Part 11 (1/2)
h.e.l.l, this craving is scary.
Every nerve in my body is on end, wanting to absorb him, and I can't stop my heart from wanting the same. As he moves his hand between my legs, his fingers run along my thighs, and I don't freeze like I would if anyone ever came close to touching my thighs. I'm too busy kissing him, flying on the cloud he is providing for me. Which, again, is wrong. I promised I'd never let my guard down with anyone ever again, but I left that sucker outside apparently, because his hands are all over me and I'm not stopping him.
I'm urging him for more.
He moves his big, strong hand along my center, and his breath is harsh against my jaw, matching mine. I feel his knees come up against my back, and that confuses me until he pushes me back, my head hitting his s.h.i.+ns softly as his mouth trails down the center of my body. He licks along my belly b.u.t.ton, and my body tenses up as my arms dangle above my head. When he pushes me farther up his legs, I almost freak out, until his hands take ahold of my thighs and he buries his face between them.
Crying out, I jerk up but he has me pinned, only my upper half jerking and thras.h.i.+ng beneath that torturous mouth. He doesn't open me up. He tongues my lips as if his mouth is playing hide-and-seek with the bundle of nerves that has to the potential to send me into oblivion. When he finds it, my cries are loud and obnoxious as I writhe against his legs. He doesn't stop, though. He's relentless, his mouth on one mission, a mission I very much like.
He slides one finger inside of me, and I take ahold of my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, squeezing them as I gasp, my body squeezing him in turn. ”So f.u.c.king tight,” he says, his voice almost teasing. ”How many people have you been with?”
”Really?” I gasp. ”That's really a question you need to know the answer to right now?”
Instead of answering me, he takes my c.l.i.t between his teeth, causing me to scream. Lifting up, I slide my fingers into his hair, squeezing to make him stop. He doesn't, though. There is no way he's only slept with seven people. How does he know that things like this drive girls mad?
”Seven people? I don't believe you've only slept with that few,” I accuse and he laughs against my p.u.s.s.y.
”I slept with a much older lady the last time,” he whispers against my lips. ”I learned a few tricks.”
Well, thank G.o.d for that lady! I am having no problems reaping the benefits.
”Now, answer me.”
He bites again, not hard, but enough to send me arching against his mouth. ”Fine! Four people.”
”Mmm,” he says, curving his tongue along my c.l.i.t ever so slowly. Gasping for air, I want to know why that matters, but really, nothing matters. Lying back on his legs, I dangle as he tortures me in the most perfect way. I squeeze my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, as some kind of leverage, I guess, and his name falls from my lips more than once. It fuels him, I notice, makes him go faster, and I don't know how much more I can handle.
When his finger starts to move in and out of me, I'm a goner. It's as if I'm in an ejector seat, flying through the sky. My release rocks me to my soul. As I tremble, he holds me, still ruthlessly licking me to the point I'm sitting up and curving my body over his head, hoping to make him stop. I bite into his back, and he cries out against my p.u.s.s.y. But then he is chuckling, his hands gripping me tightly. I don't know why, but I laugh too, leaning back and meeting his heated gaze.
”I can't get enough,” he whispers as his finger trails up my belly to my breast, swirling around my t.i.t. ”You taste like Momma's apple pie.”
”I love apple pie,” I admit and he grins.
”Me too.” He winks before reaching up and opening the drawer again. There must be a spotlight or something because the whole room is illuminated and I'm able to watch him as he sheaths himself. He goes to roll us over, but I don't want that. I want to please him, the way he has me. Directing him inside of me, I slide down his thighs until he is fully inside me.
I swear it's like his c.o.c.k is in my throat, he fills me so completely.
Groaning against my neck, he squeezes my hips with his fingers and we don't move. Both of us are adjusting to the tight fit and the overwhelming burst of pleasure from it. He is perfect. I swear it. And when he slowly moves me up the length of him like I weigh nothing, and then brings me back down, my plan of pleasing him is gone, and I'm his toy.
He can do whatever he wants.
And he does.
Soon, his rhythm picks up, each thrust deeper and more fulfilling. I feel on top of the world. My face is flushed and hot, my body the same, but I don't care. I just want more. I feel it building, I feel everything tightening up, and I'm going to let go. His body is smoldering against mine, everything is so taut, my chest is hurting from my heart wanting to come out. And s.h.i.+t, I can't take any more...but then he stops. Opening my eyes, I meet his heated gaze.
”s.h.i.+t, you okay?” he asks, his eyes full of worry. ”I'm not hurting you?”
I shake my head, confused. ”What?”
”You look pained,” he says and I smile.
”No, it's f.u.c.king good,” I breathe, and he grins before leaning over to take my bottom lip in between his teeth. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I grip his shoulders as he starts to slam back into me once more. The springs of the trampoline have to be helping because his thrusts become harder and deeper each time, building. It's not long before I'm pressing my nose to his, crying out as my o.r.g.a.s.m rocks my body once more.
”Jace,” I sob just as his fingers grip into my skin, his own breath coming out hard and harsh.
”Yeah, baby, I'm here,” he groans, rocking into me, his c.o.c.k throbbing inside my body.
To my surprise, his release causes mine to last longer, and my body shakes hard against his. It's so good as we still, a tangled mess of legs and arms. There is no way I'm moving. Seconds turn into minutes as we catch our breaths, staring into each other's eyes. Still, I refuse to move. Thankfully, he moves first, lying back and taking me with him. I fall to the spot beside him, right where I started, as he pulls the condom off and throws it in the trash, never leaving my side. That could come off as very player-ish, but the trash can is literally right beside us. I may not know him, but I do.
In a sense.
A sense I can't explain.
But also, a sense that could lead to something I don't want.
No reason to even think of that right now.
Not when I'm cuddling.
With Jace Sinclair.
I'm not a hundred percent sure what just happened.
An hour ago, I thought I was about to have mindless, fun s.e.x with some hot-a.s.s chick.
Now, I guess that is what I did, but... Why does it feel like it was something so much more?
I look over at her, and she looks so small in my arms. But she also feels like she belongs in my arms. She meets my gaze with a sleepy grin, and I smile back as I suck in a deep breath. Soon, I find myself channeling my inner Jayden. I want to start saying some sweet, corny bulls.h.i.+t about real love and feeling so connected that I can't ever let her go, but that can't be true. This was s.e.x-fun, raunchy s.e.x-that's all. So I swallow those thoughts back down quickly before they escape and I verbally vomit all over her.
But f.u.c.k, she makes it tough to swallow.
Reaching up, she runs her fingers along my jaw, her eyes on mine as she works her bottom lip. She does that a lot. Especially when she's thinking. ”I'm dead.”
My face breaks into a grin as I nod slowly. ”That's one way to put it.”
”Do we have to get up right now? Isn't that the way one-night stands work?”
I shrug. I've never actually had a true one-night stand, and I refuse to give more truth to her statement about my not being a player, so I say, ”We can do whatever we want.”
”What do you want to do?”
”Nothing but lie here with you.”
The side of her mouth quirks as she moves her finger along my lips. ”Don't get attached.”
”Wouldn't dare,” I say. But it's a lie.
I would dare. h.e.l.l, she could double dare me and I would do it. I don't know why, but this girl has me in knots. f.u.c.ked-up knots that I don't want or need right now. She was spot-on when she said this wasn't in my plans. I had a motto, a slogan for how I wanted this year to go: Leave my heart on the bench and f.u.c.k until I can't see straight. Or something like that. This girl is making me want to put my heart in the game and throw all caution to the wind.
It's so cliched, but I can't help it.