Part 21 (1/2)
Chapter 1: How Did We Get Here? Here?.
1. Jay Belsky and John Kelly, The Transition to Parenthood: How a First Child The Transition to Parenthood: How a First Child Changes a Marriage ( Changes a Marriage ( Delacorte Press, 1994). Delacorte Press, 1994).
2 . . Alyson F. Shapiro and John M. Gottman Alyson F. Shapiro and John M. Gottman , , ”Effects on Marriage of a Psycho-Communicative-Educational Intervention With Couples Undergoing the Transition to Parenthood, Evaluation at 1-Year Post Intervention,” ”Effects on Marriage of a Psycho-Communicative-Educational Intervention With Couples Undergoing the Transition to Parenthood, Evaluation at 1-Year Post Intervention,”
Journal of Family Communication (2005):124 (2005):124 3. R.J. Evenson and R.W. Simon, ”Clarifying the Relations.h.i.+p Between Parenthood and Depression,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 46, (December 2005): 34158.
Chapter 2: Baby . . . Boom!.
1. F.M. DeLeon, ”Rocking the Cradle-and a Marriage-After D-Day: Programs for Parenthood,” The Seattle Times The Seattle Times, October 24, 1999. (p. 31) John Gottman, Alyson Shapiro, and Sybil Carrere, ” ” The Baby and the Marriage: Identifying Factors that Buffer Against Decline in Marital Satisfaction After the First baby Arrives,” The Baby and the Marriage: Identifying Factors that Buffer Against Decline in Marital Satisfaction After the First baby Arrives,” Journal of Family Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, 14 (1), (March 2000): 5970. 14 (1), (March 2000): 5970.
John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relations.h.i.+ps for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relations.h.i.+ps (HarperCollins, 1992). (HarperCollins, 1992).
Chapter 3: What's the Score?.
1. This MSNBC survey results are cited by Courtney Ronan in an article t.i.tled ”Divvying Up Those Dreaded Household,” The Realty Times The Realty Times, June 16, 1999.
2. John M. Gottman, and Nan Silver. ”Coping with Typical Solvable Prob-288 Endnotes lems,” in The Seven Principles for Making Marriages Work The Seven Principles for Making Marriages Work (Three Rivers Press, 2000), Chap. 9. (Three Rivers Press, 2000), Chap. 9.
3. Katya Adder, ”Housework Looms for Spanish Men.” BBC News. June 17, 2005.
4. ”John Leguizamo: One-Man Firebrand,” Psychology Today Psychology Today (March-April 2005): 49. (March-April 2005): 49.
Chapter 4: The s.e.x Life of New Parents.
1. Robert Wright, The Moral Animal The Moral Animal (First Vintage Books, 1995) p. 41. (First Vintage Books, 1995) p. 41.
2. Sean Elder, ”The Emperor's New Woes,” Psychology Today Psychology Today (March-April 2005): 44. (March-April 2005): 44.
3. Kathleen Deveny (with Holly Peterson, Pat Wingert, Karen Springen, Julie Scelfo, Melissa Brewster, Tara Weingarten and Joan Raymond), ”We're Not in the Mood,” Newsweek Newsweek, June 2003.
4. Kathleen Deveny (with Holly Peterson, Pat Wingert, Karen Springen, Julie Scelfo, Melissa Brewster, Tara Weingarten and Joan Raymond), ”We're Not in the Mood,” Newsweek Newsweek, June 2003.
Chapter 6: Ramping Up and Giving In.
1. ”What is the Ideal Family Size?” survey (results as of July 9, 2006).
2. Center for the Ethnography of Everyday Life.