Part 18 (1/2)
[B] BARMOUTH, near the conflux of the river Maw, or Mawddach, is a village singularly situated; the houses are disposed, either among the sand, in a low situation, or at different heights on the side of a huge rock, like a part of the city of Edinburgh, and are said to resemble the town of Gibraltar. These houses form eight tiers, to which there is no approach, but by steps cut in the rock. The floors of one row are about level with the tops of the chimnies immediately in front; so that a person standing at his door may look down the chimnies of the neighbourhood below. The first range regales the second with its smoke, the second the third, &c. till we arrive at the uppermost, which, in a westerly wind, takes the mixed perfume of all. Barmouth is the port of Merioneths.h.i.+re, not far from which the river Mawddach has its commencement. ”Proceeding along the banks of this river towards Dolgelly,” says Mr. Bingley, ”when it was high water, the whole bed of the river being filled, made the different landscapes in the scene appear truly picturesque. The first two miles which lay along, what the inhabitants of Barmouth call, the Beach, formed the most interesting part of the journey. In the composition of the views, scarcely any thing appeared wanting; there was every requisite of mountain and vale, wood, water, meadows, and rocks, arranged in beautiful order. Beyond the beach, the road winds at a little distance from the river, among the low mountains; and from different stations, I had views of the most elegant and picturesque landscapes, the river partly hidden by intervening mountains. This stream is much diminished in width and depth: at present it will not admit so much as a pleasure-boat to reach Dolgelly, which obliges company to walk three-quarters of a mile to the town.”
[Sidenote: A very curiously built town.]
[C] BARNARD CASTLE. The castle from which the town appears to have derived its name, was founded by Barnard, son of Guy Baliol, who accompanied William the Conqueror to England, and to whom William Rufus granted the n.o.ble forests of Teesdale and Marwood. Edward the First, determined to mortify the Bishop of Durham and to abridge his power; he, therefore, gave this castle to Guy Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, in whose family it continued for five generations. It afterwards came to the crown, and the tyrant Richard III. who took very great delight in this place, contributed much to its beauty by the most tasteful embellishments; his armorial bearings still appear, not only on the castle but over many parts of the town, and it has been a crown domain ever since. Hutchinson in his history of the county of Durham, describes the remains of the castle as covering about six acres and three quarters of ground. The parts which were of chief strength, stand on the very brink of a steep rock, about eighty feet above the level of the river Tees, commanding a most beautiful prospect up the river. The area on the side of the market-place, appears not to have had any communication with the chief strongholds and bulwarks of the fortress, and is separated from the interior buildings by a deep fosse which surrounds the rest of the castle. In an adjoining ground called the Flatts, is a large reservoir cut in swampy ground; water was collected and conveyed to the castle in pipes, to supply the garrison and cattle enclosed within the walls of the outer areas in times of public danger. This area is now a pasture for sheep, and other parts enclosed by the walls have been converted into orchards.
_Market_, Wednesday.--_Fairs_, Wednesday in Easter and Whitsun Week, St. James's Day, and July 25, for horses, cattle, and sheep.--_Bankers_, W. Skinner and Co. draw on Barclay and Co.--_Inns_, King's Head, and Rose and Crown.--_Mail_ arrives 6.40 morning; departs 2.40 afternoon.
[Sidenote: Guy Baliol.]
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+-----------------+----------+--------------+-----------+ 36
Barnardiston pa
Clare 4
Haverhill 4
Barnbow to
W.R. York
Leeds 6
Tadcaster 9
Barnbrough[A] pa
W.R. York
Doncaster 7
Rotherham 8
Barnby pa
Beccles 4
Lowestoft 7
Barnby to
N.R. York
Whitby 5
Guisboro 16
Barnby-on-Moor to
East Retford 3
Bawtry 5
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+-----------------+-------------------------+-----+-----+ 36
Barnardiston pa
Newmarket 12
Barnbow to
Abberford 4
Barnbrough[A] pa
Barnsley 10
Barnby pa
Bungay 11
Barnby to
Scarborough 23
Barnby-on-Moor to
Blyth 3
[A] BARNBROUGH. The church is dedicated to Saint Peter, and contains a rude painting commemorative of ”a serious contest that took place between a man and a wild cat.” This conflict, which every body in Barnbrough firmly believes, is said to have occurred about the middle of the fifteenth century, between Percival Cresacre, lord of the manor, and a wild cat o' mountain. He is reported to have been attacked in one of the little woods in the neighbourhood, by this furious animal, and a running fight was kept up till they reached the church porch, where the mortal combat ended in the death of both. That some such circ.u.mstance did occur, is conjectured from the crest which the family afterwards adopted, viz. a cat o' mountain, which is still to be seen on the tower of the church; and the tradition is said to be further confirmed by the figure of an animal at the foot of the oak statue of this Cresacre, and also a rubiginous stone in the pavement of the porch of the church. We have many evidences in history that cats were beasts of chase, particularly in the charter of Ranulph Piperking, granted by Edward the Confessor:--
Hart and hind, doe and bock, Fox and cat, hare and brock.
and again,
Four greyhounds and six raches, For hare and fox and wild cates.
