once to thank him, but she restrained it, and she gave him a good-bye that was neither cool nor warm, just sufficiently conventional to leave no inference whatever. But when the train was gone and Mr. Grayson and he were riding back in the cab to the hotel, the candidate spoke of her.
”She's a good girl, Harley,” he said--he and Harley had grown to be such friends that he now dropped the ”Mr.” when he spoke directly to the correspondent. ”She's real, as true as steel.”
He spoke with emphasis, but Harley said nothing.
The group seemed to lose much of its vividness, color, and variety when the women departed, but they settled down to work, the most intense and exacting that Harley had ever known. All the great qualities of the candidate came out; he seemed to be made of iron, and on the stump he was without an equal; if any one in the audience was ready with a troublesome question, he was equally ready with an apt reply; nor could they disturb his good humor; and his smiling irony!--the rash fool who sought to deride him always found the laugh turned upon himself.
Throughout the East the party was stirred to mighty enthusiasm, and their antagonists, who had thought the election a foregone conclusion, were roused from their security. Again the combat deepened and entered upon a yet hotter phase. Meanwhile Mr. Goodnight, Mr. Crayon, and their powerful faction within the party, kept quiet for the time. Mr. Grayson was not yet treading on their toes, but he knew, and his friends knew, that they were watching every motion of his with a hundred eyes.
Churchill's _Monitor_ was constantly coming, laden with suggestion, advice, and warning, and Churchill himself alternately wore a look of importance and disappointment. No one ever made the slightest reference to his wise despatches. He had expected to be insulted, to be persecuted, to be a martyr for duty's sake, and, lo! he was treated always with courtesy, but his great work was ignored; he felt that they must see it, but then they might be too dull to notice its edge and weight. He now drew a certain consolation from his silent suffering, and strengthened himself anew for the task which he felt required a delicate and thoughtful mind.