Volume Ii Part 56 (1/2)

_Charl_. I have a fine time on't, between ye, to have him think I am stripping my self before Mr. _Foppington_--Let go, or I'll call out and tell him all.

[Wild, _breaks open the Door and rushes in_: Fop. _stands close up at the entrance till he is past him, then venturing to slip out, finds_ Wild, _has made fast the Door: so he is forc'd to return again and stand close up behind_ Wild.

_with signs of Fear_.

_Wild_. How now, _Charlot_, what means this new Unkindness? what, not a Word?

_Charl_. There is so little Musick in my Voice, you do not care to hear it: you have been better entertain'd, I find, mightily employ'd, no doubt.

_Wild_. Yes, faith, and so I have, _Charlot_: d.a.m.n'd Business, that Enemy to Love, has made me rude.

_Charl_. Or that other Enemy to Love, d.a.m.n'd Wenching.

_Wild_. Wenching! how ill hast thou tim'd thy Jealousy! What Banker, that to morrow is to pay a mighty Sum, wou'd venture out his Stock to day in little Parcels, and lose his Credit by it?

_Charl_. You wou'd, perfidious as you are, though all your Fortune, all your future Health, depended on that Credit.


_Wild_. So, hark ye, Mrs. Clacket, you have been prating I find in my Absence, giving me a handsom Character to _Charlot_--You hate any good thing shou'd go by your own Nose. [_Aside to_ Clacket.

Mrs. _Clack_. By my Nose, Mr. _Wilding_! I defy you: I'd have you to know, I scorn any good thing shou'd go by my Nose in an uncivil way.

_Wild_. I believe so.

Mrs. _Clack_. Have I been the Confident to all your Secrets this three years, in Sickness and in Health, for richer, for poorer; conceal'd the Nature of your wicked Diseases, under the honest Name of Surfeits; call'd your filthy Surgeons, Mr. Doctor, to keep up your Reputation; civilly receiv'd your t'other end of the Town young Relations at all Hours--

_Wild_. High!

Mrs. _Clack_. Been up with you, and down with you early and late, by Night and by Day; let you in at all Hours, drunk and sober, single and double; and civilly withdrawn, and modestly shut the Door after me?

_Wild_. What! The Storm's up, and the Devil cannot lay it.

Mrs. _Clack_. And I am thus rewarded for my Pains!


_Wild_. So Tempests are allay'd by Showers of Rain.

Mrs. _Clack_. That I shou'd be charg'd with speaking ill of you, so honest, so civil a Gentleman--

_Charl_. No, I have better Witness of your Falshood.

_Fop_. Hah, 'Sdeath, she'll name me!

_Wild_. What mean you, my _Charlot_? Do you not think I love you?

_Charl_. Go ask my Lady _Galliard_, she keeps the best Account of all your Sighs and Vows, And robs me of my dearest softer Hours.

[_Kindly to him_.

Mrs. _Clack_. You cannot hold from being kind to him. [_Aside_.

_Wild. _Galliard_! How came she by that Secret of my Life? [_Aside_.]

Why, ay, 'tis true, I am there sometimes about an Arbitration, about a Suit in Law, about my Uncle.

_Charl_. Ay, that Uncle too-- You swore to me you were your Uncle's Heir; But you perhaps may chance to get him one, If the Lady prove not cruel.

_Wild_. Death and the Devil, what Rascal has been prating to her!