In the church is an ancient monument of Alicia Cresacre, wife of the above gentleman, who died in 1450, on which is carved in old text:--
Our bodys in stonys lye full still, Our saulys in wandyr at G.o.dys will.
In the north chancel is the monument of Percival Cresacre, a richly decorated altar-tomb under a flat arch, at the crown of which is the family arms, viz. three lions rampant, purple, on a gold s.h.i.+eld. The effigies of Cresacre is in fine preservation, composed of carved oak, and representing a knight in a suite of plate armour, with his arms painted on a s.h.i.+eld, and an animal (supposed to be a lion) at his feet.
His sword which hung from his belt has been taken away, and both monuments are decorated with the favorite device of the family, a rosary of beads.
[Sidenote: Contest between the lord of the manor and a wild cat.]
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+--------------------+----------+----------+----------+ 30
Barnby-in-Willows pa
Newark 4
Lincoln 16
Barnes pa
Kingston 6
Chiswick 2
Barn-Elms[A] ham
... 6
... 2
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+--------------------+---------------------+-----+----+ 30
Barnby-in-Willows pa
Grantham 14
Barnes pa
Wandsworth 3
Barn-Elms[A] ham
... 3
[A] BARN-ELMS. On the adjoining common stood the house in which the members of the celebrated Kit Cat Club a.s.sembled. Their original place of meeting was in London, but Jacob Tonson, the bookseller, who was their secretary, caused it to be transferred to a house belonging to himself, at Barn-Elms, and built a handsome room for their accommodation. The portrait of each member was painted by Sir G.o.dfrey Kneller, but the apartment not being sufficiently large to receive half-length pictures, a shorter canvas was adopted, and hence proceeded the technical term of Kit Cat size. We give a further account of this club from the graphic pen of Sir Richard Phillips, in his ”Morning's Walk from London to Kew,” 1817. ”A lane in the north-west corner of the common brought me to Barn-Elms, where now resides a Mr., a banker, of London. The family were from home, and I had some difficulty to gain admittance, the servants knowing nothing either of the club, or its former occupant. A walk covered with docks, thistles, nettles, and high gra.s.s, led from the remains of a gateway in the garden wall to the door which opened into the building. Ah! thought I, through this desolate avenue, the finest geniuses in England daily proceeded to meet their friends. Yet, within a century, how changed--how deserted--how revolting! A cold chill seized me as the man unfastened the decayed door, and I beheld the once elegant hall filled with cobwebs, a fallen ceiling, and acc.u.mulating rubbish. The door on the left led to a s.p.a.cious, and once superb, staircase--now in ruins. The entire building, for want of ventilation, having become food for the fungus, called dry-rot, the timbers had lost its cohesive powers. I ascended the staircase, therefore, with a degree of danger to which my conductor would not expose himself, but was well requited for my pains. Here I found the Kit-Cat Club-room, nearly as it existed in the days of its glory. It is 18 feet high, and 40 feet long, by 20 wide. The mouldings and ornaments were in the most superb fas.h.i.+on of its age, but the whole was falling to pieces from the effects of the dry-rot. My attention was chiefly attracted by the faded cloth-hangings of the room, whose red colour once set off the famous portraits of the club that hung around it. Their marks and sizes were still visible, and their numbers and names remained, as written in chalk for the guidance of the hanger. Thus was I, as it were, brought into contact with Addison and Steele, and Congreve, and Garth, and Dryden, and with many hereditary n.o.bles, remembered only because they were patrons of those natural n.o.bles. I read their names aloud--I invoked their departed spirits--I was appalled by the echo of my own voice. The holes in the floor, the forest of cobwebs in the windows, and a swallow's nest in the corner of the ceiling, proclaimed that I was viewing a vision of the dreamers of a past age; that I saw realized before me the speaking vanities of the anxious career of man. On rejoining Mr.'s servant in the hall below, he informed me that his master intended to pull the building down, and form of it a riding-house. I learn that this design has since been executed. The Kit-Cat pictures were painted early in the eighteenth century, and about the year 1710 were brought to this spot, but the room I have been describing was not built till ten or fifteen years afterwards. They were 42 in number, and are now in the possession of a Mr. Baker, of Hertingford-bury, where I lately saw them splendidly lodged, and in fine preservation. It may be proper to observe, that the house of Mr. was not the house of Mr. Tonson, and that Mr.
Tonson's house stood nearer to the Kit-Cat club-rooms, having a few years since been taken down.” A person died in this place, leaving in his will an annual sum, to be laid out in roses to be planted on his grave. The spot is distinguished by a stone tablet on the outside of the wall of the church, enclosed by pales, with some rose-trees planted on each side of it. This tablet is dedicated to the memory of Edward Rose, citizen of London, who died in 1653, and left 20. to the poor of Barnes, for the purchase of an acre of land, on condition that the pales should be kept up, and the rose-trees preserved.
[Sidenote: Kit Cat Club house.]
