Volume Ii Part 109 (1/2)
_Enter_ Sir Signal _a little groping_.
Sir _Sig_. There's no finding my way out,--and now does Fear make me fancy this some inchanted Castle.--
_Enter_ Tick, _listening_.
_Tick_. Hah, an inchanted Castle!
Sir _Sig_. Belonging to a monstrous Giant; who having spirited away the King of _Tropicipopican's_ Daughter, keeps her here inclos'd, and that I a wandring Knight am by fickle Fortune sent to her Deliverance.
[Tick _listens_.
_Tick_. How's that! spirited away the King of _Tropicipopican's_ Daughter; bless me, what unlawful Wickedness is practis'd in this Romish Heathenish Country! [_Aside_.
Sir _Sig_. And yet the Devil of any Dwarf, Squire or Damsel have I met with yet,--wou'd I were cleanlily off this business--hah, Lights, as I live, and People coming this way!--bless me from the Giant!--Oh Lord, what shall I do!-- [_Falls on his Knees_.
_Tick_. I fear no Giants, having Justice on my Side; but Reputation makes me tender of my Person.--Hah--what's this, a Curtain; I'll wind my self in this, it may secure me.
[_Winds himself in a Window-Curtain_.
Sir _Sig_.--They're entering, what shall I do?--hah--here's a Corner; defend me from a Chimney.
[_Creeps to the Corner of the Window, and feels a s.p.a.ce between Tick's Legs and the Corner; creeps in, and stands up just behind_ Tickletext. _Enter_ Gal. _leading_ Laura; Sab. _with Lights just after 'em_; Jul. Oct.
Mor. _and_ c.r.a.p.
_Oct_. Just in the happy Minute!
_Gal_. I've sworn by every G.o.d, by every Power divine, to marry thee, and save thee from the Tyranny of a forc'd Contract.--Nay, Gad, if I lose a fine Wench for want of Oaths this bout, the Devil's in me.
_Oct_. What think ye now, Sir?
_Jul_. d.a.m.nation on her, set my Rage at Liberty, That I may kill 'em both.
[Mor. _holds him_.
_Mor_. I see no cause for that, she may be virtuous yet.
_Oct_. Do ye think as such to pa.s.s her off on me, Or that I'll bear the Infamy of your Family?
No, I scorn her now, but can revenge my Honour on a Rival.
_Mor_. Nay, then I'll see fair Play,--turn and defend thy Life.
[_Goes to_ Gal. _who turns_.
_Jul_. Whilst I do Justice on the Prost.i.tute:--hah-- Defend me, 'tis the Woman that I love.
[_He gazes, she runs to_ Gal.
_Lau. Octavio_!
_Oct_. _Laura!_ My Sister, perfidious shameful-- [_Offers to kill her_.
_Jul_. Hold, thy Sister this? that Sister I'm to marry.