Part 7 (1/2)

[Illustration: FIG 40--Detail of chicken fence]

_To th, and decide upon distance between posts Make boards of thin strips of wood or of pasteboard Nail boards to posts with tacks or sood exercise in

_Rail fences_ may be made from toothpicks or burnt matches

_Picket fence_ for the dooryard may be e fence_ should be s serve well

_Chicken fence_ may be cut frothwise Cut across the fold as indicated by arrows

Stretch lengthwise as shown in Fig 40, _a_ and _b_

=Buildings=--The class should decide on the buildings needed Each building should be assigned to a group of two or three workers Each group should be held responsible for its contribution and should work out its problem with as little help as possible If the children are able to plan a barn and h it is a very crude affair,structure had been made after plans, dictated and closely supervised by the teacher

_Wood_ is the best building eneral use

_Pasteboard_ serves well, but it is less substantial It is also harder to cut and paste heavy cardboard than it is to saw and nail thin wood

_Clay_ s which are commonly made of concrete

=Stock=--The different kinds of animals needed on the farm and the number of each will furnish profitable subject matter for class discussion The animals may be modeled froe in proportion to the acreage of the farm, attention should be directed to the relative proportions between horses and hogs, cattle and sheep Differences of this sort do not trouble little people, as their work is sure to show The point should be stressed only sufficiently to help them to see a little more clearly and express their ideas a little more adequately each time they try The accuracy of the result is important only as an index that the children are steadily developing in power to see and do, and gaining self-reliance

_The Modeling Process_--The best in_, and, for exaood a horse as possible; then discuss the results, note a few serious defects, and try again, endeavoring to correct theeneral proportions of the aniinners are apt to waste ti of the clay, in e the tendency to finish the details of a horse's head, for example, before the body has been modeled Repeat the process as often as time and the interest of the children warrant, but be satisfied if the children are doing the best they can, even though the results are crude and not so good as some other class has produced The children should always feel that the work is their own

For this reason the teacher's help in clay h de touches to the child's work

I the teacher model a better horse than he canto be especially avoided is the atteree of excellence according to adult standards Such an ideal encourages the giving of help in a hich hinders real developh it may produce immediate results

=Trees=--This topic will call out a discussion of the uses of trees; which trees are shade trees, which are cultivated for their fruit, the distinguishi+ng characteristics of the different varieties, and the ones best suited to this particular fars from the real tree should be used wherever possible In other cases the trees reen paper is not at hand, use drawing paper and color with crayons A realistic effect is gained by cutting the tree fro 41) Cut three pieces for each tree and paste together at the fold, then open out Make the trunk long enough to be driven an inch or more into the sand

[Illustration: FIG 41--Detail of paper tree]

Theof the trees will furnish material for both art and nature study lessons As far as circu the children first-hand experience whether it be much or little They should test the trees they cut by co them with real trees of the same variety If this is impossible, the best pictures available should be used (See notes on paper cutting)

=Crops=--When the various parts of the farm are about ready, the fields may be sown The sand should be made very wet before the seed is put in and sprinkled frequently (twice a day), as the top dries off very quickly

After the seeds have ger need be done, as the roots will find enough moisture in the wet sand underneath, and it is desirable to retard rather than hasten growth If carefully reen for several weeks