Part 13 (1/2)

[Sidenote: A seat of one of the paramours of Charles II.]

[C] AXBRIDGE. This town is one of the polling places for the eastern division of the county of Somerset, but the court for the election of the Knights of the s.h.i.+re is at Wells. The borough sent members to parliament during the reigns of the three first Edwards, but was afterwards excused on the plea of poverty. It consists chiefly of one street, winding from east to west, about half a mile in length. The shambles and market are towards the east end. Although so small, it is governed by a corporation, consisting of a mayor, bailiff, and ten aldermen, and twenty-two burgesses, with a recorder, town-clerk, and other officers. Knit hose are manufactured in this town. The church, occupying an eminence, near the market-house, is a large and handsome gothic structure, in the form of a cross. The cloth of the communion table is elegantly wrought in silk, by Mrs. Abigail, who employed seven years in completing it. This lady, and several of her family, have monuments in the church.

_Market_,, Feb 23, and March 25, for cattle, sheep, cheese, and toys.--_Mail_ arrives 2.0 afternoon; departs 11.0 morning.

[Sidenote: A borough excused on a plea of poverty.]


Names of Places.


Number of Miles From

+--+-----------------+----------+---------------+------------+ 11

Axminster[A] m.t.


Bridport 12

Honiton 10


Axmouth pa


Colyton 3

Sidmouth 9




Darlington 5

Sedgfield 7

to & p}


Aydon to


Hexham 6

Corbridge 2


Aydon-Castle to





Aylburton chap


Blakeney 5

Coleford 7


Aylesbear to& pa


Ottery, St.M. 5

Exeter 10


Aylesbury[B] bo.}


Tring 7

Winslow 11

m.t. & pa}




Names of Places.

Number of Miles From



+--+-----------------+--------------------------+-----+------+ 11

Axminster[A] m.t.

Lyme Regis 6




Axmouth pa

” ” 6





Durham 13



to & p}


Aydon to

Newcastle 15




Aydon-Castle to





Aylburton chap

Chepstow 8




Aylesbear to & pa

Sidmouth 8




Aylesbury[B] bo.}

Wendover 5



m.t. & pa}


[A] AXMINSTER is very irregularly built, and the houses are inelegant, but the air of the town is reckoned highly salubrious. The petty sessions of the hundred of Axminster are held here. The lower orders are mostly employed in manufacturing carpets, leather breeches, gloves, &c.

The manner of weaving carpets here is different from that pursued at most other places; the carpets being woven in the piece, and several hands employed at the same loom. The common patterns are flowers, roses, &c., though the Turkey and Persian carpets have been imitated with success. In many large pieces Roman tesselated pavements have been copied, which have produced a very rich effect. The tunnel between Charmouth and was opened in the month of January, 1832. This improvement is substantially constructed with an elliptic arch, capable of allowing two stage waggons of the largest size to pa.s.s on it, and is rather more than seventy yards in length. By the completion of this tunnel the longest and steepest hill between London and Exeter is avoided. A gentleman who visited the tunnel during the height of the ensuing summer, remarked the astonis.h.i.+ng coolness which he felt within this hill's enclosed semi-cylinder; no sooner, however, had he left it, than he fainted from the difference of temperature between this subterraneous pa.s.sage and that of the open air.

_Market_., St. Marks Day; April 30; Wednesday after June 24; Wednesday after Oct 10.--_Mail_ arrives 1.20 afternoon; departs 12.51 afternoon.

[Sidenote: Trade.]

[Sidenote: A remarkable tunnel through a lofty hill.]

[B] AYLESBURY. The aeglesbury of the Saxons, is a considerable market town, situated near the centre of the county, rising gradually on all sides in a rich and extensive tract, denominating the ”Vale of Aylesbury.” Drayton in his Poly-Albion has the following lines descriptive of this celebrated vale:--

Aylesbury's vale that walloweth in her wealth, And (by her wholesome air continually in health) Is l.u.s.ty, firm, and fat; and holds her youthful strength.

This was originally a strong British town, which maintained its independence till the year 571, when it was reduced by the West Saxons.

In the year 600, it became famous as the burial place of St. Osyth, who was born at Quarrendon, two miles distance, and beheaded in Ess.e.x by the Pagans. Her relics were interred in this church, and are said to have performed many miracles; a religious house was founded in honour of William the Conqueror, who parcelled it out under the singular tenure:--that the tenants should find litter or straw for the king's bedchamber three times a year, if he came that way so often, and provide him with three eels in winter, and three green geese in summer. In the reign of Henry VIII., the manor was sold by Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wilts, father of Queen Anne Boleyn, to Sir John Baldwin, whose daughter took it in marriage to Robert Pakington, who was murdered in the year 1537, on account of his zeal for the reformed religion. It continued in this family till the year 1801, when it was sold by Sir John Pakington, Bart., to the Marquis of Buckingham. How completely the manor and the town itself were in the possession of the Pakington family, will appear from the following remarkable letter preserved in the Chapel of the Rolls, among the returns of Parliament writs of the fourteenth of Queen Elizabeth:--”To all Christian people, to whom this present writing shall come: I, Dorothy Pakington, late wife of Sir John Pakington, lord and owner of the town of Aylesbury, send greeting. Know ye me, the said Dorothy Pakington, to have chosen, named, and appointed my trusty and well-beloved Thomas Litchfield, and George Burden, Esqrs., to be my burgesses of my said town of Aylesbury; and whatever the said Thomas and George, burgesses, shall do in the service of the Queen's Highness in the Parliament to be holden at Westminster on the 8th of May next ensuing the date hereof, I the same Dorothy Pakington do ratify and approve to be of my own act as fully and wholly as if I were witness or present there. In witness whereof, to these presents, I have set my seal, this 4th day of May, in the 14th year of the reign of my Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the grace of G.o.d, of England, France, and Ireland, Queen, &c.” Aylesbury was made a borough town by a charter of Queen Mary, in 1554. The Reform Bill has made no alteration in the number of members. The electors are those of the old const.i.tuency, consisting of freeholders of the hundred, and house-keepers not receiving alms; the freeholders of the hundred are estimated at 838; and the ten pound householders at 314; total 1152. The limits of the borough are unaltered, and the returning officers are the constables of the borough.

