Part 10 (1/2)
It was impossible to resist her manner, the honey of her words, and Churchill, who felt that she was but giving credit where credit was due, became less stern.
”Do you really like it, Miss Morgan?” he asked, and he permitted himself a smile.
”Oh yes,” she replied, ”and I noticed that the _Monitor_ alone contained an article of this character, all about those big men who are watching over Uncle James, and will not let him go wrong. That is what you correspondents call a beat, isn't it?”
Churchill gave Harley a glance of triumph, but he replied, gravely:
”I believe it is what we call a beat, Miss Morgan.”
”And you will continue to help us in the same way, won't you, Mr.
Churchill?” she continued. ”You know who those great men are; Mr.
Harley, here, I am sure does not, nor does Mr. Blaisdell nor Mr. Hobart; you alone, as the _Monitor_ says, can come into touch with such important circles, and you will warn us again and again in the columns of the _Monitor_ when we are about to get into the wrong path. Oh, it would be a great service, and I know that Uncle James would appreciate it! You will be with us throughout the campaign, and you will have the chance! Now, promise me, Mr. Churchill, that you will do it.”
Her manner had become most appealing, and her face was slightly flushed.
It was not the first time that Harley realized how handsome she was, and how winning she could be. It was his first thought, then, what a woman this mountain maid would make, and his second that ”King” Plummer should continue to look upon her as his daughter--she was too young to be his wife.
Nor was Churchill proof against her beauty and her blandishments. He felt suddenly that for her sake he could overlook some of Mr. Grayson's faults, or at least seek to amend them. It was not hard to make a promise to a pair of lovely eyes that craved his help.
”Well, Miss Morgan,” he said, graciously, ”since it is you who ask it, I will do my best. You know I am not really hostile to Mr. Grayson. The _Monitor_ and I are of his party, and we shall certainly support him as long as he will let us.”
”You are so kind!” she said. ”You have seen so much of the world, Mr.
Churchill, that you can help us greatly. Uncle James, as I told you, is always willing to learn, and he will keep a sharp watch on the _Monitor_.”
”The _Monitor_, as I need not tell you,” said Churchill, ”is the chief organ in New York of good government, and it is never frivolous or inconsequential. I had hoped that what I sent from Milwaukee would have its effect, and I am glad to see, Miss Morgan, that it has.”
Churchill now permitted himself a smile longer and more complacent, and Harley felt a slight touch of pity that any man should be blinded thus by conceit. And Sylvia did not spare him; by alternate flattery and appeal she drew him further into the toils, and Harley was surprised at her skill. She did not seem to him now the girl from Idaho, the child of the mountains and of ma.s.sacre, but a woman of variable moods, and all of them attractive, no whit inferior to her Eastern sisters in the delicate airs and graces that he was wont to a.s.sociate with feminine perfection.
As for Churchill, he yielded completely to her spell, not without some condescension and a memory of his own superiority, but he felt himself willing to comply with her request, particularly because it involved no sacrifice on his own part. He and the _Monitor_ would certainly keep watch over Mr. Grayson, and he would never hesitate to write the words of warning when ever he felt that they were needed.
”Why did you treat him that way?” asked Harley, when Churchill had gone.
”What do you mean by 'that way'?” she asked, and her chin took on a saucy uplift.
”Well, to be plain, why did you make a fool of him?”
”Was my help needed?”
Harley laughed.
”Don't be too hard on Churchill,” he said, ”he's the creature of circ.u.mstance. Besides, you must not forget that he is going to watch over Mr. Grayson.”
Churchill did not join the general group until shortly before the departure for the evening speech, and then he approached with an undeniable air of hostility and defence, expecting to be attacked and having in readiness the weapons with which he had a.s.sured himself that he could repel them. Miss Morgan, it is true, had received him well, but she, so he had begun to believe, was a girl of perception and discrimination, and the fine taste shown by her would not be exhibited by others. The candidate, surprising him much, received him cordially, though not effusively, and he was made welcome in similar manner by the others. There was no allusion whatever to his despatch, but he found himself included in the general gossip, just as if he were one of a group of good comrades.
Yet Churchill was not wholly pleased. His great stroke seemed to be ignored by all except Miss Morgan, when they ought to be stirred deeply by it, and he felt a sense of diminished importance. There should be confusion among them, or at least trepidation. He closely studied the faces of Mr. Grayson and the others to see if they were merely masking their fire, but no attack came either then or later.
Thus two or three days pa.s.sed, and the campaign deepened and popular interest increased. Not since the eve of the Civil War had there been such complexity and intensity of interests, and never before had the personal factor been so strong. Out of the vast turmoil quickly emerged James Grayson as the most picturesque figure that ever appeared upon the stage of national politics in America. His powerful oratory, his daring, and his magnetic personality drew the eyes of all, and Harley saw that wherever he might be there the fight would be thickest. The correspondent's intuition had been right; he had come from a war on the other side of the world to enter another and greater campaign, one in which mind counted for more.