143 Make Your Choice! (1/2)

Will led the girls to what could only be described as the middle of nowhere. There was only grass as far as the eye could see. Will looked back and said, ”Pretty dope right, feels so natural and undefiled.”

”Ehm sure, I guess,” said Woodsy awkwardly.

”Why have you brought us to the middle of nowhere.” squeaked Merlin.

”For this of course. ”Will walked a few steps forward and raised both his hands.

” I summon the gates of knowledge and the gates of strength!”

Magic circles appeared on the back of his hands as he slapped the ground. The Magic circles transferred themselves onto the ground itself and grew larger. They stopped once they were about 4 meters in radius. Will jumped back cautiously as a blinding light came from the circles. Once the circles were gone, something else had taken their place.

Two humungous doors. These doors were so tall and wide that Woodsy believed a group of whales could enter simultaneously from top to bottom, left and right. Each of the gates seemed to be made from different materials with names labeled above them made out of light.

To the left was a bronze door. On the door were images of bloody and brutal battles eventually leading to a single warrior standing atop a pile of corpses. Battle intent surged out of the door, intimidating those who had weak minds. It was almost as if the door contained blood from countless warriors who had died within, giving rise to one champion. A low-level user would have had their flesh destroyed just by standing next to this gate. This was named The Gate Of Strength!

The door on the right was made out of silver. It had images of wise men traveling and collecting knowledge from many places. Many universal truths were written on it but they were too esoteric and complex to understand, making anyone who looked at them gain a headache. If a low leveled user came they would know become catatonic just at the sight of it. Above the gate, written in light were the words The Gate of Knowledge!

Will turned his back to the girls and said, ”In life, one can only choose one of the gates. If you are able to enter The Gate of Strength and survive till the end, then your strength would have multiplied and you would become much more powerful than when you went in.

If you went into The Gate of Knowledge then you would come out much wiser, your understanding of the path will improve, moreover your talent for comprehension of the path will improve, allowing your overall technique to improve.

I will not say anything until you choose a gate. I will not advise you either. This is all about your own will.

Now remember girls, you can only choose one gate and one gate only. Once you choose a gate the other one will be closed to you forever. Strength or knowledge. Make your choice youths!”

Woodsy was desperate for strength yet she chose The Gate of Knowledge. Merlin was a mage, to her knowledge was power, yet she went for The Gate of Strength without hesitation.

'Perhaps its history in that organization.'

”It's pretty amusing isn't it? You never really know someone until they make decisions. Goes to show you that humans are more complex than we think.”