Volume Ii Part 108 (1/2)
_Fil_. I doubt it not, since in that lovely Face I see the charming Image of _Marcella_.
_Jul_. Hah!
_Mar_. You might, e'er Travel ruffled me to Man. [_Aside_.
--I shou'd return thy Praise whilst I survey thee, But that I came not here to compliment;--draw-- [_Draws_.
_Fil_. Why, cause thou'rt like _Marcella?_
_Mar_. That were sufficient reason for thy Hate, But mine's because thou hast betray'd her basely.
--She told me all the story of her Love, How well you meant, how honestly you swore, And with a thousand Tears imploy'd my Aid To break the Contract she was forc'd to make T' _Octavio_, and give her to your Arms: I did, and brought you word of our Design, --I need not tell ye what returns you made; Let it suffice, my Sister was neglected, Neglected for a Curtezan,--a Wh.o.r.e; I watcht, and saw each Circ.u.mstance of Falshood.
_Jul_. d.a.m.nation! what means this?
_Fil_. I scorn to save my Life by Lyes or Flatteries; But credit me, the Visit that I made I durst have sworn had been to my _Marcella_; Her Face, her Eyes, her Beauty was the same, Only the business of her Language differ'd, And undeceiv'd my hope.
_Mar_. In vain thou think'st to flatter me to Faith,-- When thou'dst my Sister's Letter in thy hand, which ended that dispute, Even then I saw with what regret you read it; What care you took to disobey it too-- The s.h.i.+vering Maid, half dead with fears and terrors of the Night, In vain expected a Relief from Love or thee.
Draw, that I may return her the glad news I have reveng'd her.
_Jul_. Hold, much mistaken Youth; 'tis I am _Julio_, Thou, _Fillamour_, know'st my name, know'st I arriv'd But yesterday at _Rome_, and heard the killing News Of both my Sisters Flights, _Marcella_ and _Cornelia_,-- And thou art some Imposture. [_To_ Marcella.
_Mar_. If this now shou'd be true, I were in a fine condition.-- [_Aside_.
_Fil_. Fled! _Marcella_ fled!
_Jul_. 'Twas she I told thee yesterday was lost; But why art thou concern'd?--explain the Mystery.
_Fil_. I lov'd her more than Life; nay, even than Heaven; And dost thou question my concern for her?
Say how, and why, and whither is she fled?
_Jul_. Oh, wou'd I knew, that I might kill her in her Lover's Arms; Or if I found her innocent, restore her to _Octavio_.
_Fil_. To _Octavio_! and is my Friends.h.i.+p of so little worth, You cannot think I merit her?
_Jul_. This is some trick between 'em; but I have sworn
Most solemnly, have sworn by Heaven and my Honour To resign her, and I will do't or die-- Therefore declare quickly, declare where she is, Or I will leave thee dead upon the place. [_To_ Marcella.
_Mar_. So, Death or _Octavio_, a pretty hopeful Choice this!
_Fil_. Hold! by Heaven, you shall not touch a single hair, thus--will I guard the Secret in his bosom.
[_Puts himself between 'em, draws_.
_Jul_. 'Tis plain thou'st injur'd me,--and to my Honour I'll sacrifice my Friends.h.i.+p, follow me.
[_Ex_. Jul. Fil.
_Enter_ Petro _and_ Cornelia.
_Mar_. Ah, _Petro_, fly, fly, swift and rescue him.-- [_Ex_. Pet. _with his Sword in his hand_.