Part 15 (1/2)
_Enter_ Cleremont _above_.
_Cler._ What a Devil ail you?
How cold I sweat! a hogs pox stop your pipes, [_Musick._ The thing will 'wake; now, now, methinks I find His Sword just gliding through my throat. What's that?
A vengeance choak your pipes. Are you there, Lady?
Stop, stop those Rascals; do you bring me hither To be cut into minced meat? why _Dinant_?
_Din._ I cannot do withal; I have spoke, and spoke; I am betray'd and lost too.
_Cler._ Do you hear me? do you understand me?
'Plague dam your Whistles. [_Musick ends._
_Lam._ 'Twas but an over-sight, they have done, lye down.
_Cler._ Would you had done too, You know not In what a misery and fear I lye.
You have a Lady in your arms.
_Din._ I would have-- [_The Recorders again._
_Champ._ I'll watch you Goodman Wou'd have.
_Cler._ Remove for Heavens sake, And fall to that you come for.
_Lam._ Lie you down, 'Tis but an hours endurance now.
_Cler._ I dare not, softly sweet Lady ----heart?
_Lam._ 'Tis nothing but your fear, he sleeps still soundly, Lie gently down.
_Cler._ 'Pray make an end.
_Din._ Come, Madam.
_Lam._ These Chambers are too near. [_Ex._ Din. Lam.
_Cham._ I shall be nearer; Well, go thy wayes, I'le trust thee through the world, Deal how thou wilt: that that I never feel, I'le never fear. Yet by the honour of a Souldier, I hold thee truly n.o.ble: How these things will look, And how their blood will curdle! Play on Children, You shall have pap anon. O thou grand Fool, That thou knew'st but thy fortune-- [_Musick done._
_Cler._ Peace, good Madam, Stop her mouth, _Dinant_, it sleeps yet, 'pray be wary, Dispatch, I cannot endure this misery, I can hear nothing more; I'll say my prayers, And down again-- [_Whistle within._ A thousand Alarms fall upon my quarters, Heaven send me off; when I lye keeping Courses.
Pl---- o' your fumbling, _Dinant_; how I shake!
'Tis still again: would I were in the _Indies_. [_Exit_ Cler.
_Enter_ Dinant, _and_ Lamira: _a light within_.
_Din._ Why do you use me thus? thus poorly? basely?
Work me into a hope, and then destroy me?
Why did you send for me? this new way train me?
_Lam._ Mad-man, and fool, and false man, now I'll shew thee.
_Din._ 'Pray put your light out.