8 P.A.s Symphony (1/2)

My Yuri Harem Opinionhooman 62610K 2022-07-20

The warm air was replaced by dry wind. All the orange horizons were covered by the clouds which descended from the sky. The time of peeling skin and dark patches was back. As the world would say, it was the fall season. As Indians, it was Pre-Winter.

The walls are made of concrete, and the only method to resist this attack of chilly wind was to close all ventilation points in the house, take the three-layered cotton blanket out, and bury yourself under it. For going out purposes, never forget the woolen clothes, small muffler, heavy jacket, undersized toupee and skin-tight leggings under the oversized pants. That is how I would be going to work for the next six or so months.

So long heels, welcome back sneakers.

It was mid-November, and the chilly attack was in full force. I was sitting at the dinner table on a Saturday, and Kyo was working in the kitchen. We had decided to eat pakoras with hot tea today as our lunch. I was hearing the occasional hissing of hot oil when the contents were slipped into them. I had my laptop on, with P.A.'s tour dates flashing in my face, thanks to HipHopDX.

I had already jotted down the dates of her shows, so now I was looking at the lineup and reception of the previous ones. I had already planned the travel route and discussed with Kyo. I made an excuse for the occasion in case P.A. didn't want to meet me. If things don't work out in Mumbai, we will chase her to New Delhi. If that plan foils too, we will not leave her until the show in Chandigarh.

After that, I would have to spend my savings to travel to China if I had to chase her. I had the ability to follow her trace only for the first three shows in China.

I guess there is a way to turn away.

No, No. I'm not going to turn away before facing my first hurdle. Third or fourth hurdle sounds legit.

I had received the backstage passes a week before, so I gave Kyo's share to her. When she asked how we would travel to China, I said I would ask Trigman and Mapalla's help.

I have covered all my bases. Now what awaits is November 22nd.

Thinking all that, I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes, and my legs were still shaking.

Was it cold?

Was it fear?

Was it cold, again?

Was it the loud thump of music?

We stood in front of Mumbai Entertainment Plaza, a stadium that had the capacity of 62,000 individuals (I checked it on Google).

Trigman, Mapalla, Me and Kyo.

Hand in hand, with backstage passes hanging in our necks, we wore P.A.'s merchandise a straw hat for effects.

Three of the four individuals were smiling from ear to ear.

”How long has it been? Priscilla has definitely grown up to command such a crowd.” Mapalla was proud of P.A.

”It's not about commanding them, its about controlling them!” Trigman corrected him.

”I bet you want to control me in bed, don't you?” Mapalla's eyes were shining like stars.

”I'm controlling my urge to punch you in the face.” Trigman's glee was gone.

I was crunching my teeth and shaking in my skin.

Today was the day.

November 22.

The big day.

And I was on the brink of wussing out.

Kyo's one hand was held by Trigman who was bickering with Mapalla once again, and another one was shaking furiously due to my nervousness.

”Eh he he. Mad, are you Okay. Do you want to go home?”

”Yes, please.” I said in an instant.

”NO!” I guess Trigman and Mapalla do agree on something, because they exclaimed the word in sync.

”Let's at least meet P.A., we have come here anyways. Let's have a good time.” Kyo looked at me while wearing her ever-charming smile. It calmed my nerves and I stabilized my limbs.

Heh! I let out a big breath and smiled at the group of idiots holding their hands.

”Let's go!”

It was a rowdy crowd present on that day. It was not surprising because not much international talent came to India for live performance. Therefore, people were eating up the excitement they had when they saw their favorite act on the stage. All I could hear was the bass thumping in the background and my stomach growling once again.

The three stooges had left me at one of the eating booths while they were exploring the location. I guess they were looking for the way to go backstage. I was leaning against the pole while I was staring blankly at the stage. The bass thumps were hitting my eardrums and made me wonder if I would pass out by music at a goddamn music concert?

While I was contemplating on the thoughts of passing out, I felt my phone vibrating against my butt. I took it out and the text message flashed on the screen. It was Trigman.

'We found the way to backstage. Some guy named Cline met us on the way. We're coming to get you.'

Ah, I didn't want to meet Cline so soon in the concert. Probably after my conversation with P.A., but not in the beginning.

Since I could do nothing much about it, I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket again.

It was barely three minutes that I had received the text message, when I saw four individuals walking towards me. It was the four stooges.

”Hey Madonna.” Cline said in a demanding tone.

”Hey, Cline” I replied in a tired tone.

”You don't seem well. How about you turn around and go home? For once, think about your friend and not yourself.”

Unfortunately for Cline, my gut pain was gone when I heard those things.

I marched towards him, cocked my right arm back, and delivered a five-knuckle sandwich across his face.


While grunting, Cline fell on his back while he had his hand on his right cheek.

”You Goddamn Wrench-”

”Not one more word, Cline. Don't forget what your place is. I am not a pushover like your wife. I am a street grown bitch, and the hours you put in the gym would not build a guard strong enough to save you. Say one more thing about me and something more would be on the way.”

Somehow, my rage was loud enough to be audible for people around us.

Mapalla started helping the fallen guy and Trigman held my shoulder so as I don't go berserk on Cline.

”Let's go, big guy. Guide the way and don't open your mouth.” Mapalla said.

The party started marching towards the backstage with Trigman and Kyo holding each of my hands.

”Mad, why such an overreaction to something which is not even that degrading?”

”Unfortunately, you will find out why.” I replied exasperatingly.

We climbed up a flight of stairs and opened the door at the end. As soon as we entered, we were exposed to a different kind of crowd. This one was also rowdy and loud, but for different reasons. It was a crowd full of executives and staff of the venue as well as individual acts. People walking left and right, it was an image corresponding to a busy market on a weekend.

We stepped inside the hallway and turned right. After walking for probably three hundred meters, we reached some rooms with names outside.

The Green Rooms.

We were taking slow steps in the direction so that we could read the names outside of each door.

There were four rooms on each side, with the live stage three hundred feet from the last room.

I looked to the right and read all the names.


On the left, I confirmed four more names.


Third room in the left.

If I enter the room, I can start mending my past.