Vol 6 Chapter 4 (1/2)

No Game No Life Kamiya Yuu 110260K 2022-07-20

Chapter 4 - 1÷2=Companionless

places in the world continued for near one year

hideout, while playing chess with ShuVi

the Dwarfs'

[Elf Alliance] became a solid force

had a good relationshi+p with, they allied with many

the Elfs created a ”Phantasma Slayer”, a really firm [Dwarf

But~ ill be troubling if it's forgotten is the greatest

the Flügels

from each other, this [coalition] clenched their fists and shook

carelessly lay their hands on the strongest God Artosh, the

The Deets, the

west archipelago

Ar but

----And, those are the speculations about the board's status,

The Russia continent is comically, in its first ”stay on watch”

The preparations are the bests, the workmanshi+p is steady, the

last hand

”Hey ShuVi, I asked you before, if there wasn't a God of

”You answered that if you fulfill the ”activation condition” it'll

”[Essence] acquisition the strength of, feelings,

When I asked before, the ansas that, it didn't exist

”The truth is, I 「saw the God of Games before」---- if I said that

”If Riku, believe it then ShuVi, believe”

”Riku, overturned all of ShuVi's, estimations if Riku says

「there is」 if Riku says that, the sky, isn't red, then it isn't


”Uwah~ This line right now if I let someone hear it I can boast

”That'sthat, aside”

while faltering ”Check-mate”

Towards the Riku who held his head with a bitter smile, ShuVi

”Eerm, excuse-me when you're in the middle of a talk that


”Oh, you caht moment Coron, hey, hey the talk

”Yes yes, thanks for the treat More importantly, the one that

Coron is reporting the current village---- no, the ”humans”

”It's unbelievable but---- just like Riku said, the reports about

Coron, who doesn't know of the reason, frowned her brows

”And so, after searching the northern part of Russia with

if we try to ht

”Don't worry Coron In just a little more, the world will

fear death”

Riku answered that while concentrating on the chess with

”Everything is going well If I and ShuVi play the last hand----

”Hey, enough with the jokes Riku do you understand your

Coron was treer show in her


alive!! If you go out with that body, you will die!!?”

and answered


about your own body----!”

he had no choice and once again examined the state of his

First----the entire body was bandaged

haven't healed, the skin of the entire body was contaminated,

Next is the internal organs' check a necrosis was barely

Ever since then a proper meal-like food is impossible but, at

Really, did a few elemental bones reach the blood? Some

minor injury

wait, blindness in one eye huh Well no big deal”

”The other [ghosts]too, are in a similar state, or even worse

like voice

already with a fully-wounded body ”


fleet, certainly, no one has died yet

Injection of poison, contah elemental bones,

[ghosts] played any hand

left ar the Demonia there would be

getting bitted by a Dha that was

-----Everything ”besides the life”----- that's why, Riku said as if

”Only one hand left Coron Overlook it----- And then the Great

----- I'll finally be able to forgiveto say

”Then at least, tell me”

”Inducing the Dwarfs---- even the Old Deus and re

think it's really incredible---- but end the Great War? No matter


sibling is that much untrustworthy!!?”

While Riku and ShuVi exchanged looks, tears fell into the

”Coron, if I didn't trust you----- if it wasn't you, I wouldn't


”What is it that the Gods are seeking and fight for----- you

After reacting a an

”The Throne of the Sole God, right If I'”

specific it see”

Riku stood up

---- By wishi+ng, being prayed to they obtain [essence] and then

”But they were born too

device] set for the sake of li the existences able to use


of all Old Deus, soht?”

With the infor it

”------ With the power of [ten], create power superior to

”As expected of Coron, it's☆ super☆ correct That's right; it's

It's an obvious story right---- The Sole God in other words is

Even if the ten Old Deus poured their powers and put it

only ten's worth of power

the power of the ten poured together, it's that kind of talk

”That's why-----it's fine if we just do this”

depths of his heart, Riku said, as if throwing out

would be the Sole God---- right?”

