8 P.A.s Symphony (2/2)
I can take the steps which lead to Kyo's happiness.
I can have closure and provide closure.
I shrugged away Kyo and Trigman who were still holding me and pushed the door inside.
”Priscilla, I'm sorry for everything I have done!” I shouted while I closed my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt the air getting denser around me. There was no murmur going on. There was no body to kick me out.
There was nothing happening!
I slowly opened my eyes and saw three individuals in the room.
Harman, Priscilla's manager.
Priscilla herself, gawking at me.
Priscilla's make-up artist, Person A.
”Do you know no constrains or sense of consideration?” I heard the voice coming from behind me. It was Cline speaking.
He shrugged off Mapalla's hand and walked into the room and closed the door behind him.
Now, there were four other individuals in the room other than me, whereas I only preferred one of them.
I turned to Cline, ”Can my friends come in?”
Cline flung his arms in the air and chuckled before saying, ”I am not the boss here. You came here to achieve something I can not care about, and the person you need is right in front of you. I mean, not me. Turn around and she is the one with black leather jacket and navy jeans on.”
I will kill you later Cline.
The rotation of my head was not complete when Priscilla said, ”Ho… You came to meet me? How… unpleasant.”
I guess she was done with my surprise visit and was back to her usual snarky attitude.
”H-Uh-Hey, Priscilla. Long time-”
”Only my friends call me Priscilla, and you miss, are no friend.”
”How about an acquaintance?” was I trying to piss her off?
”I would not accept you even as a face in the crowd. Not after you left ME alone in the crowd.”
”And now look at the irony of life. I am here in the country I don't belong, only for the sake of pleasing the crowd.”
The last part was said in such monotone it scared the pants off me.
She slowly stood up and picked up the glass vase standing on the table in the middle of the room.
Then she started taking slow steps towards me. Cline, who was standing behind me, moved to the side. Harman and Person A tried to restrict Priscilla from what she was implying to do.
In the matter of seconds, Priscilla was at an arm's length from me.
From the second she stood up to the moment she was in my face, I didn't hear a word. Only muffles.
During that span, Harman tried to convince Cline to restrict Priscilla. Person A also was shouting at P.A. to keep her emotions in check. The door behind me was also getting knocked furiously.
When did Cline bolt it?
I didn't have too much time to delve on those things, because in front of me was a straight up dangerous face of Priscilla.
I forgot to mention, P.A. was taller than me. I am 5'7”. She is 5'11”. In short, she was literally looking down on me.
Priscilla raised her arm in which she clenched the vase. All the water splashed on the ground and flowers landed at her feet. She rested the vase next to my left cheek and said,” You're sorry? For what, Ms. Madonna House? You are the one who gave me this life, right. And you got what you needed. Me being happy. Well guess what, I am very happy.” She was speaking ever slowly, but it was more haunting than, well, anything.
I felt a little pee tricking down my pants. It was not the first time she had done something like this, and I didn't want it to be my last time either.
All the screams around me were still very much like silence. The pop of the crowd going crazy didn't reach my ears. The loud knock behind me didn't hit my eardrums.
Only Priscilla was audible, and that was the worst-case scenario.
She lifted her other arm and put it on my throat. I did grab her arm with both my hands to prevent a strangle, but she used it to push me against the wall. there, while I was pinned, she continued to speak, ”I know you are wondering why I am not shedding a tear. Because you are here. And I would die before I shed a tear in front of you. However, I will thank you to make me so stoic.”
Saying that, she raised the arm with the vase over my head.
My eyes were stuck on that arm, and I had no strength to move or struggle.
Had I given up on the effort to save myself. Is my guilt heavier than her vendetta?
Priscilla moved her head to the side and shouted, ”Well, THANK YOU FOR NOTHING!”
All I saw in that moment was the vase coming down with force and crashing against my head while it shattered into million pieces.
I was still in her clutch, but her grip was losing strength. I did hear the glass shattering, but I didn't feel any pain. There was no hole in my head, and it was not pouring any blood out.
I twitched my eyes and opened them to look at the stunned faces of everyone standing in the background.
The shattered glass was resting over my shoulder, as the vase was busted next to my ear.
I was okay.
Wait, no I wasn't.
My body was trembling as I was standing on my tiptoes. Priscilla's clutch may have loosened up against my neck, but my hands were holding onto her arm very tightly. When she let me on the ground proper, I lost my grip and fell on the ground, still shaking. I crumbled up in a ball, and sobbed ever so slightly, not to let my voice reach Priscilla's ears.
I needed my friends. I needed Kyo. I needed a new pair of pants.
”Hah, be thankful I am such a benevolent person. I had my life in your hands, a second before, I had your life in mine. Guess that makes us even.”
Priscilla turned around to face her staff when I heard a loud sound.
”There is no way you have lost your humility and humanity at the same time. You are here to entertain people, not grossing them out. Thank god there is no media or press backstage, because this would tear your straight face persona apart.”
Herman was saying all these things after slapping her across the face. ”Go take a stroll, you will be going on the stage in ten minutes.”
”But I am supposed to be the last act of the show!” Priscilla resisted. ”I cant be the one performing right after the kick-offs. I am the main event.”
The knocking on the front door was still ever loud.
”You will be allowed to perform for last fifteen minutes before the show wraps up. Now, go calm your mind, I will talk to BIG O about this.”
Priscilla crunched her teeth in anger but could do nothing. She picked the bottle of beer from the table and opened the door, where the knocking trio stood in her way, restless and agitated to find me.
”Hey, superstar, where is our-” Trigman was in the middle of the sentence when Priscilla punched him in the face. That did disperse them and opened a way for her to walk away.
Mapalla started tending to clobbered Trigman, while Kyo ran inside the room to find me laying on the ground.
”MAD!” she exclaimed as she lowered herself on the ground to tend to me. She came near me and picked my head and put it in her lap. I grabbed the fabric off her jacket and dug my face into it.
Kyo looked at Herman for answers. Herman took a deep breath and told the others to get out of the room.
After Cline and Person A marched out, she turned back to Kyo and said, ”Take this room. Let her and your friends rest. Nobody will be disturbing you guys for a while. If you need any refreshments, go to the stalls you passed on your way here.” She looked around the room and dug into Priscilla's handbag to take out an old looking microphone. She put it into her own handbag and walked out.
Trigman was making Mapalla bear his body weight when they walked inside the room. They looked at me laying on the floor and came near me to calm me down.
Kyo was running her soft hands in my hair while saying, ”Mad, everything would be alright. Stop crying.”
But, how could I? I was terrified of what had happened, and what was about to follow.
The last sound heard was not of Kyo's voice, but of the show's MC saying, ”…gracing the stage, it's P.A.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
”I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry......….” I kept repeating that phrase over and over again before into sleep.