Volume Ii Part 57 (1/2)

_Charl_. See how thou hast inur'd thy Tongue to falshood!

Did you not send it to a certain Creature They call _Diana_, From off that Hand that plighted Faith to me?

_Wild_. By Heaven, 'tis Witchcraft all; Unless this Villain _Foppington_ betray me.

Those sort of Rascals would do any thing For ready Meat and Wine--I'll kill the Fool--hah, here!

[_Turns quick, and sees him behind him_.

_Fop_. Here, Lord! Lord!

Where were thy Eyes, dear _Wilding_?

_Wild_. Where they have spy'd a Rascal.

Where was this Property conceal'd?

_Fop_. Conceal'd! What dost thou mean, dear _Tom_?

Why, I stood as plain as the Nose on thy Face, mun.

_Wild_. But 'tis the ungrateful Quality of all your sort to make such base returns.

How got this Rogue Admittance, and when in, The Impudence to tell his treacherous Lyes?

_Fop_. Admittance! why thou art stark mad: Did not I come in with you, that is, follow'd you?

_Wild_. Whither?

_Fop_. Why, into the House, up stairs, stood behind you when you swore you wou'd come in, and follow'd you in!

_Wild_. All this, and I not see!

_Fop_. Oh, Love's blind; but this Lady saw me, Mrs. _Clacket_ saw me-- Admittance quotha!

_Wild_. Why did you not speak?

_Fop_. Speak! I was so amaz'd at what I heard, the villanous Scandals laid on you by some pick-thank Rogue or other, I had no Power.

_Wild_. Ay, thou know'st how I am wrong'd.

_Fop_. Oh, most d.a.m.nably, Sir!

_Wild_. Abuse me to my Mistress too!

_Fop_. Oh, Villains! Dogs!

_Charl_. Do you think they have wrong'd him, Sir? For I'll believe you.

_Fop_. Do I think, Madam? Ay, I think him a Son of a Wh.o.r.e that said it; and I'll cut his Throat.

Mrs. _Clack_. Well, this Impudence is a heavenly Virtue.

_Wild_. You see now, Madam, how Innocence may suffer.