Part 29 (1/2)

je dus faire le trajet, 'I must have covered the ground.'

Page 83.

10. le coup de l'etrier, 'the stirrup-cup.' A gla.s.s of liquor given in the Highlands to a guest on leaving, when his feet are already in the stirrups. It is sometimes called the 'parting cup,'

or in the north of the Highlands 'the cup at the door.'

12. et me voila courant, 'and I started to run.'

a perdre haleine: see note, p. 99 l. 12.

15. pourvu que: see note, p. 15 l. 30.

17. conduisit: remember that to 'take' a person somewhere is _conduire_ or _mener_, not _prendre_.

19. louche, 'of doubtful reputation.'

Page 84.

8. a faire pleurer: see note, p. 70 l. 11.

11. la ripaille devait chauffer, 'the revelry must have reached its climax.'

12. toutes grandes, 'quite wide.' When is the adverb _tout_ variable?

19. riaient a se tordre, 'were splitting with laughter'; see note, p. 70 l. 11.

25. fort a propos: see note, p. 55 l. 31.

Page 85.

14. devaient etre, 'must have been.'

15. auditoire, 'audience'; the French _audience_='official reception,'

e.g. _le roi lui a donne audience_.

18. des zouaves: the Zouaves are a body of French infantry serving in Algeria. They are famous for their fearless courage.

19. la partie perdue, 'the game was up.'

25. ayons l'il, Roger, et en avant la grands scene! 'come, Roger, bestir yourself; now is the time for the grand scene.'

Page 86.

3. se roulait: same meaning as _riait a se tordre_.

7. avait fait expres d'envoyer..., 'had purposely sent...'

18. me mit hors de moi, 'enraged me.'

24. je n'y tins plus: see note, p. 57 l. 5.