Part 16 (1/2)

BALFOUR, A. J. Criticism and Beauty, 1910.

PATER, WALTER. The Renaissance, 1873.

SYMONDS, J. A. Essays, Speculative and Suggestive, 1890.

CAINE, T. HALL. Cobwebs of Criticism, 1883.

HENNEQUIN, E. La Critique scientifique, 1888.

SPINGARN, J. E. Creative Criticism, 1917.

_Chapter Eight.--Music._

RIEMANN, H. Elemente der musikalischen Aesthetik, 1900.

HANSLICK, E. Vom Musikalisch-Schoenen, 11th ed., 1910.

GEHRING, A. The Basis of Musical Pleasure, 1910.

COMBARIEU, J. Music: Its Laws and Evolution, 1910.

GURNEY, E. The Power of Sound, 1880.

BUSONI, F. Sketch of a New Athetic of Music, 1911.

LALO, C. Esquisse d'une estetique musicale scientifique, 1908.

AMBROS, W. A. Die Grenzen der Musik und Poesie, 1872.

WAGNER, R. Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft; Oper und Drama.

STUMPF, C. Tonpsychologie, 1883, 1890, and articles in _Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie._ HELMHOLTZ. Sensations of tone, 1895.

MEYER, MAX. Contributions to a Psychological Theory of Music, _University of Missouri Studies_, 1901,1. No. 1; The Psychology of Music, in _American Journal of Psychology_, 1903: 14.

BINGHAM, W. VAN d.y.k.e. Studies in Melody, 1910.

LIPPS. Zur Theorie der Melodie, in _Zeitschrift fuer Psychologie_, 1902:27.

REVESZ, GEZA. Tonpsychologie, 1913.

SPENCER, H. The Origin and Function of Music.

BOLTON. Rhythm, in _American Journal of Psychology_, Vol. 6.

MEUMANN, E. Untersuchungen zur Psy. u. Aest. d. Rhythmus, in _Philosophische Studien_, X.

STETSON, R. H. A Motor Theory of Rhythm and Discrete Succession, in _Psychological Review_, Vol. 12.

_Chapter Nine_.--_Poetry_.


SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP. Defense of Poesy, 1581.

WORDSWORTH, WM. Preface to the Lyrical Ballads, 1800.

Sh.e.l.lEY, P. B. A Defense of Poetry, 1821.

BRADLEY, A. C. Oxford Lectures on Poetry, 1909.

SCOTT, F. N. The Most Fundamental Differentia of Poetry and Prose, _Modern Language a.s.sociation Publications_, V. 19, pp. 250-269, MILL, J. S. Thoughts on Poetry and Its Varieties, in _Dissertations and Discussions_, Vol. 1.

SANTAYANA, G. Elements of Poetry, in _Poetry and Religion_, 1900.

LANIER, S. Science of English Verse, 1880.

EASTMAN, MAX. The Enjoyment of Poetry.

SOURIAU, P. La Reverie esthetique, 1906.

LIDDELL, MARK H. An Introduction to the Study of Poetry, 1902.

WERNER, R. M. Lyrik und Lyriker, 1890.

LOWELL, AMY. Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, 1917.

GUMMERE, F. B. A Handbook of Poetics, 1895.

ROETTEKEN. Poetik, 1911.

BURKE, EDMUND. A Philosophical Enquiry into Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, Part 4, 1756.

MACKAIL, J. W. Lectures on Poetry, 1911.

POE, E. A. The Philosophy of Composition; The Poetic Principle.

OMOND, T. S. A Study of Meter, 1903.