Chapter 4 (1/2)
Legend of Legend – Chapter 4
Posted on June 15, 2016
<– chapter=”” 4:=”” legend=”” of=”” legend(lol)-interview=”” day(3)=”” –=””>
When Lee-joonhyuk got on the subway, he became completely exhausted. Everyone’s gaze was on him, and several people tried to offer their seats to him.
“Please sit here.”
“Thank you.”
As soon as Lee-joonhyuk sat on the seat, he could hear the whispers coming from the female high school student, who was looking at him.
“Isn’t he that person?”
“I think it is?”
They were whispering towards Lee-joonhyuk’s direction, but he didn’t have the energy to pay any attention to it. He had disinfected his wounds, but that didn’t mean it had been healed. He didn’t have any immunity towards pain.
A high school girl approached Lee-joonhyuk, who had his head down.
“Hey, Uncle?”
Lee-joonhyuk raised his head with a slight frown.
“It is him. I was right.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Look at this. You are this uncle, right?”
Lee-joonhyuk saw a video of himself saving people from the bus. He laughed as he watched the image of himself.
“It is him.”
“Wow. Uncle. You are a boss!”
“I’m not a boss. Anyone would have done what I did.”
The female high school students giggled as they spoke.
“Uncle. Take a picture with us.”
“I’m not in a frame of mind to do that.”
“Eh-ee. Don’t be like that. ”
The female high school student didn’t even concern themselves with Lee-joonhyuk’s injuries, and they were busy taking pictures with him in the background. Then they were busy putting the pictures on the SNS. (TLN: social network service)
Lee-joonhyuk laughed as he saw them, then he leaned back on his seat.
“Do whatever you want.”
Once the female high school students started it, numerous people also busily took pictures with Lee-joonhyuk as the background. Lee-joonhyuk was tired of the picture serenade, so he gave his body to the subway.
The 12 floored building in front of him was shaped like a capsule.
ST Capsule was a company that made various medical machines. When the Abnormal Sleeping Disorder and the ma.s.s coma happened, they had moved their feet quickly. Everything that was needed to a.s.sist a comatose patient was made by Capsule.
Capsule combined all the medical equipment to make a medical equipment that could be used easily by regular people. Of course, the price was expensive, but it was proved to be effective. This was why W.A.N.C.S. publicly endorsed it.
As groups of patients became comatose, the hospital was over-capacitated on the number of patients they could admit. This lead to an increase in popularity for Capsule. If one had a Capsule at home, then they would have no trouble taking care of the comatose patient.
This was how ST Capsule became a big corporation in one fell swoop. At first, they had made the parts for the machines by themselves, and when their profit increased, they became the 3rd biggest company in Korea. Then they were able to enter the top 100 ranking of companies in the world.
The fact that he put in an application to this place meant he was somewhat bold. He had graduated from a college in Seoul, but it wasn’t a named university. Moreover, he had kept up his grade, but everyone had that much on their resume.
Lee-joonhyuk entered the building’s lobby, and he put on the nameplate with his application number and picture. When Lee-joonhyuk entered the lobby, the woman standing within looked at his condition then she queried.
“Have you come for the interview?”
“Yes. Where should I go?”
“Please go to the third floor.”
“Thank you.”
Lee-joonhyuk was about to pa.s.s her when the woman addressed him.
“The interview already started 10 minutes ago. You should hurry up.”
“Thank you.”
Even though he wanted to hurry up, he couldn’t. He was fortunate that he didn’t need to drag his legs. When the elevator door closed, Lee-joonhyuk saw his reflection, and he decided he needed to wash his face. He was in a sorry state.
He couldn’t do anything about his injured leg, but black soot had smeared across his face as he was swept up in the explosion. If he went to the interview with this face, it wouldn’t be polite.
When the elevator arrived at the 3rd floor, Lee-joonhyuk walked hurriedly, and he headed to the restroom. Lee-joonhyuk took off his dress jacket, then he quickly washed his face.
After was.h.i.+ng his face thoroughly, he used the water to sweep his hair to the side, and he was able to see the band aid with the cartoon character on his forehead. He briefly thought about Jo-jisun’s face, then he out a little laugh. After he put on his dress jacket, he exited the restroom.
“Number 35. Is Mr. Lee-joonhyuk not here?”
“I’m here.”
He walked quickly as he answered. When the lady saw Lee-joonhyuk, she couldn’t hide her shocked expression. Lee-joonhyuk looked like he should be looking for a hospital instead of attending an interview.
However, Lee-joonhyuk thought he had a good chance at sticking this interview. He might receive additional points for having some experience with the ASD patients, which causes the ma.s.s coma.
When he opened the door to the interview room, Lee-joonhyuk felt everyone’s eyes on him.
There were 3 people who were conducting the interview. Across them were 4 people who came to take the interview. After checking for an empty seat, Lee-joonhyuk walked towards the seat. As soon as he sat, the woman interviewer sitting in the middle pushed her up, then she spoke.
“Number 33, Ms. Kim-dahae?”
Everyone’s gaze was drawn to Lee-joonhyuk, but the woman asked the other interviewee a question. Lee-joonhyuk sat in his seat with a straight back, and he waited for his turn.
Couple of his hypothetical question was asked, and the interviewees answered it in a logical manner. As he saw this, Lee-joonhyuk took a deep breath. Then Lee-joonhyuk’s turn came.
“Number 35, Mr. Lee-joonhyuk?”
He answered energetically. The woman didn’t even glance at Lee-joonhyuk, and after she rifled through her doc.u.ments, she asked.
“Why do you think the Abnormal Sleeping Disorder is happening?”
It was a question he hadn’t thought of. Even the world’s leading scientists had no idea why the Abnormal Sleeping Disorder was occurring.
“To my understanding, the cause has not been found.”
The woman slowly raised her gaze, and she spoke as she looked into Lee-joonhyuk’s eyes.
“I want to hear Mr. Lee-joonhyuk’s opinion. ”
Lee-joonhyuk was slightly taken aback. Truthfully, he wanted the interviewer to ask why he came to the interview in such an outfit. Then he would have told them about the accident he experienced, then he would try to make a favorable impression.
However, she didn’t seem too interested in that part. The eyes of the woman, who asked him the question, was colder than ice.
Lee-joonhyuk regulated his breath for a moment before he answered.