Volume Iii Part 29 (1/2)

_Sebastian_, Father to _Antonio_, Mr. _Freeman_.

_Guzman_, Gentlemen to _Carlos_, Mr. _Underhill_.

_Guiliom_, a Chimney-Sweeper; the False Count, Mr. _Lee_.

Two overgrown Pages to the False Count, A little Page to the False Count.

_Petro_, Cas.h.i.+er to _Antonio_.

Page to Don _Carlos_.

Captain of a Gally.

Two Seamen.

_Lopez_, Servant to _Baltazer_.

Several disguis'd like _Turks_.


_Julia_, Wife to _Francisco_, young and handsom, in love with _Carlos_, Mrs. _Davis_.

_Clara_, Sister to _Julia_, in love with _Antonio_, Mrs. _Petty_.

_Isabella_, Daughter to _Francisco_; proud, vain and foolish, despising all Men under the degree of Quality, and falls in love with _Guiliom_, Mrs. _Corror_.

_Jacinta_, Woman to _Julia_, Mrs. _Osborne_.

Wife to _Petro_.

Dancers, Singers, &c.


SCENE I. _The Street_.

_Enter_ Carlos, Antonio _and_ Guzman.

_Car_. By all that's good, I'm mad, stark raving mad, To have a Woman young, rich, beautiful, Just on the point of yielding to my Love, s.n.a.t.c.ht from my Arms by such a Beast as this; An old ridiculous Buffoon, past Pleasure, Past Love, or any thing that tends that way; Ill-favour'd, ill-bred, and ill-qualify'd, With more Diseases than a Horse past Service; And only blest with Fortune and my _Julia_; For him, I say, this Miser, to obtain her, After my tedious nights and days of Love, My midnight Watchings, Quarrels, Wounds and Dangers; --My Person not unhandsom too, By Heav'n, 'twas wondrous strange!

_Ant_. And old _Francisco_, without the expence of an hour's Courts.h.i.+p, a _Billet-Doux_, or scarce a sight of her, could gain her in a day; and yet 'tis wonder, your Fortune and your Quality, should be refus'd by Don _Baltazer_ her Father.

_Car_. A Pox upon't, I went the wrong way to work, and courted the Daughter; but indeed my Father, the late Governour of _Cadiz_, whose Estate and Honour I now enjoy, was then living; and, fearing he would not consent to my Pa.s.sion, I endeavoured to keep it secret, though sacred Vows had past between us two.

_Ant_. Did she not tell you of this Marriage with old _Francisco_?

_Car_. The night before, she did; but only by a Letter from her Window dropt; which when by the help of a dark Lanthorn, I had read, I was struck dead with Grief.

[_Gives him the Letter_.

_Ant_. [reads.]

_Expect to morrow night to hear I'm dead, since the next Sun will guide me to a fatal Marriage with old_ Francisco.