Destroy the [essence] of the other Old Deus, and take in the

By doing that I can dope h

But, in the end, Old Deus is soets born as much

Even if the last one standing kills everyone, he will be troubled

That's why if it rules with the Throne of Sole God-----[Star

”This, is the true identity of this worthless [Great War]”

”Howstupid!---- you mean that with such a reason, they're

With her shoulders treer, Coron yelled as if

”Coron watch your words It's rude towards the idiots

(which means both idiot and stupid): Coron calls them ”baka”

While saying that as if wanting to heal the mood, Riku touched

amazed face

materialize” ”--------eh?”

Riku played with the [Black King] with the palm of the hand


The power flow of all creation In other words, born from the

As if supple Riku's words, ShuVi continued

pass through the elemental circuit, and, are created”

With one sigh, Riku reht about it---

After hearing the talk about the main cause of the war between

his mind

He said the conclusion that was so obvious, that at the time it

”Coin ”the

That's why----- he announced to Coron, whose eyes were

Riku picked up the [Black King], and headed towards the map-

And set it right in the center Our, the [ghosts]'s---- victory

”------If the star (game board) is destroyed, the [Star Grail] will


pointed towards the floor, and continued

Source is pierced, the expelled poill overcome the power

”Manifestation, is, 10-46 square seconds destruction,

”If----- the [Star Grail]is obtained and the star is immediately

Riku and ShuVi aligned, and announced together, to Coron


fro up from her stupor,

Coron finally noticed, once it entered her vision----- the force

It can't be It can't be, it can't be, it can't be!!

objective was a complete collision of the full forces!?”

incredible smile

won't do a stalemate”

Each other's certainly destruction----- The stalemate situation is

other then both sides will be destroyed

the option of not laying their hands

there just for the killing, will definitely ignite the spark

----That will be, a manifestation of war never seen before, born

---- It eddon[Decisive Battle]---- towards the

”But that firepower---- won't head towards anyone” Once

”In the [Decisive Battle's Stage] we prepared, the Eensweg that

directivity of every power and make all the power head

----- What the [ghosts] risked everything besides the life to

be used in that place

exactly as necessary is------ thirty-two

elemental circuit, the materialized [Star Grail] will be taken by

because of that, that when it's over I want to ask the Gods you

And then with an obviously sarcastic smile----- he said with a

””Hey hey right no are you feeling?”---- like that”

By the hands of Riku and ShuVi----her prided little brother and

Moreover----without even a single one being killed Everything


creatures----- no, more like that would be the normal reaction

after getting the skin, the internal organs burnt, losing an eye's

Ending the ithout even one person being killed----for that

”That's why Coron, for just a little more, overlook it And

But, for Riku as laughing so fearless

only ShuVi noticed

”I, can'tIf we don't head out, for setting the Eensweg, right

While Riku was laid in the bed writhing in agony, ShuVi

He acted strong in front of Coron, but the truth was that

----For starters, even the contaminated skin burned by the


rather, originally, standing up was already irregular

start, so soon” ”but”

------Like always, s without hesitation

”That's, rightthen today I'll concentrate on recovering, let's


sleepingnot, slowing”

run through his entire body

andan effort to recover----can you hold my hand?”

the current ShuVi also understood that


”Hey, ShuVi”

”Thank you Without ShuVi, I wouldn't be able to do this”

