Part 16 (1/2)
Do you profess this seriously? do you laugh at me?
_Lam._ Ha, ha.
_Din._ Pl---- light upon your scorns, upon your flatteries, Upon your tempting faces, all destructions; A bedrid winter hang upon your cheeks, And blast, blast, blast those buds of Pride that paint you; Death in your eyes to fright men from these dangers: Raise up your trophy, _Cleremont_.
_Cler._ What a vengeance ail you?
_Din._ What dismal noise! is there no honour in you?
_Cleremont_, we are betrayed, betrayed, sold by a woman; Deal bravely for thy self.
_Cler._ This comes of rutting; Are we made stales to one another?
_Din._ Yes, we are undone, lost.
_Cler._ You shall pay for't grey-beard.
Up, up, you sleep your last else. {_Lights above, two Servants {and_ Anabel.
_1 Serv._ No, not yet, Sir, Lady, look up, would you have wrong'd this Beauty?
Wake so tender a Virgin with rough terms?
You wear a Sword, we must entreat you leave it.
_2 Serv._ Fye Sir, so sweet a Lady?
_Cler._ Was this my bed-fellow, pray give me leave to look, I am not mad yet, I may be by and by.
Did this lye by me?
Did I fear this? is this a Cause to shake at?
Away with me for shame, I am a Rascal.
_Enter_ Champernel, Beaupre, Verdone, Lamira, Anabel, Cleremont, _and two Servants_.
_Din._ I am amaz'd too.
_Beaup._ We'll recover you.
_Verd._ You walk like _Robin-good-fellow_ all the house over, And every man afraid of you.
_Din._ 'Tis well, Lady; The honour of this deed will be your own, The world shall know your bounty.
_Beaup._ What shall we do with 'em?
_Cler._ Geld me, For 'tis not fit I should be a man again, I am an a.s.s, a Dog.
_Lam._ Take your revenges, You know my Husbands wrongs and your own losses.
_Anab._ A brave man, an admirable brave man; Well, well, I would not be so tryed again; A very handsome proper Gentleman.
_Cler._ Will you let me lye by her but one hour more, And then hang me?
_Din._ We wait your malice, put your swords home bravely, You have reason to seek bloud.