Part 8 (1/2)

If no table is available, a goods box may be turned on its side, the top covered with oilcloth, and a frae The inside of the box may be used as a closet in which to store tools and iven to the whole by a curtain of denim or other plain, heavy material


One of theillustrations for stories, historical events, and similar topics in which the relations between people and places is i out such illustrations The conditions under which they are made, the time to be devoted to the work, the importance of the subject, all affect both the nature and the quality of the work Any material which lends itself to the purpose should be called into service

Theseveral problems as actually worked out by children

[Illustration: FIG 46--A horade Columbia, Missouri]

(1) =Story of Columbus=--_First Grade_

_Materials Used_--Paper for cutting and folding, twigs for forests, acorns for tents, large piece of glass for ocean

_Details of Illustration_--The piece of glass was imbedded in sand in the middle of the table; one end of the table represented Spain, the other, America The representation of Spain included:

”Castles in Spain” being large houses withand queen lived They were cut fros and queens and the friends of Mr Colus and queens were distinguished by royal purple robes and golden crowns and necklaces, produced by the use of colored crayon

The three shi+ps made from folded paper In one of them sat Mr


Fishes, of paper, inhabited the hollow space underneath the glass

The forest pris of trees set very close together On pulling apart the leaves and peering into the depths of this forest, one found it inhabited by bears and other wild beasts, also cut froe of acorn tents set up in a little clearing on the shore

Flags--The Spanish region was identified by a Spanish flag, while the stars and stripes waved above the Indian village

_Values_--The project being on the level of the children's experience, they worked freely and with intense interest The characters in the story were all very real to them They literally swar the figures about as they told the story over and over again Mr Columbus sailed across the sea many times

Many boats wereto the preference of the htful fear ”lest a bear get ested the several days of Coluhts of Kentucky Fourth grade

Columbia, Missouri]

[Illustration: FIG 48--How Cedric becarade

Coluar carade class They enjoyed the green grass, though it suggests an overlate season]

Several discrepancies existed which are mentioned here because they troubled some overconscientious visitors The stars and stripes did not come into existence until centuries after Colue which he found But chronology does not trouble the first grader very ”

are ideas which are developing together And when he is singing, ”Columbus sailed across the sea, To find a land for you andsymbol in his representation of that land The wild animals which infested the sand-table forest are not all mentioned in the histories as found on San Salvador, but they did exist in the child's idea of the wild country which the whitetruthfully expressed their ideas, the teacher had a basis from which to develop, correct, and emphasize such points as were of real importance, while the unimportant features would fade out for lack of emphasis

[Illustration: FIG 50--A western cattle ranch]