”You're rightbut, even to this point, if ShuVi wasn't here I

----That's why, Riku said, while closing his eyes ”Thank you,

As she wondered if he got sleepy, Riku dropped his tone, while

”I really, love youfrom here ontoo”

bones tormented Riku, she wondered

breathing peacefully

But the decryption of the emotion [love]was still----

Not being able to answer that as surprisingly, incredibly

can't allow Riku to die

If he obtains the [Star Grail], that will be nothing but a fact

”Forgive, meRikuI'll be, backsoon” For now----she

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

the last eight Eenswegs, it'll be over

was correct

strongest powers crowding in this place, undoubtedly the [Land

Even though she got found out many times, she would ”pick

And in the tiot found, if Riku was

”It's, alrightonly eight settingsleft, and I'll be going home,

After that, she was prepared to be scolded by Riku as much as

She will definitely not allow Riku to die Only eight left----

”Oya~? If you keep staggering while walking like that---- you

----Reacting to the sudden voice co from above, ShuVi


Co data--- ShuVi looked at it with a calm face, while


Flügel--- Final Unit [Jibril]

I never thought that it would come the day where I would order

An attack against an Ex-Machina to a race is a taboo If I act

”<question>---- What business does the Flügel have with ExMachina?”

was painfully being used as an act

”Yes~ the head of a Ex-Machina is, how surprisingly!!! Now

As if troubled, Jibril continued while wriggling her body

laying a hand on a Ex- Machina was made into a taboo, and it

rarity becaher, and now it's a Platinum Head!”

intend to turn hostile against this machine, then I shall execute

But with those words, Jibril's lips raised and answered ”---

-----------Did shein her

about that, Jibril continued

100km on all directions So then ould the Ex-Machina

to move alone? That piques my interest~ also----” And, Jibril

”If you're ”alone”, then I wonder if it can be that now you can't

judge that it's a chance for me to take the rare trophy, your

ShuVi once again thought without letting it show in her voice--

Between all the Flügels, it just had to be the most irrational and

choice but to recognize that it was just like Riku said, about

----To think that the first card she would pull, would be a

”Well then, I'll 'chop' your head, so please don't move

all for Ex-Machinas [Death] doesn't mean anythi---”

”----Yes? Did I hear it wrong?”

The <rule 2=””> Riku had decided ---- No one should be allowed

Also, following[Death]---- the fear of thinking that she ”will

”I don't want to, die I must, not---- die”

”This machine, had, its connection shut, off defective

----That's why

But ShuVi, didn't notice, that she made the worst possible

She didn't understood, the ”most ridiculous race's most

”How surprising! A machine that fears death!!? Not only that

off---a defective er


e-,everyone would get envious right!!”

lethal killing intent, ShuVi recognized the [Failure]

really shouldn't had let go of his hand----but

”Yes, please go ahead The result won't change, so~”

who looked ready to start co even now

killing, then----” ShuVi announced resolute

Target---- Flügel Jibril Battle power amount unknown ---

Self---- Ex-Machina Proofer[analysis Unit] Full capacity is

Unit]'s output

the cluster--- Machine connection inexistent

thousand four hundred and fifty one available for operating in

Calculating probability of winning----Absolutely none But----

In the Probability Theory, there's no[zero]----

<lossen>----” (TL Note: dutch for “reading” and “unload”,

Deploying all the weapons she could at the same time----ShuVi

”----All aries

”Oya? Ex-Machina should be a race able of analyzing and

But towards ShuVi's battle declaration, Jibril answered, while

”By any chance did youkill soh? This is an

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

chance of being victorious, that was the conclusion ShuVi

All deployed arh concentrated

If a nor----for example an elf was to even

elements compressed, and---

”Volatilization”----the moment it started, ShuVi disappeared

A super acceleration, reached by granting directivity and a

explosive elee amount of

contah the physics wall

can't use ic”

Movement---- but


and circled around her, Jibril scorned

light blade that destroyed mountains, but

----There's no way I could think that

(TL Note: In dutch it would be soht

She pointed the ultra-high concentrated elements from the

couldn't be defended against, and volatilized it----in other

That power that overco without any

By elih concentrated elemental

on the surface of the layer



you really aren't a ion, huh”

bones contas,

while unpleasantly co on it

nevertheless, even though they were born with the ic of

ic, were to make direct contact with their materialized