The town is also one of the polling places for this county, which now returns three members. The county gaol is still at Aylesbury, but the Summer a.s.sizes were restored to Buckingham, through the exertions of Lord Cobham and the Grenville family in the year 1758. The only manufacture at Aylesbury is that of lace-making: the weekly market is a very plentiful one for provision, and much business is done here at the annual fairs.

_Market_,, Friday after Jan. 18; before Palm Sunday; May 8; June 14; September 25; October 12, for cattle.

_Bankers_, Rickford and Son, draw on Praed's and Co--_Mail_ arrives 12.40 morning; departs 2.19 morning.--_Inns_, George, and White Hart.

[Sidenote: St. Osyth.]

[Sidenote: Singular tenure of this manor.]

[Sidenote: Remarkable Parliamentary writ.]


Names of Places.


Number of Miles From

+--+------------------+---------+------------+--------------+ 24

Aylesby pa


G. Grimsby 4

Barton 17


Aylesford[A] pa


Maidstone 4

Rochester 5


Aylestone to & pa


Leicester 3

Lutterworth 10


Aylmerton pa


Cromer 3

Holt 9




Names of Places.

Number of Miles From



+--+------------------+----------------------+-----+--------+ 24

Aylesby pa

Caistor 9




Aylesford[A] pa

Wrotham 8




Aylestone to & pa

Hinckley 10




Aylmerton pa

Aylsham 2




[A] AYLESFORD is seated on the banks of the Medway, by which the parish is divided. The church is so singularly situated, from being placed on a rising ground, that persons in the churchyard can almost look down the chimnies of the houses. The neighbourhood is famed as having been the spot where, we are told by ancient historians, a sanguinary battle was fought in 445, between the Britons and Saxons; the conflict having taken place about five years after the first landing of the latter in Britain.

It appears from our chronicles that Vortimer, then monarch of this island, having first defeated his enemies on the banks of the Darent, in Kent, pursued their routed forces to Aylesford; at which place the Saxons had pa.s.sed to the eastern side of the Medway, where a most obstinate and b.l.o.o.d.y battle took place between the contending armies, when the fate of the day, having long remained undecided, at length terminated favourably for the Britons. In that decisive affair, Horsa, brother of Hengist, the Saxon chief, and Catigrinus, brother to King Vortimer, are said to have contended hand to hand, when both died bravely upon the spot. Horsa,

if tradition may be credited, was interred about three miles north of Aylesford, at a spot still bearing the name of Horsted; that is to say, ”the place of Horsa;” where, in the adjoining fields, large stones are still dispersed over the soil; some in erect positions, while others, from lapse of time, have been thrown down; being, there is little doubt, placed there as memorials of the Saxon warriors slain in that famous encounter. Prince Cartigrinus is supposed to have been inhumed still nearer the field of slaughter, on the summit of an acclivity, about one mile north of Aylesford, and a quarter of a mile west from the high road leading from Rochester to Maidstone; at which place, Kitt's Cotty House still stands, as represented in our engraving. This memorial consists of four large stones, of the pebble kind, two placed in the ground, being partly upright, forming two sides, a third standing in the middle between them, while the fourth, being the largest, is laid transversely over them, thus forming a covering. None of these stones bear the imprint of the chisel, or any sign whatsoever of manual labour. Alfred and Edmund Ironside defeated the Danes in this vicinity. Sir Charles Sedley, of poetical and dissolute notoriety, was a native of this place; as was also Sir Paul Rycaut, the celebrated eastern traveller.

[Sidenote: The site of a Saxon battle.]

[Sidenote: Kitt's Cotty House.]


Names of Places.


Number of Miles From

+--+-----------------------+---------+-------------+------------+ 27

Aylsham[A] m.t. & pa


Norwich 12

Cromer 11


Aylton pa


Ledbury 4

Ross 11


Aymestery to & pa


Leominster 9

Kington 11


Aynho[B] pa


Brackley 6

Banbury 7


Ayott, St. Lawrence pa


Welwyn 3

Luton 7


Ayott, St. Peter pa



Hatfield 5


Aysgarth to & pa

N.R. York

Middleham 9

Askrigg 4