Vol 4 Epilogue (2/2)
happy, relaxing volume -
That hat I had planned, so how did it turn out like this?
“I had heard originally that this was going to have a cheery, relaxing plot, so
why is the first draft over four hundred players long? I personally really want
you to explain this ht out of the X-Files”
Yes, the truth about this entire affair is actually even deeper than the
Gutenberg” (TL note: A layer located between the earth’s mantle and core)
Do you want to know?
“Even deeper than the earth’s mantle? Spit it out then”
I’ll be honest
Wasn’t it because soa with
my wife?
Because of that, I ended up spending one week of each
a artist
“Ehabout that”
Also it was because I took up one of the series my previous editor S sent
Over here there isn’t ,
but just as I was rushi+ng to finish the volume up my typewriter broke, and as I
was going to get a new one I was run over by a car that smashed my bones
to bits, but luckily since I was short on cash my insurance helped my purse
quite a bit so never mind
“Is that all?”
The problem is after that, because my lead editor completely messed up my
work progression, wanting me to work on three volumes, and due to the
process of dividing the workload being rather complicated, I was at my limit
just writing half a volume
So it becaes, but since it’s half a volume the structure of
the story began to have proble the story
lacking a climax -
Thus, I began pondering and editing the structure of the story with regards to
So? Did this explanation reach the Guten-whatever?”
“It’s the Gutenberg, how should I put it, um – thank you for your hard work
♥ “
Yeah, the situation could be mostly attributed to 「Human error」, so please
say a feords about this incident ♥
“To think that such devilish editors exist what a horrifying working
Yes, to think that a devil could say such words with a straight face how
scary (tre voice)
- Never mind, I won’t mention human error for now, but actually a lot of
other things happened that I just didn’t write down
Such as diabetes, I was scolded byjust
fro out to eat yakitori once
- But just let me say this, all this isn’t made up
“Kao for an exorcism!”
I already have!
I went to Meiji Shrine before I got cancer
I visited Fushi+ot cancer
This year I went to visit Kawashi+ka Daishi+ But all this still happened anyway
If I hadn’t been to visit all these places, I ht even be on the other side of
the Sanzu River by now (TL note: All the places above are places significant
to japanese Buddhist beliefs Sanzu River is a river that traditionally divides
the border between life and death)
Ah, but at the end of the year I went to check my bank book only to see that
it had only the number 「0」written on it, I don’t even have money to pay the
ferryman across the river what happens if I don’t pay him? WillI come
back to life?
“No, I don’t think those sort of lifelines exist”
Fine – just like that, I’llstop here
The content of this volu)
But this is also approaching a sprint – the plot of this series entered its climax
in the previous volume, so to surpass it! I willsprint forward even faster, so
please support -
“Ah, Kamiya-sensei, Kamiya-sensei”
Huh? Ah, I’ to finish this up
“The editor of Alive is here to rush you, is your storyboard draft completed
“And the special volume and the script for a booklet ofsome project, and
don’t forget – huh? Kamiya-sensei? Hey~ are you still there?”
1 ↑ In japanese tradition, architecturalspaces designed to be used for
tea ceres are known as chashi+tsu (茶室,
literally ”tea rooms”)
2 ↑ -kou (公) is a suffix generally used for lords at governmental
3 ↑ Four of a kind plus a joker (wild card)
4 ↑ To execute an extremely unsuspected or well-planned out trick that
others do not know is upon them until it is too late
5 ↑ In the original text, her body laid on the floor shaped like the kanji
character, 大
6 ↑ Translated as Miko’s home in Volume 3, Chapter 4 巫社, read as
Mikoja, literally means Miko’s Shrine, and is adapted from神社
(jinja/shi+nto shrine) which is where realjapanese mikos reside in
7 ↑ A girl who has already reached adulthood (18 years old) but retains
the looks of a loli
8 ↑ A popular dating sim, see here
9 ↑ Over-Powered
10 ↑ See enwikipediaorg/wiki/Hanten
11 ↑ TL note: Originalreads 光精, fits with the anime translation Spirits
are basically Disboard chakra? Edits welcome
12 ↑ TL note: enwikipediaorg/wiki/Thalassotherapy
13 ↑ TL note: Whoa! There goes gravity Whoa! There goes Rabbit, he
choked, OK this isn’t funny
14 ↑ TL note:Cthulhu are evil beings created by American writer HP
Lovecraft in his Cthulhu Mythos They signify ‘water’ CL note: They
look like mutant octopuses
15 ↑ TL note: Toki simulator
Probably censored for fear of… copyright issues
16 ↑ TL note: Time for some explanation In the “Tokimeki Memorial”
series of dating siames by Konami, there is a well-known
cheat that sets all the player’s stats to 573 if they change their names to
Konamiman Konami in japanese is pronounced the same way as 573
However, this affects negative stats as well, like susceptibility to
injuries, things like that Since the game they’re in is presumably based
on it, this cheat should work as well
17 ↑ TL note:In the popular light novel/a/anime series “I Have Few
Friends/Boku ha Toa Sukunai”, the character Mikazuki
Yozora changes another character, Sena Kashi+wazki’s username in a
dating simulator to Kashi+wazaki Semoponume
18 ↑ TL note: Yoshi+o Saotome is one of the characters in the very first
edition of Tokimeki Memorial His role is to provide the player with
info on the girls, phone numbers, blood type, hobbies, etc
19 ↑ TL note: Another character from the first edition of TokiMemo Rei
Ijuuin is at first introduced to the player as a guy but halfway through
the gairl It’s a trap!
20 ↑ TL note:Riajuu – japanese word for so his/her
real-world life to the fullest Think this term was used way back in
Volume 1 or 2
21 ↑ TL note: TokiMeen, of course
22 ↑ Tokimeki MemorialReference School name derived from Tokimeki
Memorial Online
23 ↑ TL note: Well, Katou Taka is a japanese porn star You don’t want
to knohat I had to go through to find that out
24 ↑ TL note: Abdomen is an approximation For the accurate term:”Gut”
Gut enwikipediaorg/wiki/Dantian
25 ↑ TL note: Go-home club ie no clubs Go home
26 ↑ TL note: That was a line froen TokiMemo
characters, Fujisaki shi+ori
27 ↑ TL note: Ah Boame ie
TokiMeirls but only has
high affections with solected ones will have “bomb”
icons and will begin to spread bad ru the
player’s relationshi+ps This forces careful planning/dating
28 ↑ TL note:烈立铁in Chinese, edits welcome
29 ↑ TL note: Elchean?