[Sidenote: As described by Sir Richard Phillips in 1817.]
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+-----------------------+---------+-------------+------------+ 18
Barnet-Chipping[A] m.t.
St. Albans 10
Whetstone 2
Barnet, East pa
Enfield 5
Highgate 6
Barnet, Friern[B] pa
Finchley 2
Barnet 3
Barnetby-le-Wold pa
Glanford-Br 6
Caistor 7
Barney pa
Fakenham 6
Walsingham 5
Barnham vil
Thetford 3
Ixworth 7
Barnham pa
Arundel 5
Chichester 7
Barnham-Broom pa
Wymondham 5
Norwich 9
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+-----------------------+----------+------------+-----+------+ 18
Barnet-Chipping[A] m.t.
Hatfield 9
Barnet, East pa
Barnet 3
Barnet, Friern[B] pa
Hornsey 4
Barnetby-le-Wold pa
Barton 10
Barney pa
Holt 7
Barnham vil
Bury 10
Barnham pa
Bognor 3
Barnham-Broom pa
Hingham 6
[A] BARNET. This small busy town occupies an elevated situation on the high north road; and near this place was fought, in the year 1471, the famous battle between the houses of York and Lancaster, which terminated in the death of the Earl of Warwick, and established King Edward the Fourth upon the throne. An obelisk was erected by Sir Jeremy Sambrook, in memory of the battle in the year 1740. In the church is an altar monument in commemoration of Thomas Ravensworth, Esquire, whose effigy, in a rec.u.mbent position, is represented on the tomb in veined marble. He died in 1630. Several others of his family are also buried here; and among these, James, his eldest son, who erected and endowed an alms-house, or hospital in Barnet, ”for six poor ancient women, being widows or maidens, inhabitants of the town; and neither common beggars, common drunkards, back-biters, tale-bearers, common scolds, thieves or other like persons of infamous life, or evil name or repute; or vehemently suspected of sorcerie, witchcraft, or charming, or guilty of perjury: nor any ideot or lunatic are admitted.” The annual value of the original endowment is now about 45.; besides which, the trustees have a further income of 30. annually, arising from other sources. Another alms-house for six poor widows, was built and endowed about the year 1723, under the will of John Garrett, Gent., who bequeathed 800. for that purpose. Near the race ground, on Barnet Common, is a mineral spring, of a mild purgative nature, that was discovered about the middle of the 17th century, and was formerly in much repute. A few years ago a subscription was made for arching it over and erecting a pump. The town is at present governed by a presiding magistrate, a high constable and subordinate officers. The inhabitants of this towns.h.i.+p enjoy a very extensive common right over the adjoining wastes and chace. Between Barnet and South Mims, an extensive improvement has been effected in the road, which was a series of angular turnings and unnecessary hills, to an extent which renders it surprising how such glaring imperfections were suffered to exist, when a sufficiently direct line could be obtained.
_Market_, Monday. _Fairs_ April 8, 9, 10, linen drapery, mercery, toys, &c. The harvest fair or Welsh fair, September 4, 5, Welsh cattle and horses; Sept. 6, mercery, &c. and sometimes a few horses, pigs, &c. The Leeds Mail arrives 9.11 evening, departs 7.48 evening.
The Glasgow mail arrives 9.20 evening; departs 4.18 morning. _Inns_, Duke of Wellington, Green Man, and Red Lion.
[Sidenote: Battle between the houses of York and Lancaster.]
[Sidenote: Mineral spring.]
[B] BARNET, (Friern). John Walker, the author of a celebrated dictionary, was a native of this place, and was born in the year 1732.
About the year 1767, he joined with a Mr. Usher in setting up a school at Kensington; this speculation not succeeding he removed to London, where he gave lectures on elocution. It is said that in his early youth he studied the art, intending to make the stage his profession, although his very questionable success induced him to adopt another pursuit. Mr.
Walker was an amiable as well as a learned man; he was the author of several elementary works: such as ”The Rhetorical Grammar,” ”Elements of Elocution,” ”Key to the correct p.r.o.nunciation of Greek, Latin, and Scriptural names,” and a ”Rhyming Dictionary.” He died at his house in Tottenham Court Road, August 1, 1807. This parish includes the hamlet of Colney Hatch, half of Whetstone, and a part of Finchley Common.
[Sidenote: Birth place of Walker, author of the p.r.o.nouncing dictionary.]
Names of Places.
Number of Miles From
+--+---------------------+----------+--------------+------------+ 7
Barnhill ham
Chester 10
Tarporley 8
Barningham pa
Ixworth 5
Botesdale 7
Barningham pa & to
N.R. York
Greta Bridge 2
Richmond 10
Barningham, Little pa
Aylsham 6
Holt 6
Barningham pa
Barningham Winter pa
Barnoldby-le-Beck pa
Grimsby 6
Caistor 8
Barnoldswick pa & to
W.R. York
Colne 5
Skipton 6
Barnsham to
Knutsford 6
Middlewich 7
Barnsley pa
Cirencester 4
Burford 13