144 Extreme Yin (1/2)
Will turned around and sighed, ”Right. I don't fully trust you. Who knows what you immortals can do.”
Bastian raised a finger, ”Well technically I'm still a mortal.”
Will frowned, ”As far as I know, no other mortal has managed to kill an immortal. That's why you are acknowledged as the strongest. You could have ascended thousands of years ago, yet you claim to be a friend of mine who died a few years ago, how am I supposed to make sense of that dude.”
”Will look at you, time has virtually stopped around you. So although extremely unlikely, what happened to me is possible with enough Karma.”
Will crossed his arms together akimbo, ”Still, for the King of Titans to be from tiny little earth is a bit strange.”
'If only Will knew what a crossroads world was he would understand me better.' Bastian sighed in his mind.
Bastian sighed, ”Listen carefully Will, I will only say this once. Even saying this might get me into trouble so don't tell anyone I told you this, otherwise this could be the last time we meet for a long long time. Now listen closely, go to your local IB, and lookup Silverton Highschool.”
That's when it hit Will. There was more than one Silverton school. Since Bastian told him to go to the IB, that meant it was not on earth!
This would explain why it seemed too simple.
'Fuck Modus! He put me into the Silverton region to throw me off course!'
Will cursed Modus a million times with his thousands of minds. It a moment for Will to calm himself. ”I understand.”
”Good, but just in case Modus finds out because you fucked up, I will hand you something.”
Bastain smiled then raised both his hands, with his palms facing the sky. In his left appeared an odd blue ball of what Will could only assume to be…he had no idea. On the other hand was a yellow ball that was both very similar and very different to its companion.
Bastian smiled, ”Hard to put into words, isn't it? These two things in my palm are seeds. On my left is an Extreme Yin seed. On my right is an Extreme Yang seed. I'm the only mortal who can possess both at the same time. I've isolated them into a separate dimension otherwise you would be dead right now.”
'He brags in a subtle way just like Uncle Bas used too.'